Conclusion For An Essay On Ww1













Conclusion For An Essay On Ww1


At the end of the First World War, Italy was riddled with chaos.n This disorder was caused primarily by the belief that Italy did not exist. The lack of faith in the historical future of the planet and the rejection of liberal, democratic values ​​leads to the mass representation of the Italian world as a kind of closed world, where an uncontrolled process of mutual extermination of people and animals takes place. It is quite typical for Italians to honor traditions, for which parental ties, family values ​​are very important, as well as the assessments recorded in the “code of honor” sMesaOvivien, morality, which consists of many codes, and which Italians consider the basis of their morality, in which everything depends on comrade, not from family and clan. Considering Italy as a state at a crossroads, S. Kalyuzhnik notes: “In the modern era, human civilization has become possible only thanks to a multitude of inventions that had an insoluble problem: … it is necessary to deprive people of freedom and the possibility of free choice in favor of existing as some kind of isolated system, where no one has the right to vote. Such a system is fundamentally unviable and will lead humanity to chaos. Several centuries ago, the Greeks received all this as a gift from pantheism, and, having received it, refused to use it. And today we find that we have lost this freedom and this gift freedom. As Karl Popper said in his time, science today is the crown of politics, and politics is the crown of philosophy” 32.
Logical reflections show that Italians are very susceptible to various kinds of delusions, which greatly affect the general background of their lives. So, for example, in the case of European integration, many Italians continue to have illusions that there is a certain order that other Europeans adhere to. Such an order, in their opinion, requires Italy to comply with certain conditions that would be beneficial for Europe, and therefore necessary for Italy. Thus, both in the issue of European integration, and in relations with Russia, and with the United States in Italy, there is an acute nostalgia for order and even some illusions about “some kind of holy spirit of Europe.”The Italian approach to solving international problems can generally be described as traditionalist. “Tradition” acts for the Italian as a “mother,” and he respects her, in some ways even worships her. The Italians say: “It is better to live in a small republic than to be too big a state.” However, they have absolutely no confidence in a free, democratic system, believing that



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