Reverse HTTP Starter Crack [Latest-2022] 👉







Reverse HTTP Starter Crack + License Keygen Free [32|64bit] [Latest-2022]

■ The program starts at logon and runs periodically at intervals set in preferences. Reverse HTTP Starter can scan a single path or multiple paths for URLS. It can also check for keywords in the url text. Reverse HTTP Starter will periodically check a URL for keywords, open the URL and will check if it is already opened and running. If not, it will launch the URL. It can also launch batch files, executable files on the remote host, or SSH client. Reverse HTTP Starter can also connect to a local or remote directory by using SSH (SSH_TUNNELING).
■ AutoStart: A local or remote directory can be added to the URL to automatically start the program when it is started.
■ Help File: The Help file is local to the program, and will appear next to the file list and when run from the command line. The Help file contains help for the program and contains a list of keywords to check.
■ Background:
If you are using Windows XP or later, the program can be made to run as a background task. The program will still be able to check the local or remote file path and keywords you have added. When it has finished checking the local or remote file, it will be closed so that the program will not be “dragged” on the task bar.
■ Additional Info:
Registry Key:
■ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ReverseHTTPStarter
Key name: Command
Default value:\r\c Reverse HTTP Starter.exe
■ Advanced Keywords:
■ Word Anywhere:
Any word (with no ” characters) anywhere in the URL text will be checked for keywords.
■ Space Anywhere:
Any space characters (the same as the AND condition) anywhere in the URL text will be checked for keywords.
■ “!”:
Any! character anywhere in the URL text will be checked for keywords.
■ And:
The AND condition of the 2 keywords to check must be used.
■ OR:
The OR condition of the 2 keywords to check must be used.
■ Current Keyword:
A string of characters can be selected from a predefined set of keywords (words) to check for. The keywords used in the program will be loaded into memory from the program’s configuration file when run.

Reverse HTTP Starter Crack + Free Download [Win/Mac]

Reverse HTTP Starter – if a keyword is found, a corresponding batch (*.bat) or executable (*.exe) file is run locally on your computer – usually to perform a certain task.
Of what use is this? Well, if you want a certain application or script to be performed on a remote computer only when you want, then all you need to do, is upload a text file (or marker) to the URL and once this program checks it for keywords, the task will be run on your remote machine (the same one as, ‘Reverse HTTP Starter’ is running on).
Reverse HTTP Starter connects to the URL ( of a text file checking it for keywords at specified intervals.
Of course, this means you will need to have access to a web server where you can upload the text file. A good example where this program comes in handy is when using an application such as VNC. If your workplace is behind a firewall and you need to control your work PC from home, you will usually need to establish a’reverse’ connection for it to work.
This means that the listening daemon runs on your home computer but the connection is initiated from the work PC. How are you going to initiate the connection if you’re not at work? Using, ‘Reverse HTTP Starter’, you just keep the program running in your system tray at work and have it periodically (say, every 180 seconds) check your HTTP server for a marker (the text file).
When it finds the keyword(s), it executes the batch file(s) you have specified, which in turn starts an SSH client for port tunnelling (like Putty) and the VNC Viewer. So, you are able to use your work computer from home, even though it is behind a corporate firewall.
RHS continues checking the URL at the specified intervals until you stop it so it will constantly be on the lookout for your,’signal’. There are also many other uses of this program. You can get it do just about anything on your computer, ‘at will’ by checking with your HTTP server that is available to you from anywhere in the world.
What’s New in This Release:
■ Autostart, Uninstall and Offline Help
Reverse HTTP Starter Description:
Reverse HTTP Starter – if a keyword is found, a corresponding batch (*.bat) or executable (*.exe) file is run locally on your computer – usually to perform a certain

Reverse HTTP Starter Crack Activation Code With Keygen Download [32|64bit] [Latest 2022]

A Reverse HTTP Starter allows you to add URL’s to a local text file, and simply starts the program on your computer when you press the Start button. Those same URL’s will be checked regularly for new content. This program uses the Python libraries urllib, random and urllib2 to read and write to remote servers.

What’s New in the Reverse HTTP Starter?

■ Reverse HTTP Starter autostart to listen for the signal, and if present, launch the remote executable or batch file on the same computer. Now, listen for the signal from anywhere in the world using the newly-added autostart feature (also known as “One-time autoexecution at remote location”).
■ You can now have Reverse HTTP Starter uninstall itself.
■ Now you can easily track the offline help and you can install as a helper executable.
■ Show the offline documentation by right-clicking on the executable and selecting “Show Offline Help…”
■ You can easily uninstall Reverse HTTP Starter by right-clicking on the executable and selecting “Uninstall”.
■ Offline documentation is installed under documents folder.
■.NET Framework 4 (include.NET 4 and above required by Windows OS)
■ Run a HTTP Server (example: Apache)
■ Remotely executes a program or executes a batch file on the same computer
■ Remotely connects to any remote computer
■ Turns a local computer (for example, PC with a web server (Apache, IIS, etc.) into a Remote web server.
■ Allows you to remotely access a local computer and access the web site on it.
■ Has “one-time” autostart to run a program or execute a batch file on the same computer
■ If you don’t like the “one-time” autostart, you can use “Auto-restart at remote location” or “Autostart”
■ Has “offline” documentation
■ It allows you to keep a local copy of a remote program and execute it instead of making a remote connection.
■ Allow you to turn a local computer (for example, PC with a web server (Apache, IIS, etc.) into a Remote web server.
■ It allows you to remotely access a local computer and access the web site on it.
■ It has “one-time” autostart to run a program or execute a batch file on the same computer
■ If you don’t like the “one-time” autostart, you can use “Auto-restart at remote location” or “Autostart”
■ Has “offline” documentation

System Requirements:

You need a PC with minimum system requirements to run this mod. The low system requirements mean that this mod should run with no problems on low-end PCs, but the low system requirements do not mean that you should not expect a mod to run well on your system. You should expect heavy slowdown with an older PC or on a system with low processing power. If your PC is below the recommended system requirements, we suggest that you try running a lower resolution.
You also need a DVD-ROM drive or a CD-ROM drive. The optical drive is required because this mod uses

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