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When you need to play audio or video files in your Web site, you can use the MediaPlayer control. The MediaPlayer server control on an .aspx page is rendered as a Sys.UI.Silverlight.MediaPlayer client control in the HTML sent to the browser. You can interact with the MediaPlayer client control at runtime using ECMAScript (JavaScript).
The property settings for the MediaPlayer server control are sent to the MediaPlayer client control as initialization settings when that control is instantiated. The MediaSource property indicates the media file for the MediaPlayer control.
The player appearance can be represented through skins. The skin displayed is determined by the MediaSkinSource property. There are several MediaPlayer control properties that allow you to set the names of the client script functions to call at runtime when certain client events occur.
For example, the OnClientChapterStarted property indicates the client script function that is called at runtime when a new chapter starts during playback of a media file. The MediaPlayer server control inherits from the Silverlight control.
This provides Web pages with the MediaPlayer control some underlying Silverlight functionality automatically, such as detecting if the browser has the Silverlight plug-in installed and displaying a graphic that allows the user to download the required version of the Silverlight plug-in if it is not installed.
The MediaPlayer ASP.NET control inherits several properties from the Silverlight control that allow you to specify the name of a JavaScript function to call when certain client events occur on the Silverlight plug-in. For example, when the plug-in is resized, the JavaScript function whose name is indicated by the value of the OnPluginResized property runs.







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The MediaPlayer control is used to play audio, video, and multimedia files on Web pages. For example, you can use the control on a Web page to play an embedded audio or video file on a Web site. The control also enables you to create a video that includes captions or embedded still images.
You can play back a variety of media files. The Microsoft.NET Framework includes an implementation of the Industry Standard MIDIfile (ISMF) specification that can be played using the MediaPlayer control. To play media files that are stored on your server, you can use Windows Media Services (WMS), which is part of the.NET Framework.
You can use the MediaPlayer control to play sound files (usually a.wav file) from one of the following sources: an HTTP stream or a WMS server. The MediaPlayer control supports the following types of audio and video file formats:.avi,.mpg,.wav,.mp3,.flv, and.wmv.
When you play a.wav file in the MediaPlayer control, the control renders the Silverlight MediaPlayer control. When you use the MediaPlayer control in a Silverlight application, it is rendered as an ASP.NET MediaPlayer control in the HTML sent to the browser. The MediaPlayer control plays audio or video files in a Web browser.
In addition to playing back files, the MediaPlayer control provides two clientscript properties that enable you to detect changes to the current playing file. The OnClientChapterStarted client script function indicates the client script function that is called at runtime when a new chapter starts. When you use the OnClientChapterStarted property, the client script function is run when a new chapter begins during playback of the currently selected media file.
The OnClientMediaEnded client script function indicates the client script function that is called at runtime when the current media file is completed. When you use the OnClientMediaEnded property, the client script function is run when the currently playing media file is complete.
When you create a control that uses MediaPlayer, you can specify the client script function names for these events using the script attribute. For example, you can write:

You can then add a

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The client-side control represents the playback of media file. You can set the media file to play.
You can also set the media files in two ways.
You can pass the URL of a media file to the MediaPlayer server control. The MediaPlayer control plays the media file as soon as it receives the media file in response to the request.
You can also pass the name of a JavaScript function to call when the source property is set to a specific media file. The MediaPlayer control invokes the function when the source property is set to the value of the MediaSource property and the client script function is set to a specific value in the OnClientChapterStarted property.
The following example shows how to play a video file or an MP3 file in the MediaPlayer server control.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Play Video:
MediaPlayer1.MediaSource = “”;
//Play MP3:
MediaPlayer1.MediaSource = “mediaplayer.mp3”;

This example shows how to set the source property to the value of the MediaSource property when a video file or an MP3 file is played. The code to play the video file is shown in line 18. The code to play the MP3 file is shown in line 20.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Play Video:
MediaPlayer1.MediaSource = “”;
//Play MP3:
MediaPlayer1.MediaSource = “mediaplayer.mp3”;

This example shows how to specify a client script function name to be called when the source property is set to a specific


The MediaPlayer control is a server control that renders the Silverlight MediaPlayer client control for showing media files. It is part of Silverlight 2.0 for Web. The MediaPlayer control is available from the Toolbox for the System.Windows.Controls.MediaPlayer namespace.
The MediaPlayer control is a nested class of System.Windows.Controls.MediaPlayer, which is a class in the System.Windows.Controls.Media namespace. It inherits from the Silverlight control class, and the MediaPlayer server control is initialized as a System.Windows.Controls.MediaPlayer client control when it is rendered on an ASP.NET Web page.
There are properties on the MediaPlayer control, as defined on the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media namespace. You can use some of the properties, such as the VideoWidth and VideoHeight properties, to obtain the width and height of the video to be played with the MediaPlayer control. You can specify multiple files, such as multiple.mp4 files, that are played back simultaneously. You can specify a video output settings to control the video quality.
MediaPlayer properties:


CurrentVideoFile: Gets or sets the path of the current video being played with the MediaPlayer control. You can obtain this property using the Xna.Framework.Media.Application.CurrentVideoFile property. This property is of type string.
CurrentAudioFile: Gets or sets the path of the current audio being played with the MediaPlayer control. You can obtain this property using the Xna.Framework.Media.Application.CurrentAudioFile property. This property is of type string.
CurrentImageFile: Gets or sets the path of the current image being played with the MediaPlayer control. You can obtain this property using the Xna.Framework.Media.Application.CurrentImageFile property. This property is of type string.
CurrentVideoIndex: Gets or sets the current chapter that is being played with the MediaPlayer control. You can obtain this property using the Xna.Framework.Media.Application.CurrentVideoIndex property. This property is of type int.
PlaybackRate: Gets or sets the playback speed of the video. The value indicates the number of seconds that the video should be played for every second that is elapsed during playback. The default value is 1.
CanPauseOnCuePoint: Gets or sets a value indicating whether the MediaPlayer control can be paused on a cue point

What’s New In MediaPlayer?

A MediaPlayer server control embeds the Silverlight media player plug-in and renders the media player controls that allow playback of audio and video files. The MediaPlayer controls are rendered as a Sys.UI.Silverlight.MediaPlayer client control in the HTML sent to the browser.
When you need to play audio or video files in your Web site, you can use the MediaPlayer control. The MediaPlayer control is rendered as a Sys.UI.Silverlight.MediaPlayer client control in the HTML sent to the browser. You can interact with the MediaPlayer control at runtime using ECMAScript (JavaScript).
The property settings for the MediaPlayer server control are sent to the MediaPlayer client control as initialization settings when that control is instantiated. The MediaSource property indicates the media file for the MediaPlayer control.
The player appearance can be represented through skins. The skin displayed is determined by the MediaSkinSource property. There are several MediaPlayer control properties that allow you to set the names of the client script functions to call at runtime when certain client events occur.
For example, the OnClientChapterStarted property indicates the client script function that is called at runtime when a new chapter starts during playback of a media file. The MediaPlayer server control inherits from the Silverlight control.
This provides Web pages with the MediaPlayer control some underlying Silverlight functionality automatically, such as detecting if the browser has the Silverlight plug-in installed and displaying a graphic that allows the user to download the required version of the Silverlight plug-in if it is not installed.
The MediaPlayer ASP.NET control inherits several properties from the Silverlight control that allow you to specify the name of a JavaScript function to call when certain client events occur on the Silverlight plug-in. For example, when the plug-in is resized, the JavaScript function whose name is indicated by the value of the OnPluginResized property runs.

This is the code I have for it so far.

System Requirements For MediaPlayer:

Windows 7 and later Windows 10
OS X 10.10 and later
Android 4.4 or later
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