TWebImage For Windows [Updated-2022]







TWebImage [March-2022]

If you are looking for an image handler that can be used from Delphi to download JPEG, GIF and BMP images from any HTTP server, then the TWebImage component is for you.
You can retrieve images and display them in multiple modes. Several image styles are available, including stretching or tiling, and the control also provides support for various image formats.

TWebImage Screenshot:

Summary of the features provided by the component:

Get images from HTTP servers

Different modes to display them

Stretch / Tiling display

Customizable background color

Textured background (low cost)

Customizable window theme

Multiple image resolutions

Advanced options

Advanced image loading options

Embedded support for JPEG 2000 (draft)

Embedded support for GIF (draft)

Portable embedded JPEG support

TWebImage Component Guide:

Included in the component archive:

Components (single download)

DotNet update


Keyboard shortcuts

MDI-aware porting guide

Sample code

TWebImage Key Features:

TWebImage retrieves images from HTTP servers and displays them in multiple modes:

Stretched mode: TWebImage can display images with several images on a single screen, with the advantage that they will be displayed in a number of ways, and don’t take up the full screen in any case.

Tile mode: Images can also be displayed in a mosaic, where they overlap each other, in order to save disk space. The user will not notice the tiling that is taking place behind their back.

You can also choose the background color of the component and customize the appearance of the window theme in your software.

The component also has support for more than one resolution, so that you can adapt its display to any screen resolution.

You can also include support for embedded JPEGs in your software, and TWebImage will automate the process for you. You can even include support for the GIF format, and receive support for this format directly from the component, without requiring the user to install additional software.

The component also supports any desired size, which means that you can build a user interface that will accommodate any screen resolution.

TWebImage License:

TWebImage is available for purchase or free download. If you are interested in the component, go here to find more

TWebImage Crack Product Key For Windows

TWebImage is a component that makes it easy to display images retrieved from a web server. This web control does not require the use of THttpConnection, and the images can be displayed in different formats and sizes.
TWebImage has a standard installer that brings the following components to your solution:
– TWebImage.jar
– license.txt
– readme.txt
– webimage-src.jar
– webimage-src.jar.modified
– webimage-src.jar.readme.txt
– WebImage-src.jar.readme.txt.modified
How to install:
To ensure that you can use TWebImage, download the entire archive for your chosen edition of Delphi and C++Builder. It is recommended that you download the program from the website provided by the author or from the developer’s FTP.
1 – Import the project or solution containing TWebImage into your Delphi or C++Builder IDE.
2 – Locate the TWebImage.dll file. It may be in the Components or Import folder of your project. If not, please go to the file location and locate this file. The file can have two different file formats, a MSI file or a JAR file. In some cases the JAR file has been renamed into MSI. This last step is achieved by using the web image for components (WINC) MSI project which is for WinInstaller, or by using the JARProject Wizard.
3 – To use TWebImage you need to add an appropriate JAR file to the projects classpath. If you are using Delphi, you need to add webimage-src.jar, and you only need to add webimage-src.jar if you have the WinInstaller MSI pack installed, the other JAR file is just used to see if it is installed by the project or not.
4 – Compile your project.
5 – If you have added the JAR file to the project classpath, to run the program you need to go to the Run menu, select Options, select Run and then select the Executable file by Classpath. (if you add the JAR file to the project, the default is fine).
6 – The components look in the following order in the classpath:
Contents of the classpath:
-JAR file with the dll
-JAR file with


TWebImage (TControlWebImage) is an advanced collection of components for Delphi and C++Builder that provides image handling features to your software. More specifically, the program enables applications to retrieve JPEG, GIF and BMP images from an HTTP server and display them in various modes.
Once an image has been downloaded with the help of this graphic control, it can be displayed in the application in multiple ways, including in stretched and tiled mode. You can check out the screenshot provided by the developer to get an idea of how this component might work once integrated.
TWebImage is available for numerous editions of Delphi and C++Builder, from the newest releases to older versions. Once you have downloaded package, you will find the components organized into archives based on the integrated development environment they are designed for.
A developer guide is included in the downloadable archive, providing developers with instructions for integrating the component into their projects, complete with screenshots and examples that are likely to prove useful.
TWebImage features:
• Supports multiple styles including list, marquee and cursor
• Supports a wide array of advanced display options
• Has additional features for skinning and styling
• Supports background image while displaying the image
• Has a preview control to facilitate browsing of the image
• Displays image directly to the screen with proper scaling and offset
• Displays image to a specified area of the screen
• Uses not only png format images but also xpm, jpeg and gif images
• Retrieves images from the remote server
• Has many utility functions
• Runs on both 32bit and 64bit platforms
• Works on older versions of Delphi and C++Builder
• Designed to be fully customizable
• Has a specific form to allow for easier integration
• Displays images directly to the screen
• Supports mouse and keyboard events to allow for image control

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What’s New in the TWebImage?

TWebImage is a Free software component that adds image handling features to your applications. This component allows you to retrieve image from an HTTP server and display them in various modes (stretched and tiled). You can check out the screenshot provided by the developer to get an idea of how this component might work once integrated.
TWebImage allows developers to embed images into their applications in a very simple and fast way. It can be used to modify any existing application or design a new one with a specific image handling feature.
With this component, you can add an image handling feature to your applications:
* Retrieve images from an HTTP server and display them in various modes (stretched and tiled)
* Disable/Enable OnMouseMove event
* Set the OnMouseMove event to use a different event procedure
* Take screenshots of the application view
* Allow application to resize
* Use color, alpha, grayscale and indexed images
If you use a Delphi version that is compatible with Embarcadero XE5, you can download the TWebImage source archive (the needed DLLs and XML files) and use it in your projects directly.
If you do not use a Delphi version compatible with Embarcadero XE5, please refer to the TWebImage wiki page for instructions on how to add it to your projects, so your users can view the images you embedded in your application.
If you have any questions, please visit the forum.

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System Requirements For TWebImage:

OS: XP SP2 SP3 SP4, Vista SP2 SP3 SP4, Windows 7 SP1 SP2 SP3 SP4
Processor: 2.0 GHz Pentium 4, 2.0 GHz Pentium III
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Hard Disk: minimum of 10 GB
Graphics: At least 128 MB of video RAM
Video: Pixel Shader 2.0 compatible video card with 3D acceleration (or DXVA compatible)
Additional Notes: Must have Windows Media 9 Series Codec installed

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