MyCar-Monitor Portable







MyCar-Monitor Portable Crack X64

Create, manage, track, purchase, and sell vehicles, parts, accessories, etc.

Manage a multilanguage database

Track engine evolution and repair

Create detailed reports of your vehicle and its evolution

Find out how much your car costs

Do a quick scan of the vehicle

Change wheel patterns

Upload, replace or delete tires

Add, remove, and recalculate a spare tire

Recalculate tax and insurance costs

Limit the warranty to an exact amount

Create and manage your own insurance policy

Add a garage

Have a vehicle history

Add a long list of notes and parameters to the vehicle (ex: make, model, …)

Designate websites for your vehicle

Track vehicle logs

Price vehicles

and much more

The application stores and analyzes data about

About DataBase CRM

A database is a central repository of data, organized in a way to facilitate its easy and fast processing.

A database includes various types of information, some of which can be shared, while others must be kept secret.

A CRM is a database that is used for centralizing information about customers and potential customers, referred to as the “deal”.

The owner of the company can use the database to create a database of contacts, existing customers, and existing contacts, as well as create a marketing campaign to move contact from one type of customer to another.

A database is a digital file containing a list of items (or records).

For example, a database can be used to track inventory in a company, by having a list of every product produced and have it stored on a computer.

A CRM is used to build and manage a database that is used to track the status of a company and contacts.

A database is a digital file containing a list of information.

For example, a database can be used to track the basic information of a person (including contact information), or can be used to record the status of a person (for example, whether or not they have the flu, the risk they pose to their neighbors, etc.).

A CRM is used to build and manage a database used to track the status of a company and contacts.

The word “database” refers to a number of digital files that a user can manipulate and use.




MyCar-Monitor Portable Free Download For Windows

Modern car monitoring software MyCar-Monitor Portable is more than just a database – it’s a tool designed for the car enthusiast.
Database for cars
The tool is capable of tracking vehicles, owners, text notes, as well as more and more. It’s even possible to track each and every aspect of your vehicle and parts.
Search for car value
Data stored in the database is searchable and filterable by many parameters, such as the number of damages, the cost of a repair, the brand, as well as the color.
How to get MyCar-Monitor Portable
The application is a free download and does not require any registration.
System Requirements:
Windows XP or higher,
1 GHz processor,
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MyCar-Monitor Portable Crack (LifeTime) Activation Code For PC

MyCar-Monitor is a powerful and easy to use software program for tracking information about your vehicle. Some of the information it tracks include:
• Performance – Fuel economy, performance, RPMs, etc.
• Health – Battery current, voltage and health, coolant temperature, etc.
• Status – Engine, transmission, lights, etc.
• List of Accidents
• Records of Sold Parts
• Engine tuning information including the Engine Diagnosis
• General data about the vehicles owner and vehicle history
• Owner Instructions
• Vehicle History
• Warranty information
• Car history
MyCarMonitor has a really comprehensive database that enables you to create any type of vehicle info you want to and track it. And here’s some more information about the software:
• Data are saved with SQLite.
• The database engine has 128 tables and 64.000 records.
• You can export the data as a CSV file (Comma Separated Value) or an XLSX file (Excel).
– MyCarMonitor Portable – What is the License?
MyCarMonitor Portable is a freeware that you can use for personal & non-commercial use.
Please remember that if you’re using MyCarMonitor to find parts for your vehicle, it is not permitted to use the database for the purpose of selling or trading.
The link you have arrived to is the Download link of the software.

Carpeters, Carpet Installation, Construction Industry

About MyCarMonitor
It is a central database for your vehicle. Find info about your vehicle and your car. Has different car parts,
symbol, serial no, status, costs etc. This is a free maintenance software.


MyCarMonitor for Windows

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What’s New In MyCar-Monitor Portable?

I could say that this software is an ideal tool for those who are into car maintenance and repair.
In many cases, keeping track of a specific part of your car is almost as important as bringing it to a working state. ManageVehicle Costs is the perfect tool to have at hand whenever you need to calculate your spending.
It is not easy to have a tabular structure of data, but with a fast and easy-to-use GUI, you don’t have to worry if you have forgotten to record a certain expenditure.
It is simple to have data for multiple vehicles on hand at all times, and even to share it with friends.
What’s New:
– Fixed a bug that could have prevented the importing of tabs with blank values, in some situations.
– Fixed a bug that could have caused tabs with blank values to produce errors upon importing.
– Improved crash handling on some Windows versions, and also fixed a wrong doubleclicking bug.
– Fixed a bug that could have produced a crash upon any action that involved a pending import.
– Fixed another crash, and improved the handling of incorrect configurations.
What’s Coming:
– Ability to add a vehicle even if the current one is not saved yet. This is a convenience feature to be used with the export function.
– Ability to add parts, accessories and titles to the “Vehicles Overview” tab, by using a list view.
– Ability to navigate to existing vehicles even if they have not been saved, using a treeview.
– Ability to add drivers to each vehicle.
– Ability to add a car to another one in the same database, by using a treeview.
– Ability to add other parts and accessories to an existing vehicle.
– Ability to verify accessories for specific vehicles.
– Ability to add a specific car to a user defined criteria.
– Ability to add extras to an existing vehicle.
– Ability to delete cars for which you do not have a warranty anymore.
– Ability to delete drivers from a vehicle.
– Ability to rename parts and accessories.
– Ability to make one of the existing tabs available as a selection for the user interface.
– Ability to make a general tab available for selections, to keep only a part of an existing structure.
– Ability to add a specific vehicle to a user defined selection criteria.
– Ability to edit the existing database, adding or deleting entries.
– Ability to edit the user interface.
– Ability to add

System Requirements For MyCar-Monitor Portable:

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