Portable MassMail Crack [32|64bit] 🥊







Portable MassMail Crack For PC 2022 [New]

Mail sent using this program will be marked as “sent” by its corresponding mail server even if the recipient did not receive it.
*** Big change from previous version ***
* MassMail now has a graphical interface *
* Mail List Management in the Options Menu *
* Added the option to Include the Addressee’s Name in the Subject Line of Mail *
* Added the option to open the output window from the main window *
* Allow the “Run” button to be enabled even when the output window is closed *
* You can set up unlimited mailing accounts that can send mail to as many email addresses as you require. *
* You can add as many addresses as you want by just clicking on the Main Window and then pressing the “Add a new address” button and then the OK button *
* Addresses can be added in the addressbook when the Main Window is open and the “Add a new address” button is pressed *
* Use of the “–” option at the end of a command will keep you in “silent” mode and not fire up the Main Window after the command has been entered *
* “–help” will print out the help screen *
* Included the ability to handle attachments as well as plain text messages as mailing attachments *
* Attachments can be posted directly to mail servers *
* Added a command line “silent” mode *
* Added ability to retain your entire message log in memory for easy reference later *
* You can select or copy mail from the message list *
* You can undo selection in all mail you copy from a list *
* You can add a new address to the main list *
* You can edit addresses within the main list by either double clicking on the list or clicking on the edit button next to the address *
* You can delete addresses within the main list by double clicking on the address or by clicking on the delete button next to the address *
* You can search in addresses list for either a word or multiple words *
* You can save addresses from the main list to a list file as needed *
* You can send mail with your main list as its attachments *
* You can select multiple addresses and copy them to a list file for mass mailing later *
* You can edit your main list and copy the edited list to a list file for later use *
* You can also copy the entire main list as needed *
* You can save the main list as

Portable MassMail Free Download (Updated 2022)

* MassMail utilises SMTP to send out a single e-mail to all recipients at once.

* The tool’s main features are the ability to attach (and optionally compress) a variety of files to a message, use multiple account creation to add multiple addresses, edit message headers, select messages to send out, and a silent mode.

* MassMail allows you to work with multi-format e-mail messages. Do you have some HTML files but no plain text files that you would like to add? No worries, just pick and choose which files to include and which not to use.

* MassMail contains an email queue system that allows you to run scripts that send out certain messages at specific intervals. Thus, if you have a newsletter you need to send out weekly, you can set up a directory of files and mass mail them at a specific time.

* MassMail uses SMTP to send out mail, which means it requires a registered SMTP server (like sendmail, or other mail server).

* MassMail uses an internal web server and supports both static and dynamic content. It can be used to display messages that are sent through it.

* If your mail is to be sent out through various Internet sites (or even if it’s to be sent out through multiple domains on a single site), you can set up the software to use login\passwords on each server when it sends the mail out.

* MassMail is a command line tool, so you can easily use it from the command line shell.

* MassMail includes a command line batch script so you can test the software’s functionality with a series of commands.


* FAT32 or NTFS (not NTFS only, it needs to support 4Gb and above) (if you’re sending a lot of attachments, you may want to go for a FAT32 format as it’s considerably smaller than NTFS)

* Linux or Mac OS X (Mac OS only right now)

* Perl 5.8 or later

* Zlib 1.1.2 or later (Zlib is used for file compression, which may be needed if your recipients have limitations in their mail programs)

Compiled Form:

* Win32 compiled and statically linked

* Linux compiled and statically linked

* Mac OS X compiled and statically linked (we haven’t tested with the recent versions, but our home page

Portable MassMail Crack +

Step 1: Set up each account

Log into the account you would like to use (if it is not currently set up).

Select Add an e-mail account in the navigation pane in the upper left corner.

On the Add E-mail Account screen, choose a username, password, and hostname. You can enter a domain in the IP address field if you have a well-defined domain name.

Step 2: Setup your first mailing

Select Mail at the top of the screen. Choose from the options below.

Message: Set the message that will be sent to the recipients.

Groups: Add or remove recipients from the list of recipients. You can add recipient addresses, or remove them, individually.

Subject: Change the subject of the email to something more appealing

Add: Select Add from the Subjects/Addresses menu to add another list of addresses to a mailing.

Edit: To make changes to the messages in a mailing, select the messages in the list and click Edit.

Delete: Click the trashcan icon to delete the current messages.

Step 3: Send the email

Finally, click Send to send the email. It will pop up a warning window if something goes wrong, so you can read the message and enter your password (if prompted) to make sure it works.
You can also mail in silent mode, which lets you send the mail without displaying any warning message.

At this point you’ve created your first mailing, and have added recipients to it. Now let’s add more mailings to this mailing.

Step 1: Add more mailings

Select Mail from the top menu. Select Add an e-mail account to add another account to your mailing.

Step 2: Setup your second mailing

Select Mail from the top menu. Choose from the options below.

Message: Set the message that will be sent to the recipients.

Groups: Add or remove recipients from the list of recipients. You can add recipient addresses, or remove them, individually.

Subject: Change the subject of the email to something more appealing

Add: Select Add from the Subjects/Addresses menu to add another list of addresses to a mailing.

Edit: To make changes to the messages in a mailing, select the messages in the list and click Edit.

Delete: Click the trashcan icon to delete the current messages.


What’s New in the?

What are you waiting for? You can email to multiple addresses for free. One account, unlimited addresses.
MassMail is a standard e-mail software application that’s been around for more than 20 years. In its heyday, it was used by millions of people to get their mass e-mails out every day.
What’s New in Portable MassMail?
Version 1.5.1:
Bug fix\security fixes.
Version 1.5:
– New configuration dialog\options\General\Emails property page\with a list of all the e-mail addresses in the application\reload features\etc
– New configuration dialog\options\HTML property page\with a list of all the HTML e-mail attributes\reload features\etc
– New configuration dialog\options\Attachments property page\with a list of all the attachment formats supported by the application\reload features\etc
– New command line action\opt\silent\ with a silent mode\includes the “-” for all of the old commands
o new commands\etc
– New configuration dialog\options\Email Addresses\*\* property page\with a list of all the all the email addresses in the application
– New configuration dialog\options\HTML Mail Attributes\*\* property page\with a list of all the HTML e-mail attributes\include HTML attributes\etc
– Added sending to html\body, plain\text only\etc options\from the HTML email attribute dialog
– New configuration dialog\options\Attachments property page\with a list of all the supported file formats\reload features\etc
– Added managing multiples from one dialog
– Added a fullscreen feature
– Added a fill form dialog\etc
– Improved command line action\opt\silent\ with silent mode
– Added a path to exe property page
– Bug fixes and other smaller changes
What are the new features\changes?
Version 1.4.0:
– New option\option name\portable\extract\to with a path to a directory where your attachments are to be extracted into
– Added a confirmation dialog to the command line action\opt\force\ with a confirmation for the attachment\etc options
– Bug fixes and other smaller changes
What’s New in Portable MassMail?
Version 1.2.0:
– The application now has support for.pst files, a popular format for Outlook 2010


System Requirements:

Average Hardware Requirements:
Windows 7/8/10
1.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
2 GB RAM (8 GB Recommended)
1 GB free space on hard disk
Mac OSX 10.9
2 GHz Dual Core Processor
Linux / UNIX-based OS:
Minimum Hardware Requirements:
Linux 4.5.1 (Kernel version), at least.
2 GB free space on hard disk


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