HydroCalc Crack PC/Windows (April-2022) 🠮

HydroCalc is a tool meant to enable access to fast and complex hydraulic engineering calculations from a simple interface.
From standard calculator to advanced instrument for engineers
The tool started as a uniform-flow calculator, meaning it was a basic calculation program with no in-depth features. With time, the developer decided to add extra functions, and that is how HydroCalc came to be a complex hydraulic calculator.
Exceeding the standard requirements involving input and output dialogue boxes, the program now offers, free of cost, advanced computational capabilities and modules.
The app has plenty of sophisticated options for academic purposes and people in need of an advanced calculator. Super small in size and extremely laborious in options, HydroCalc comes packed with the following modules (for corresponding calculation methods): open channel/uniform flow, pipe flow, sediment yield, Manifold/Diffuser, and riverine cross-section geometry.
The program's touch and feel and its functions
The app has a basic-looking GUI and manageable commands. The system is well-structured and there are comprehensive features. On the top bar, there are four options: Input, Options, Modules, and Save. The first option allows for switching between partially-full and full flow-data insertions in different formats: trapezoidal, circular, elliptical, parabolic, hoseshoe, and general.
In the 'Options' tab, the user can configure the Xsection properties, the Xsection plots, and the rating curve. In the 'Modules' tab, HydroCalc allows selecting the preferred module — GeoCalc, ManCalc, PipeCalc, and SedCalc. By initializing one of these modules, one gets to open any of them as a standalone app that can perform the indicated calculation. Finally, there is the self-explanatory 'Save (results)' tab.
All things considered, HydroCalc is definitely a valuable tool. It might have an outdated touch and feel, but it surely is a solid instrument that allows performing hydraulic engineering and other types of complex calculations.
Another big plus is the embedded distinctive modules that act as individual applications and are nicely wrapped up in the menu option with the same name.









HydroCalc Crack Incl Product Key PC/Windows

Compatible with PC, Mac, and Linux-based platforms.
Open-channel/uniform-flow, pipe-flow, sediment yield, Manifold/Diffuser, and riverine cross-section
Modules are GeoCalc, ManCalc, PipeCalc, and SedCalc.
Being a basic calculation model, the program focuses on the basic functions like velocity, pressure, and discharge, while calculating the exact slope of the discharge-rate curve.
The calculation of flow rates and discharge in pipe-flow is a special routine available for pipe cross-sections.
The calculation of hydraulic head and pressure losses at curved manifolds and diffusers is supported by this module.
Sediment yield:
The sediment yield is calculated based on the discharge values and the soil type, where the contours and RGB colors are used to plot results.
This module allows calculating hydraulic head, velocity head, and pressure head in open-channel, pipe, and circular cross-sections.
The module allows calculating velocity head, pressure head, cross-sectional areas, and pressure loss coefficient values of circular, elliptical, and parabolic cross-sections.
This module provides the result of pressure head and cross-sectional areas of circular and elliptical cross-sections.
The module provides the sediment yield values based on discharge per area.
Cracked HydroCalc With Keygen’s Drawbacks:
There are no support for entering receding water flow conditions.

Hydro-Tech Manosheli Yaloumakhanis an invention concept (EP:139650431456) to help the Engineers to have a fast and practical method to handle different types of problem of hydraulic engineering (open channel, pipe or channel cross-section, and hoseshoe geometry) as the manual calculator can be used in a general way.
Hydro-Tech Manosheli Yaloumakhanis is the ultimate solution to bridge the gap between the advanced calculators and manual calculators. It’s an instrument that can be fully utilized to predict the calculation of any general hydraulic engineering application such as the analysis of a hydraulic system in

HydroCalc With License Key PC/Windows

This HydroCalc Crack app is the most extensive calculator app available on Google Play. It provides great functionality to its users. It provides a wide array of operation with just few clicks. Just because the app is in an earlier version it still provides the same features as its superior sibling app, GeoCalc.
What’s in the App:

Note: This app does not require a Google account or WiFi connection.

Changes –

Updated Xsection module for Hose Shoed, Trapezoidal and Polynomial

Changes –

Added Polynomial and Recirculation limits for Rectangular and Box sections

Changes –

Added pen tool for users

Changes –

Added functionality to Load channel, Save channel, and Export channel data

Change log:

Updated GeoCalc

Changes –

Updated file layout, and added Space Saving

Changes –

File saved memory location changed

Changes –

Redesigned the settings page

Change log:

Picker Pin Move to Hide and Show

Added Labels for different cap types

Added method and fluid characteristics to save

Download this app from Google play
How To Use this app:

Unzip the Xsection folder and the GeoCalc folder to anywhere you want

Unzip the GeoCalc folder and the ManCalc folder to anywhere you want

Unzip the GeoCalc folder and the PipeCalc folder to anywhere you want

Unzip the GeoCalc folder and the SedCalc folder to anywhere you want

You have a number of options to choose from, open the GeoCalc module, and select the appropriate sub-module.

Additional Useful Features:

Saves the Xsection and xsection plot

Saves the Linear/Spline Legend

Calls Graphical Information Toolbox to calculate in real time

Show Current Recirculation Port

Calculate the Current/Recirculation Percentage

Usage of the app:

1. Select a channel
2. Click on the Save Xsection button
3. Save the channel data
4. Click on the Save Current Flow Data button.
5. Save the channel data. The data will be saved in the current flow.
6. Load Channel. The user can specify the type of flow.
7. Click the ‘plot’ button. This tool will generate a channel

HydroCalc Serial Key

➤ Features:
– Easy and intuitive interface
– Hydraulic, geometrical, and hydraulic engineering calculations
– User-friendly and simple functions
➤ Complexity:
– Solve a vast number of hydraulic problems
– Co-exist with all other HydroCalc modules
– Calculate all the standard functions
– Calculate hydraulic engineering based on a complex formula
➤ Compatibility:
– Supports non-iPhone and iPhone devices
– Multi-platform
– Works with any version of iOS
➤ Features:
– Works on any OS version
– Can be used with any number of iOS devices
– Automatically detects iOS models
– Customisable lists for performing multiple calculations
– Open channel/uniform flow
– Pipe flow
– Sediment yield
– Manifold/Diffuser
– Riverine cross-section geometry
➤ Modules:
– GeoCalc, ManCalc, PipeCalc, and SedCalc
– Other main modules
➤ Save:
– Generate reports to facilitate planning, engineering and support
– Save as a workbook file
– Export as HTML
➤ Main features:

➤ Compatibility:
– Works on any model of iPhone including iPhone 5, 5s, 5c, 5, 4S, etc.

➤ Size:

➤ Power consumption:

➤ Compatible devices:

➤ Register the app

➤ Manual calculation

➤ Developer:

➤ Reviews:

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The application also has some exciting features –

What’s New in the?

Highly detailed calculator with support for different configurations: complete or partial flow-data insertion in Circular, Trapezoidal, Hose-Shoe, and General, the latter for a non-uniform flow rate for hoseshoe geometry (3 parameters supported).
Modulation (MPT) option for high/low calculation method.
Integral calculator for high/low calculation method, available for two cases:

indirect calculation method with stream flow rate calculation, and
direct calculation method for steady-state flow and residence time calculation.
Stream-flow form advection-dispersion case (EPANORM) with advection potential or obstacle-crossing case (CALCADAV) with obstacles or stream-flow form with adsorption/desorption or tiling cases (TRANSIENT) with area or height of tile
Integral form (or each step) calculation (BELKIND), which allows calculating of a related integral (or associated quantity) for both high/low calculation method and stream-flow form with advection-dispersion (EPANORM).
Tilt function for efficiency estimation
Functional derivative and gradient calculation (and function iteration based on these)
Site-specific hydrodynamic parameters calculation (including time-dependent calculation of storage/reservoir pressure and flow-rate response) and sensitivity analysis
Various types of sediment trap (and sediment setting time) calculation (and sediment trapping in a dynamic flow)
Stream-flow form (e.g., 5-stage RUSSO-Plate or Calcualtor) simulation
Various types of flow-rate format:

steady-state flow or transient flow; generic-length curve (CIRCULAR); trapezoidal curve (TRAZIANOIDAL), circular curve (CIRCULAR) with variable radius and width of trapezoid, or elliptical curve (ELLIPTICAL) with variable radius and width; hoseshoe curve (HOSE-SHOE) with (i) parabolic input when releasing the free stream flow (if the calibration curve input is parabolic), (ii) Calibration curve input (parabolic or trapezoidal) or (iii) additional tiling/intercalation (TRANSIENT) with area of tile
Tested and validated with any tested and validated RUSSO-Plate/Calcualtor.
Optional access to Kirchhoff elements

System Requirements For HydroCalc:

Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit)
1GB RAM (2GB recommended)
300MB free space on C:\ Drive
1024×768 screen resolution
DirectX 9.0c compatible video card (11 years)
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