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[Radiography of the knee in osteo-arthritis].
Osteoarthritis is characterized by the loss of cartilage, which results in joint destruction. Radiography is the most useful imaging modality in patients with osteoarthritis. Knee radiography is a standard procedure for the assessment of knee osteoarthritis. It should include measurement of the mechanical axis, joint space widths, and osteophytes. Radiographic grading is based on the severity of joint changes such as sclerosis, osteophytes, joint space narrowing, bony cyst, subchondral sclerosis, or joint-space attrition. Radiographic changes can be assessed by the Kellgren and Lawrence Score (Kellgren and Lawrence, J Bone Joint Surg 1946; 28: 1264-9), revised at the 2010 Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) radiographic atlas. This article discusses the use of knee radiography in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with knee osteoarthritis, and also provides some practical recommendations for its use in clinical practice.A/N: Hey all! I just wanted to make sure this chapter wouldn’t take as long as it did, so I thought I’d give a quick summary before people get too antsy.

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The Perks of Being an Asshole

Raven awoke before the alarm, the queen’s hand silencing her. Being the queen’s serving girl, she was always up before sunrise, even though she slept through the rest of the night. It had been that way since she was old enough to remember.

The morning was starting off nice, though, despite the rain. Raven rolled out of bed and trudged to the bathroom, the constant warm drizzle refreshing her skin and reminding her it was summer. She relished in the time she’d get to spend in the palace without running into her mother, who seemed to have a never-ending list of things she needed to do for the day.


The thought of a free day was why she was up so early. Normally she’d have been working, but she’d left that behind her last year. When the queen had been captured by the Fairies and sent to the storm king, she’d

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We report a case of intrahepatic cholestasis caused by lung cancer with metastasis to the liver. A 60-year-old female patient with an abnormal shadow of the right lung on chest X-ray was referred to our hospital for investigation of the cause of her liver dysfunction. A chest computed tomography revealed a 2.5-cm mass in the right middle lobe of the lung. Based on these findings, a diagnosis of lung cancer with metastasis to the liver was made, and liver biopsy was performed to confirm the diagnosis. Histopathological examination revealed the

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