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■ Encrypted file format(Reuters Health) – An online treatment program to help smokers quit could reduce the rate of relapse, a new study suggests.

Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, with about 46 million adults smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipe tobacco. And, despite plenty of resources and efforts to stop people from smoking, fewer than half of Americans who are trying to quit succeed by the end of a year.

The new study, published in the journal Preventive Medicine, also found that having access to a smoking cessation program through their internet service provider was associated with a lower rate of smoking relapse.

“We found no evidence that the use of a cessation treatment by a patient would increase their chance of relapse,” said lead author Dr. Ravi K. Thakur of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington. “This provides further support for treatment-as-usual to be included in comprehensive smoking cessation care.”

Treatment-as-usual, or TAU, is when a smoker just tells their doctor or nurse that they are trying to quit. Since 95 percent of smokers do not receive any tobacco-related treatment over the year, researchers compared odds of relapse among patients in two smoking cessation programs.

One was an online program with about 125,000 participants that provided minimal contact with patient and counselor, compared to the other, which had treatment available through the patient’s internet service provider.

Patients who had access to the online cessation program had a 50 percent lower rate of smoking relapse than those who had treatment available only through their internet service provider.

The study didn’t prove that the online treatment was more effective than other more intensive treatments, like medication or counseling with a therapist. But, the researchers point out that prior research on this topic has shown that such approaches are more effective than TAU.

“What’s unique about this report is that we provide a very high level of detail in terms of how many individuals were enrolled into the program, what the baseline characteristics were, and what success was like,” Kuehl said in a telephone interview.

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