WebWatcher PC/Windows [2022] 🔎

WebWatcher is a small Java application that will help you keep an eye on interesting Web-pages. You register a list of URLs you want to monitor, and WebWatcher checks for changes whenever you ask it to, or at given intervals.
WebWatcher bases it’s monitoring on checksums. A page is said to be changed if the checksum generated for the page is different from when the page was last marked as seen by the user.









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A small sample application that helps you keep an eye on interesting Web pages. You register a list of URLs you want to monitor, and WebWatcher checks for changes whenever you ask it to, or at given intervals. To quickly make WebWatcher work, copy the jar to your Java SE/EE directory and run.

Currently WebWatcher monitors the following URLs:

For example, to change the interval of checksums to 10 seconds, run the following command:
java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=4015,server=y,suspend=n com.sf.webwatcher.WebWatcher

WebWatcher can monitor the following URLs:



You can monitor any URL with the exception of svn://*

For more information, see the WebWatcher page.

You can download the latest version of WebWatcher from:

Or by anonymous CVS from:

Also, you can have some fun watching the git repository:

Source Code:


Copyright 2003-2011, Sébastien Poitevin

All Rights Reserved.

See jar/README.txt for more information.


WebWatcher: A small utility that gives you an easy way to monitor interesting webpages.

jHttpDns: A library for Java handling DNS and HTTP.

log4j: A simple and flexible logging framework for Java.


WebWatcher Crack + License Key Full Download [Updated] 2022

Version 1.7. Free for all uses. No registration required. Runs on the Java platform.
WebWatcher is a free, open-source utility designed to monitor Web-pages for changes.
WebWatcher monitors pages or downloads from Web-sites that run on java based Web-servers. For example, J2EE web-apps, web-sites that run on the Sun Java System Web Server (such as Sun’s own WebLogic Server product). The most common use of WebWatcher is to monitor for changes to J2EE web-apps.
You can specify which URLs you want to monitor. You may also specify:

dynamic modification policies for pages.
how frequently to check.
expiration time for pages.

When WebWatcher finds changes, it reports a single change-status entry for each URL. The URL is given as URL. When a WebWatcher server is installed on a Web-site, you can use WebWatcher as a URL-based monitoring product. WebWatcher does not log changes, it reports them. Changes can be viewed by running a browser on the URL and it automatically reloads when the URL has changed.
Watch WebWatcher with the browser:
The following is the general URL for WebWatcher monitoring.

Note that you must run WebWatcher from a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that can access network ports, such as Sun JDK/JRE. Also note that the URL you enter must include an explicit /WebWatcher/ in the host field. The following is an example URL

You can also run WebWatcher from the command-line. The following command will start WebWatcher
java WebWatcher -J-Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -Djava.rmi.server.port=8989

You will see the following error message if you do not enter the hostname and the port number:
usage: java -classpath [options] [class [args]]

You can also start WebWatcher from Java Web start:


WebWatcher Crack Activator

A small Java app that uses webbrowser checksums to compare new pages
with previous pages. The check for changes is based on most
recently checked page. Changes in content are easily detected and
optionally logged.

The following checks are performed:

File (page) exists.
File (page) version is unchanged.
Web browser displays page.
Web browser redirects to a URL different from the one that was
previously seen. New URL is logged.
Web browser connects to Web server; HTTP headers are received.
Web browser serves a page; response headers are received.
Web browser sends redirect to a URL different from the one that was previously seen.

Version: 1.23.0
Revision: c5c1f60f61aab75884ce8e2e09b46b8fe7f78c39
Revision Date: 2015-01-16

Revision: c5c1f60f61aab75884ce8e2e09b46b8fe7f78c39
Revision Date: 2015-01-16

Revision: c5c1f60f61aab75884ce8e2e09b46b8fe7f78c39
Revision Date: 2015-01-16

This revision is the first version of WebWatcher that is signed by a non-forge key. This will prevent malicious changes to the source code. See
WebWatcher – License for more information.

Revision: c5c1f60f61aab75884ce8e2e09b46b8fe7f78c39
Revision Date: 2015-01-16

Revision: c5c1f60f61aab75884ce8e2e09b46b8fe7f78c39
Revision Date: 2015-01-16

Revision: c5c1f60f61aab75884ce8e2e09b46b8fe7f78c39
Revision Date: 2015-01-16

Revision: c5c1f60f61aab75884ce8e2e09b46b8fe7f78c39
Revision Date: 2015-

What’s New In?

WebWatcher is designed to give you information about pages viewed in a web browser. It monitors the pages that you point it to, and only updates those pages. To use, point WebWatcher at a page that you would like to monitor, and then give the URL of the page in the configuration (URL) field. You can do this at any time when WebWatcher is installed, and WebWatcher will begin monitoring for changes. From then on, WebWatcher will periodically contact the page you pointed at, and if the page has changed, it will update the monitor.
It’s a simple application, but it will help you figure out if your pages are up or down.
WebWatcher Requirements:
WebWatcher is a standalone application that does not require any other applications to be installed on the computer you’re using. WebWatcher requires Java 7 or higher.
On Linux, WebWatcher uses libproxy. This may not be installed by default on Linux systems. If you can’t find it, you can get it here:
WebWatcher has had reports of problems under Mac OS X. This may be due to variations in Apple’s Java 7 implementation, or it may be due to a bug in the Java runtimes. You’ll need to check if your Java installation is working as expected (including installing updates, and updating your Java version), and if you’re using Mac OS X Lion, you may need to install the Java update that Apple pushes out for Mac OS X Lion.
WebWatcher Installation:
To install WebWatcher:
Download the latest version of WebWatcher here. If you’re using Linux or Mac OS X, you will most likely find that you already have everything you need on your computer. If you need to install some parts of Java, here are links to all of them:


System Requirements:

* Graphics:
* OS: Windows XP or higher.
* RAM: 64 MB of RAM is recommended.
* DirectX: 8.0
* Hard Disk Space: ~1.2 GB
* CD-ROM: This game does not have an audio CD.
*The following parameters can be changed:
* Timer: Select the number of timer counts you wish to allow before an attack.
* Range: Increase the maximum range of the target.
* Mission: Select the mission this weapon


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