Drive Region Info Crack With Registration Code [Latest]









Drive Region Info Crack+ Full Version [Mac/Win]

Test the region setting by selecting the three (3)

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Drive Region Info Crack+ License Key


Drive Region Info With Serial Key Free Download

· Drive region: select one of 12 available regions.
· DVD drive: select one of the four available DVD drives.
· Interface name: select one of the six available interfaces.
· Firmware revision: select one of the two available firmware revisions.
Drive Region Info will display the drive speed, the firmware revision and a summary about region restrictions.


(Incorrect)A DVD drive does not recognize its region code, but does accept DVD-Audio discs.


Select drive or interface type, then DVD drive and firmware revision, then click OK.

After a drive is set to region free (all 12 regions on one PC can be used), a RegionFree message appears in the lower right corner of the screen after each DVD playback.


The first DVD playback attempt failed to play the first track in a Blu-ray disc.


Blu-ray discs should be played back with first track set to the location of the disc. Make sure the ‘Apply to all discs’ is turned on in the BD drive control panel.


A DVD disc can not be read correctly in the drive, despite the region code not being set.


A DVD drive should be able to read discs from every region in the world, including the ‘free’ region. The only region codes it supports are: 00, 01, 08, 12.

If you have read DVD discs from a region other than 00 in the past, the drive may have had the region code locked. You will be able to unlock it by unchecking the box in the BD drive control panel (right click on the DVD drive, select Setup, click BD drive Settings, uncheck the box).

If you set the region code to 00, turn off the box to lock the region code. When BD discs are played, the BD drive control panel will give the region codes and the available regions.

For more information on the regions please consult the wiki page.


A DVD disc cannot be read correctly in the drive, despite the region code not being set.


A DVD drive should be able to read discs from every region in the world, including the ‘free’ region. The only region codes it supports are: 00, 01, 08, 12.

If you have read DVD discs from a region other than 00 in the past

What’s New in the Drive Region Info?

Region codes for DVD drives are the same for every DVD region except for one, Middle East. For the Middle East region, the region code is 01.
The Region Info Database has 260 entries for international DVD regions and 20 entries for Middle East regions.
If you want to change the region code of your drive to Middle East, change the entry to:
Region: 01
Code: 01
With this entry you set the region code to Middle East. You will not get a prompt to enter a new region code for the drive.
With this entry your drive will region protect all DVDs.
NOTE: In the ‘Region/ISO Code’ and ‘COP Protection Code’ labels the values will be: ‘Region 01, Copydrama’. This means that the DVD will not be region protected and the Copydrama can be played on any region.
If you want to test a DVD without region protection use the following entry:
Region: 03
Code: 01
With this entry you set the region code to Middle East.
NOTE: Since the region code 03 has no entry in the database, you can choose any region that you want.
If you want to store information about regional DVD titles, you can use the following entry:
Region: 03
Code: 01
After this, you can use the following entries for individual discs:
Region: 03
Code: 01
Region: 03
Code: 01
Region: 03
Code: 01
Country: 01
After the first entry for each disc, you can set the region code for the disc to any region.
If you only want to test your discs with a DVD player then you can use the following entries:
Region: 01
Code: 01
Region: 03
Code: 01
Region: 03
Code: 01
Country: 01
NOTE: This entry does not work for a region protected drive.
If you only want to test your discs with a DVD player, you can use the following entries:
Region: 01
Code: 01
Region: 03
Code: 01
Region: 03
Code: 01
Country: 01
NOTE: This entry does not work for a region protected drive.
Any DVD testing program will automatically change your drive region code to Middle East if you select a region protected DVD.
NOTE: The Drive Region Info program only prints information about your drives region/code.
The DVD manufacturer names:
The DVD manufacturers names are always:
· Manufacturers

System Requirements:

The minimum requirements for running the game is a 128MB graphics card with 3D acceleration.
A lot of the low level gameplay features are built around the graphics. For example, shadow maps are generated at a very low resolution and then scaled up in world space to create high resolution shadows. This game was tested on a GeForce FX 5900 Ultra with 256MB of memory, so if you do not meet the minimum requirements, it may still run but not look as nice. The game can also run on slower cards if you are willing to lower the quality of shadows and environments, but

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