Bulk Project Delete Crack [32|64bit] [Latest 2022]

The Bulk Project Delete application was developed to be a command line .exe that allows the scripted deletion of projects from a Project Server 2007 installation. Useful for bulk project deletes required for retention compliance. Currently, the code requires a plain text file as input for project names.
BulkProjectDelete -url http[s]://PWAServer/pwa/ -inputfile path\filename [-deletewsssites] [-deletearchived] [-wait] [-verify]
– url pwaurl — Specify the url for the PWA instance on which to delete sites. Required.
– inputfile path — Specify a text file listing projects to be deleted. Each project should be on a separate line. Required.
– deletewsssites — WSS sites related to the deleted projects will be deleted as well. Ignored if -deletearchived is used.
– deletearchived — The projects are deleted from the archive database. If not present, projects are deleted from the draft and published databases. To delete all versions of a project, run the command twice, once with this switch and once without.
– keeplatest — When deleting projects from the archive database, a project will not be deleted if it is the most recent version of that project. Ignored if -deletearchive is not used.
– wait — Execution will pause until Project Server processes each job. This switch can be used to minimize impact on a production server.
– verify — Command will not actually delete projects or WSS sites.
bulkprojectdelete -url https://server/pwa/ -file c:\temp\oldprojects.txt -deletewsssites


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Bulk Project Delete 4.6.1 Crack+ For Windows [Latest] 2022

Bulk Project Delete Crack Free Download provides a command line utility to delete site
collections from the WS 2007 Project Server site-to-site replication.
It will remove a site collection from sites and then remove those sites
from any lists they are part of. It works even if the site collection
is offline and therefore cannot be deleted directly. It will then
remove any site collections that were part of the offline site. It will
not remove a site collection from the archive database.
See the help message for more information on what this tool does and
does not do.

This project has been submitted to the PWA community for vetting.

Here is what it does not do

Currently, the code requires a plain text file as input for project names.
Currently, the code requires a plain text file as input for project names.
The current code deletes the project, not an individual version of the project.

I would like this to be edited or removed. I can also see a need to allow some other option here. What would you like to be able to do?


It looks like we did not keep up with the times or the PWA concept of projects. Instead, we just want this to be a “drop-in” addition to the site-to-site replication (project server to WSS server) tool that is already on the server and used for replication.
I completely agree that this is a poor UI and we need to remove it. We should also be removing the bulk project import too, as it is so bad.
However, I think we can still benefit from the code being on the server. In fact, I am adding that to the main project for future reference. I am also still open to the idea of a cmdlet to do the same as the current project which works great (as do the bulk projects import and bulk delete of the project archives). For now, I will focus on the cmdlet and leave the project import/export to someone else.
I am currently looking at how to get the dependencies for the current project. I am also looking to see what I can get out of the WSS database for what I need to do. If WSS uses the database differently from the Project Server database, I am not sure what I can get out of that.
One thing I did find was this:

Bulk Project Delete 4.6.1 Crack+ License Code & Keygen Download PC/Windows

The Bulk Project Delete Crack Mac application allows a user to select a list of project URLs from a file, and then prompt them
to specify if a site or a set of sites is to be deleted. This command will send a request to Project Server to initiate the
deletion, with each request processed asynchronously. If a request fails, the rest of the requests will be queued until it
succeeds. The process will retry the failed request until it succeeds. If a request succeeds, the result is cached in a temporary file,
and then that file is closed.
Caching. The Cracked Bulk Project Delete With Keygen application is thread-safe. Any attempt to delete a project or WSS sites while another project is
deleted will result in a -1 return code.
Flexibility. The Bulk Project Delete application allows the specification of a list of project names, a single project name, or
only a single WSS site.
Interface Stability. The Bulk Project Delete application is designed to work in all major versions of Project Server.
Code Efficiency. The Bulk Project Delete application is very efficient. It can make requests to Project Server in batches that are
approaching a thousand in number.
Automation. The Bulk Project Delete application provides a way to automate the process of deletion of multiple projects. A user
has the ability to specify a list of projects to be deleted. If -deletewsssites is used, then sites associated with those projects are
automatically deleted as well.
The Bulk Project Delete application can be useful for generating a list of projects to delete from a Project Server archive.
Bulk Project Delete can’t delete project items if a sync has been performed on the site since the creation of the last version of the project.
Run the command twice to delete all versions of the project. If there are no WSS sites associated with the project, then the command will attempt to delete the project from the draft and published databases.
Command Line Switches
-url http[s]://pwaurl — The URL of the Project Server installation. Required.
-inputfile path\filename — Specify a text file listing projects to be deleted. Each project should be on a separate line. Required.
-deletewsssites — WSS sites related to the deleted projects will be deleted as well. Ignored if -deletearchived

Bulk Project Delete 4.6.1 Crack + Full Version Free

Bulk Project Delete is a command line application that can be used to delete bulk projects from a Project Server 2007 installation. Project Server 2007’s native Delete Methods only support the deletion of a single project. By using this application, entire projects can be deleted, all versions of each project, archived databases, or published databases. Bulk Project Delete is able to delete subsites, and even WSS sites. Not only does this make the process easier, it allows you to have a better idea of what is being deleted.
Version 1.0 – 2015-05-24
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.1 – 2015-06-02
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.2 – 2015-06-12
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.3 – 2015-06-17
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.4 – 2015-06-27
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.5 – 2015-06-28
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.6 – 2015-07-04
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.7 – 2015-07-07
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.8 – 2015-07-08
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.9 – 2015-07-10
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.10 – 2015-07-12
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.11 – 2015-08-10
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.12 – 2015-08-12
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.13 – 2015-08-14
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.14 – 2015-08-16
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.15 – 2015-08-20
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.16 – 2015-08-22
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.17 – 2015-08-24
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.18 – 2015-08-26
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.19 – 2015-08-28
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.20 – 2015-08-30
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.21 – 2015-09-01
Code changes made by Robert Smith
Version 1.22 – 2015-09-

What’s New in the Bulk Project Delete?

Bulk Project Delete v.1.1.0
ReleaseDate=2008-04-18 (Cursor=04/18/2008 2:46:40 PM)
Version=1.1.0 (Cursor=04/18/2008 2:46:40 PM)

Read input file.
* Read optional input file. Default is empty. (bool)
* Use “false” to not delete sites, but to delete “archived” versions instead.

Sites to delete sites will be deleted when -deletewsssites switch is used, while archived versions will be deleted if -deletearchived is used.

Note: The application does not check for project duplicates to prevent delete project lockout for site collection level permissions.

1.1.0 – Bug fix – Did not check for duplicated projects within the site collection.
1.1.0 – Bug fix – Did not verify the site collection when determining if a project is to be deleted.
1.0.0 – Initial Release
1.0.0 – The application was created using the Base class to allow for greater functionality

Download Bulk Project Delete application

Licensed to Micro Focus International Pty Ltd. By using this product, you accept the terms of the End User License Agreement
( for the Product that you are using.

End User License Agreement for the product

This is the End User License Agreement for Microsoft Project Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Project Web App

1. End user license
(a) You may use this program (“Project Server 2007”) in your organization subject to the terms and
conditions of this document and all applicable policies. This document describes the scope of permission that
you are granted for Project Server 2007 to use it.
(b) You are not a licensed software provider with respect to Project Server 2007. Microsoft does not
indicate by use of a proprietary license any connection between Microsoft and you, and no such connection
will be implied by the installation of Project Server 2007. Microsoft does not give any license rights to you
with respect to Project Server 2007. You are an independent contractor.
(c) Microsoft makes no representation or warranty as to the use or the non-use of Project Server 2007 by
any person or


System Requirements For Bulk Project Delete:

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5-3570K (or greater), AMD FX-9590 (or greater)
Memory: 16GB
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7970
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 51 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 11.1 compatible sound card
Additional Notes:
DirectX: Version 11 required
OS: Windows 7, Windows


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