KoroIRC Crack Free Download [Mac/Win]







KoroIRC Crack+ For Windows (2022)

KoroIRC is a small and free Windows IRC client that is inspired from mIRC, X-Chat and HydraIRC. The setup file is about ~600k, yet the program retains full functionality, so it can be said that the design goals have been respected. So it is both small and very useful. Here are some key features of “KoroIRC”: Core features: ■ Allows to save all connection info as identity files for quick and easy retrieval when needed. ■ Support for Passive DCC and DCC64. ■ Supports IPv6 on Windows XP and greater if installed. ■ Integrated Ident server with random default ident option. ■ Fully supports UTF-8 in server and DCC chat connections. ■ Priority-based anti-flood system. GUI features: ■ Lower pane shows running DCC’s and highlighted messages and notices. ■ Away system and Winamp song detection/control integrated. ■ Log as ANSI, Unicode, UTF-8 text or even XHTML (with colors!) ■ Every event color can be selected separately (not only from a set of 16 colors like in mIRC) ■ Put a background image in text windows, and control it’s tiling, anchoring, repeating and colorization. It’s also possible to use the desktop wallpaper. Requirements: ■ Requires COMCTL32.DLL version 5.80 or higher. ■ Requires Service Pack 6 and Internet Explorer 4.0. Changelog: 10 August 2009 Added new passive DCC and DCC64 options. Fixed crash problem on Windows XP with WMP. Fixed Polish bug that would prevent custom names from being saved. Fixed crash on DCC “disconnect”. Improved connect dialog. Fixed DCC “in/out” bug. Improved OTR support. Updated Ukrainian translation. Fixed bug that would crash on closing an information window. Fixed bug that would prevent some meta text from being translated. 15 August 2009 Port to Unicode. Added a new identity format “Koro IRC”. Added a new TrueType text background image viewer. Added code to enable/disable anti-flooding. Added a new command option “irc-mode” that allows to change the highlight color. Added a new command option “irc-style”

KoroIRC Activation Download

KoroIRC is the basis of the now abandoned project KoroCorp that was aimed at releasing a much, much more full-featured client that would be an only true alternative to mIRC, X-Chat and HydraIRC. While KoroCorp was released for free (the developers had hoped to attract enough testers and/or users to achieve self-sustainability), the devs of KoroIRC have approached the community to provide KoroIRC for free. For the initial release, KoroIRC will support only DCC and DCC64. However, this is just the beginning. While some users will be able to use it successfully, many, if not most, users of the client will find it very difficult to use. Support is currently provided in 5 languages: English, German, Spanish, French and Japanese. The client supports UTF-8 text and for international users, the GUI is designed with international (English) user friends in mind. WARNING! KoroIRC is quite unstable for the first few days! An upgrade of the program is strongly recommended! Information: Download: KoroIRC Uses: * Just the client itself, the current version is 1.34 Patch by Mikki “Feijue” Wischke (SDA) (25-Jul-2003)Updated version with new images for both the colored windows and the original desktop wallpaper… and hopefully fixed some obscure bugs! Download: PHP_FULL_VERSION_2.00_1.34.zip Star Online Forum (software) – ifrins ====== aaronblohowiak This would be much more interesting to me if it had embedded APIs. ~~~ jodrellblank Why? They have a site and a market and how good can their software really be until they can get a return on it? Edit: and that’s the same reason to use whatever they currently put out, unless you have a time and budget constraint. Q: How to strip unicode from a regex I’m matching a string that could be either a number or a word. For example: word1 word2 34 And I want to transform the string to be: word1 word2 34 I figured the following would work to strip out any unicode characters from my 2f7fe94e24

KoroIRC Download

KoroIRC is small and fast IRC client that takes full advantage of all the Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2000 graphical, remote control and file management features. If you are a Windows IRC user (you know what I am talking about) and you want to take advantage of all these features and still use an IRC client with a smaller footprint, KoroIRC is the right program for you. KoroIRC will benefit you in multiple ways. ■ In 99% of the cases it will require no other application than an Internet browser for remote configuration or control (including IRC, Telnet and FTP configurations). ■ It uses only 0.7% of the Windows system resources, so it requires only 0.3% of Windows memory. ■ Its footprint is about 10% of mIRC and about 25% of X-Chat. ■ Keyboard accessibility is enabled and set to work automatically. ■ KoroIRC will be easy to setup and easy to keep up-to-date and secure. Key Features: ■ Supports both IPv6 and IPv4 connections ■ Can save most information about every connection for speedy and easy retrieval ■ Includes all the technologies of “mIRC/X-Chat/Hydra”: ■ DCC/DCC6/DCC7 (Passive DCC) support (based on the mIRC/X-Chat/Hydra implementation, so only one protocol is ever used) ■ Status bar shows active DCC’s/highlighted messages/highlights all messages for easy identification ■ Automatic DCC joining for all available protocols. ■ Includes “Kora” and “Keepalive” support, so you can create networks that will automatically reconnect if you are inactive for a defined period. ■ Support for UTF-8 (Unicode) text in the servers and DCC chat connections. ■ HumanReadable logs in Text, ANSI, Unicode, UTF-8 and even XHTML. ■ Logs can be saved as images for quick and easy retrieval on any graphical file manager. ■ Includes the ability to sync the windows with the desktop wallpaper (using the background color of the text window) ■ Built-in ID lookup system that has the ability to spoof any ident the way you want. ■ It also supports random nicknames, so

What’s New in the KoroIRC?

■ Also known as “irc2x” due to its initials. ■ “korirc” is spoken in Puerto Rico when something goes wrong and nobody knows what. ■ “Koro” is a Nintendo-like island. ■ “irc” stands for Internet Relay Chat. ■ “IRC” stands for Internet Relay Chat. ■ This program supports two main specifications for client and server encoding: UTF-8, specified in [RFC 3629]. ■ “IRC2X” stands for “Internet Relay Client 2.0”. ■ “X-Chat” is the most popular IRC client. ■ “HydraIRC” is a GUI-based mIRC clone that is a great add-on to any mIRC user’s collection. ■ “mIRC” is a fast (fast as it’s not the only client I have), GUI-based IRC client. ■ “mIRC” stands for “Multi-Instance Relay Client”. ■ “mIRC” stands for “Multi-Instance Relay Client” ■ These three clients are just mIRC clients with different skin. ■ These clients are just mIRC clients with different skin. ■ These clients support the same features and the same IRC protocol. ■ These clients support the same features and the same IRC protocol. License: Copyright (C) 2001-2004, Borzal Kimia-i-Malekani, all rights reserved. Distributed under the GNU General Public License. Jul 26 02:01:09 xyz-geneas-default ~ UNHALFABULLAGELOCKED FILE SYSTEM Jul 26 02:02:03 qasdfg-geneas-default ~ Notification: Ubuntu 11.10 has been released Jul 26 02:02:03 qasdfg-geneas-default ~ (I have no idea why that happened -.-) Jul 26 02:02:03 qasdfg-geneas-default ~ Ubuntu 11.10 has been released. Jul 26 02:02:07 qasdfg-geneas-default ~ Ubuntu 11.10 is stable, at least when i tried it out. Jul 26 02:02:


System Requirements:

Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 Home or Professional. Processor: Pentium 3 GHz or higher Memory: 512 MB or higher (1 GB recommended). Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible graphic card, GeForce 6600 or higher, Radeon HD 2600 or higher, Intel GMA 950 or higher. Hard Drive: 1 GB or higher. DirectX: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. Network: Broadband internet connection Mouse: Any standard mouse Key


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