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The new fantasy action RPG is based on the detailed lore of the long-running MMORPG, Elden Ring Online (LRON), where you explore the fantasy world of Berth, a joint venture between Kadenze Entertainment Inc. and EPOS, Co., Ltd., headquartered in Japan. The players of LRON will enjoy experiencing a complete new gameplay created based on this charming story.

• Episode 1
Episode 2
“A Void,”
Episode 3
“A Blood Red Dragon,”
Episode 4
“The Golden Labyrinth,”
Episode 5
“The Red Riding Hood,”
Episode 6
“The White Princess,”
Episode 7
“The Game Master,”
Episode 8
“A Thousand White Roses,”
Episode 9
“The Sangheili Empire,”
Episode 10
“The Storming of the Towers,”
Episode 11
“The Snail Hunt”

In addition to the previous listed episodes, the story progresses with 8 more installments due for release. Be sure to look forward to the full experience of the tale!



Episode 1-1
An elven thief named Falcon Heart has been hired by the Guild of Thieves to find the Elder Sage Gynod, who is believed to hold the key to the secrets of the White Temple. From here, a rich history is revealed.

Episode 1-2
In this episode, Falcon Heart and the guild members who serve him grow into the legends of this land, which is split between the wilds and the human cities.

Episode 1-3
As the members of the guild grow in power, Falcon Heart’s quest becomes shrouded in violence as he faces the expectations of the city, the master of the Guild of Thieves, and those who stand in his way.

Episode 1-4
In this episode, the invasion of the White Temple by the Grey Knights is revealed and the once-reliable Falcon Heart makes some very painful decisions about the guild.

Episode 1-5
Tattered and suffering from the tragic mistake of the previous episode, the Guild of Thieves must begin the journey to the White Temple once again.

Episode 1-6
In this final episode, a tale of two guilds’ dreams of power and a love for the Elder Sage is revealed.

“A Void”

Episode 2-1


Elden Ring Features Key:

  • Recommended for Players 13 and Up
  • Estimated length for players 13 and Up: 30+ hours
  • Recommended for Players 13 and Up
  • Estimated length: 2+ hours
  • Other features:

    • “Big World” Visuals.
    • An original concept!
    • Player-run Guilds.
    • Real Role Play.
    • Deep and dynamic customizations, through which you can freely combine weapons, armors, and magic items.
    • Active development.

    The App Store is a delivery system for Apps developed with Unreal Engine, such as Deer Run, and new native items will be continuously submitted for review in the “New Releases” section of the App Store.

    Virtual Reality: Real Farming in a brand new farming life simulator!
    Deer Run is an unprecedented farming life simulator that allows you to handle your own farms and beasts. Authentic farming life simulator with detailed farm management, unique creature interaction, and thousands of combinations of activities.
    Manage multiple farms belonging to you and your allies, manage/corporate animals and create wild and unusual jobs.
    ‘Pilgrimage/Passing’: Play as your farm and beast through one year. Pick up pets and adventures with your real money.
    ‘Log Summit’: Experience life in multiple worlds through multiple cities. Use your monsters and farm to colonize the land. Experience farming life through multiple worlds where the whole thing is up to your adventures.
    ‘Wild Embassy’: Various friendly monsters coming into your farm and becoming part of your farm, with different levels of boss monsters. Hundreds of plants and herbs to breed and sell in the store. Customer feedback and skill progression to collect and use.
    Other features:
    A huge font and UI interface to enable vision-impaired users to fully enjoy the game.
    ‘Tons of Animals’ and ‘Lots of Cooking’ to promote farmers’ life.
    ‘New Job’ to cultivate daily necessities in line with farming life.
    ‘Custonized Pack’ to increase monster capability.
    ‘Cowboys & Cowgirls’ to


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    ・If you want action RPG that isn’t overbearing, you’re gonna love this game, regardless of whether it’s a Kickstarter or not.

    -Examiner, Published 16 Dec 2017

    The game is superbly crafted and deep, and provides a great deal of fun while doing so. If you’re a fan of the genre, you’ll want to try this game right away. It has a lot of fun things to do, and it’s a fantastic accomplishment even if it was a Kickstarter. If you’re a fan of action RPG, you’ll really enjoy the game.

    The graphics are great. It looks beautiful with amazing character models and animation. If you’re a fan of 3D console RPG games, you should definitely check this game out.

    Overall, a lot of fun. If you’re a fan of RPG and 3D console RPGs, you should definitely give this game a try. It’s a great achievement even if it was a Kickstarter. If you’re a fan of The Old Republic, you’ll really enjoy it.

    As usual, if you like more of a hardcore, complex RPG experience, you will be left wanting more. But if you like some “pick up and play” action, you’ll really enjoy The Elden Ring, even if it was a Kickstarter.


    -The Verdict

    The story and characters were already known. The gameplay was what excited me, and it was great. The combat is fast and entertaining. I really enjoyed exploring and learning the lore of the game. I had a lot of fun with this game.

    This game has been successful in the long run. The story was already known, but the gameplay really worked well. This game is a winner.

    I really enjoyed my time with this game. I really enjoyed the gameplay, and the story was really enjoyable. I really enjoyed the action in the game, and everything worked well together. The graphics were great. I loved everything about this game. The only thing that was missing for me was the music. I liked the music, but it was a bit too quiet for me.

    I don’t want to tell you what to expect in The Elden Ring, but if you’re


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    ■ What are the best picks for the Combat Character Build in the Equip Menu?
    Combat Character Build Menu
    In this menu, you can select one of three types of combat stances which can be selected by using the right or left stick and pressing LB, RB, LT, or RT. There are eight different types of stances you can switch to:
    – Martial Stance
    – Magic Stance
    – Dark Stance
    – Fire Stance
    – Fire/Blast Stance
    – Strength Stance
    – Ranged Attack Stance
    – Magic/Blast Stance

    ■ What are the best picks for the Magic Character Build in the Equip Menu?
    Magic Character Build Menu
    In this menu, you can select one of three types of magic spells which can be selected by using the right or left stick and pressing LB, RB, LT, or RT. There are eight different types of stances you can switch to:
    – Spell I Stance
    – Spell II Stance
    – Spell III Stance
    – Bodyguard Stance
    – Attack I Stance
    – Attack II Stance
    – Shield I Stance
    – Shield II Stance
    – Bonus I Stance
    – Bonus II Stance

    ■ What are the best picks for the Equipment Stance in the Equip Menu?
    Equipment Stance
    In this menu, you can select one of three types of weapons which can be selected by using the right or left stick and pressing LB, RB, LT, or RT. There are eight different types of stances you can switch to:
    – Combat Stance
    – Magic Stance
    – Dark Stance
    – Fire Stance
    – Fire/Blast Stance
    – Strength Stance
    – Ranged Attack Stance
    – Magic/Blast Stance

    ■ What are the best picks for the Personal Stance in the Equipment Menu?
    Personal Stance
    In this menu, you can select one of three types of armor which can be selected by using the right or left stick and pressing LB, RB, LT, or RT. There are eight different types of stances you can switch to:
    – Ranged Stance
    – Melee Stance
    – Block Stance
    – Ranged Block Stance
    – Missile Stance
    – Bonus Stance
    – Shield Stance
    – Monster Slayer Stance

    ■ What are the best picks for the Equipment Menu?
    Equipment Menu
    In this menu, you can


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    My Quest to Paint the Next Monet (or Wu Bing)

    I lived in France for eight years in my youth, so when a friend asked me what part of France I would most like to visit, I listed all the cliché places like the Loire Valley or the Dordogne. I even put Bordeaux in there, even though I’ve never been there. I’d never seen the Pyrenees or the Brittany coastline. So when I was writing my first book, the one I was asked to co-write with my daughter, I didn’t mention those places because I wanted to be unique. I wanted to do something I’d never done before. I wanted to paint the next Frans Hoek.

    Yes, there are Frans Hoek paintings out there, but I wanted to paint the next Frans Hoek — the next Frans Hoek that will be written about in museums and put up for auction. I wanted to paint the next Frans Hoek so that I could get paid to do so.

    The project took four years of living in New York City. I sent my husband, Jonathan, and my daughter to New York on a research mission while I stayed behind to paint. When I was finished, my husband and daughter were gone. Jonathan was in Europe. I was alone, posing models for my paintings. But my days with the models were not joyless. They’d worked hard, I’d worked hard, and the money we made selling my paintings was good.

    Jonathan and I talked often, on Skype and on the phone. He met me in New York and in New Jersey so that we could evaluate my paintings. He met me for dinner and to spend time together. He helped me to balance my time between the two cities in which I lived. He was in agreement with all my decisions — including my eventual decision to sell my paintings.

    Jonathan and I co-wrote my first book, and I was pleased with the finished product. At the same time, he was working to sell our book to publishers. In the year between writing my book and his, I had to put my paintings into storage and — on paper — sell my book. Was I worried about money? Yes. But life was going to happen, and it was going to be good.

    The money I made selling the paintings was the first time I ever made a major decision with the expectation of receiving money


    How To Crack:

  • Unzip and install
  • Turn off the browser and wait for about 30 seconds
  • Install the mods as stated
  • turn on the browser and wait for about 15 seconds
  • press [ Start ] and Login
  • Conclusion & Info:

    THE NEW FANTASY ACTION RPG will soon update and the earliest beta release will be released on May 16th, 2019 and follow a patch approximately 2 weeks following the end of the beta. To be notified of updates please join our Discord server.

    to become the strongest

    To go to the next zone!

    Welcome to the server

    Console and step into your destiny
    March 11th 2019 Server Update v2.1


    System Requirements For Elden Ring:

    * Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP SP3, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 SP2
    * Processor: Intel Core i3, Core i5, or Core i7
    * RAM: 1 GB
    * Graphics: NVIDIA CUDA 1.3 or AMD Stream
    * DirectX: Version 10
    This is a free software/demo game.
    If you like this game, please give us a positive review on Google Play.A lot of time has been spent on climate, and climate


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