Roosl System Information [Mac/Win]

Roosl System Information will provide information about various system resources and usage statistics.
The monitor windows constantly display usage “thermometer” graphics and colors. The indicators constantly update (in about 1 second intervals) the current usage of each resource.
The most recent “high mark” is also shown. The color changes from green to yellow to red, depending on percentages of a low or high preset. The system monitor includes and starts a Disk Monitor.
Disk information includes:
■ Total capacity for all and each monitored drive
■ Current usage for each drive
Up to 6 drives are monitored in each disk monitor window. The system monitor will automatically start a disk monitor for each group of 1 to 6 drives. If a monitored disk is removed (such as a floppy or CD) while the monitor is running, it will display such, and simply stop monitoring that drive.
Each monitor window may be closed independently. You may resize the monitors and arrange them independently. They will automatically adjust their aspect ratio (width x height) to maintain the display, and will appear at the screen location and size they were when last used.
Here are some key features of “Roosl System Information”:
■ Windows “Up Time” (The actual date and time Windows was started are also displayed)
■ Windows version
■ CPU(s)
■ Total RAM
■ Total reserved Swap file
■ Display and resolution info
■ Usage of:
■ Total System Memory
■ Overall Memory Utilization
■ RAM Memory in use
■ Swap Space in use
■ Percentages of Free Resources


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■ Total capacity for all monitored disks
■ Current usage for all monitored disks
Up to 6 disks may be displayed per monitor window. The system monitor will automatically start a disk monitor for each group of 1 to 6 drives. If a monitored disk is removed (such as a floppy or CD) while the monitor is running, it will display such, and simply stop monitoring that drive.
■ Windows (version)
■ Time
■ CPU(s)
■ Memory(s)
■ Swap space
■ Disk(s)
■ Other
■ Percentages
■ CPU usage
■ RAM usage
■ Swap Space usage
■ Disk usage
■ Other
New! Memory Monitor:
Memory Monitor has been added to Roosl. In addition to showing the total memory on the computer, the Memory Monitor displays the amount in use (used up) and in reserve (free to use). It also shows the total memory in use divided by the total memory on the computer. This helps determine how efficient your memory is.
New! Disk Monitor:
Disk Monitor with Disk Manager, Windows To Go is included in the standard Roosl Pro version. The disk monitor shows how much total capacity for each drive is used, how much of that capacity is being used, and how much capacity is remaining. You may also delete drives, move them to another computer, or use the current drive.
To delete a drive, use the Admin Tool. To move a drive to another computer, select the drive in the monitor, select Edit, then Edit. Lastly, use the Properties, then Actions menu option to Move To or Copy To.
Currently available in version 0.6.
Here are some key features of the new Disk Monitor:
■ New: Total capacity for all monitored drives
■ New: Total capacity for all drives
■ New: Disk Usage for all drives
■ New: Free Capacity for all drives
■ New: Disk Capacity for all drives
■ New: Total Capacity Used for all drives
■ New: Total Capacity Used for all drives
■ New: Disk Capacity Used for all drives
■ New: Total Capacity Remaining for all drives
■ New: Total Capacity Remaining for all

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3. For the most recent system use see /var/log/syslog. Roosl System Information for the
latest information.
To use this disk monitor applet, you will first need to log into the system:
To start the disk monitor applet, you first need to run the command:
The system monitor window should open at the bottom of the screen.
2. Disk Monitor:
The active instance of Roosl System Information will be displayed in the upper right corner of the window, followed by a clock at the bottom of the screen.
At the top of the window, you should see the menu bar, as follows:
■ Disk monitor options
■ Display menu bar
■ Set volume
■ Reset volume
■ Volume control
■ Monitor Control
The monitor will also display the main menu bar at the top of the monitor window.
Each Disk Monitor window will display the Volume Control menu, which is configured using the View Menu. See the next section for how to configure the View menu.
NOTE: The Current Disk Monitor (running) is displayed in the upper right corner of the monitor window.
If you mouseover the top of the window, the current monitor’s name will be displayed.
NOTE: The active Disk Monitor window will not be automatically minimized when you are not using it.
When you minimize all monitors, there will be no current disk monitor.
3. Disk Monitor Options Menu:
The Disk Monitor Options menu is displayed by selecting this menu option. You may adjust the aspect ratio of the monitor (independent of the aspect ratio of the display) and change display preferences.
The menu bar of the current monitor’s window will be displayed in the lower portion of the monitor window, when a Disk Monitor is active.
The monitor window may also be closed independently by selecting the close icon in the top right of the window or by pressing Alt + F4.
4. Display:
The current monitor may be minimized to the tray icon.
You can also manually minimize a monitor by clicking the minimize icon in the top right of the monitor window.
If you have > 1 display, you can set any monitor to be the primary display. If the primary display is used, the other monitor(s) become (or make) secondary displays.
The monitor may be expanded or collapsed using this menu option.
5. Set volume:
A volume

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■ System software (or operating system) kernel version
■ OS level
■ OS level
■ OS level
■ Windows version
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Windows “Up Time” (The actual date and time Windows was started are also displayed)
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ C:\ Disk(s)
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Processor(s)
■ Total RAM
■ Total reserved Swap file
■ Display and resolution info
■ System software (or operating system) kernel version
■ System software (or operating system) kernel version
■ System software (or operating system)
■ System software (or operating system)
■ System software (or operating system)
■ System software (or operating system)
■ Available Disk Space
■ Windows version
■ Windows version
■ Windows version
■ Windows “Up Time” (The actual date and time Windows was started are also displayed)
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Windows “Up Time” (The actual date and time Windows was started are also displayed)
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk / Partition Table
■ Disk

What’s New in the?

■ The Status area is a high priority area, which will always stay on top, no matter what.
■ The system monitor displays 6 monitors (in a window), each displaying a selected disk, memory, CPU, and/or RAM usage. (As with other computer monitoring software, the Roosl System monitor displays a running menu indicator when you first start it.)
■ Each monitor is self-adjusting and resizing in order to accommodate the current display of the monitor.
■ If no Monitor is “Open”, or if no monitors are “Open”, the Status area is used as a “No Problem Area”. The rest of the screen will be “Inactive”.
■ In “Inactive” screen space and in “Status” screen space the indicators are grayed-out. This allows the Space on-screen in “Inactive” or “No Problem Area” areas to be used for other information.
■ Each monitor has a background color of green.
■ The system monitor may start a disk monitor, each monitor keeps track of its own data.
■ The system monitor does not change its window size or location, regardless of the size or location of other monitors.
■ The system monitor may be closed, or put in “inactive” mode (by clicking it twice), and it will always appear on top of any window, even if other monitors are in “inactive” mode.
■ The status area of the system monitor cannot be closed, or put in “inactive” mode.
■ When a monitor is closed, it will not show the status area of any other monitor, or of the system monitor (The monitor in the upper right corner).
■ The system monitor is not a taskbar.
■ The system monitor and the system status area are always on top of all monitors.
■ All monitors will show the label of the top (top-most) monitor, and the menu arrows of all monitors.
■ There is an indicator, “Resize to fill”. If this option is on, when you resize a monitor, the space on the screen will be divided into 2 or more areas:
■ The top area will be the size of the monitor, and the bottom area will be the area that will be filled with the monitor data.
■ The size of the monitor area in

System Requirements:

Supported OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (2.4 GHz or higher)
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible with a 512 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible with a 512 MB graphics card
Hard Disk: 4 GB available space
Input Device: Keyboard, Mouse
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