SkyMap For Windows 10 8.1 10.24 [April-2022]

There was a time when stars were used as a method of orientation in order to make navigation possible. Nowadays they serve as a beautiful display over our heads several hours a day. Moreover, with the help of specialized applications such as SkyMap for Windows 10/8.1 you can now enjoy the company of celestial bodies from the comfort of your desktop or supported device.
Lightweight and easy to use
Running the application prompts you for permission to use your current location as a point of reference. This is only to create a map you normally see at night from the place you access the application.
Regardless of your decision whether or not to grant permission, the magic of the night sky comes to life on your screen. With the help of the mouse, you simply move around and observe stars, constellations and other celestial bodies.
Customize your view options
By default, the main screen is fitted with guidelines to indicate constellations, as well as parallels and meridians. These can be toggled off anytime from the options menu in case you simply want to gaze at the stars.
Whenever a constellation is in view, an image appears for you to better visualize. You can set intensity or completely remove them. This can also be done for stars, as you can choose to show more or less.
Furthermore, the application also lets you get info on any celestial body. Clicking on one reveals thorough info regarding its position in the universe, as well as a quick access point to Wikipedia, in case a related article is available.
To end with
Taking everything into consideration, we can say that SkyMap for Windows 10/8.1 is a neat and practical application that lets you view and get to know the sky a little better. Since it runs on Windows 8.1 and 10, you have the possibility to put it to good use from a mobile device, so you can easily identify constellations at night.


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SkyMap For Windows 10 8.1 10.24 Crack Free [Win/Mac]

SkyMap For Windows 10 8.1 10.24 Crack + (LifeTime) Activation Code [2022]


SkyMap For Windows 10 8.1 10.24 (Updated 2022)

What’s New In?

System Requirements For SkyMap For Windows 10 8.1:

Intel Core i5-6200
4GB of RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560Ti
For more information and the latest version, please visit:
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