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Then when you will create audio track. Press B to open Track Timeline (if you don’t find it, search for it in Start Menu).

After that you will find default Audio Track and there is green plus icon on your track.

Click on that and then click on OK.

You will found another screen where you will see tracks in tab.

Click on (+). Then select Audio Track and click on OK.

That’s all. Just cut and paste files into the default audio track.

You need an audio editing software that you can use to cut, paste, edit and mix. We use Audacity.
So, this is it. We hope you have liked this article. If you want to more articles like this then subscribe us on our email list to get blog alerts.
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Grab the source code from an ipython notebook

I was wondering if there is a way to grab the source of an interactive notebook?
I know it is possible to grab the source of an ipython script, but i couldnt find a way to do it for a notebook or in the case of a shell.
The reason i want this is that ive been running python in a ipython notebook for years and all these years i have been accidently copying and pasting code from websites, which is of course nice, but it would be better to grab the source from the notebook (and of course it is the same as the script)


If you go to a cell that starts with a # it will show you the raw notebook source. As you can see, the cell starts with a backtick, so you need to escape that.


Use the notebook magic %cpydoc![pseudocode][snip] to pull it out. The output looks like this:

# here are the raw cell contents. Use the %cpydoc magic to display it.
# See :ref:`here ` for more information on these
# cell contents. Note that these are not converted to
# output until the cell is executed!

The cell gives the raw cell content, including any styling. The

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