ZIM-Pro Crack [Latest-2022]

ZIM-Pro is a free and Open Source P2P Instant Messenger.
Here are some key features of “ZIM Pro “:
■ Secure Messaging and File sharing
■ Controllable access to outside users
■ Decentralized reporting of presence status
■ Invite offline users through E-mail
■ Act as moderator during conferencing
■ Archived conference messages
■ Increased privacy options for users
■ 8 themes to choose from
■ Offers mobility by “Guest Login” feature when on move
■ Advanced search options allows users to search and be searched by key words and location
■ Allows user to choose to act as Mini ZIM-Pro router
■ Provides users to have add-ons in the form of plugins such as Games, developed by ZIM-Pro plug-in developers


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This popular and easy to use P2P Instant Messenger (IM) is a true Zimbra VoIP application using the Skype compatible protocol. ZIM Pro is a feature-rich, secure and dependable platform for instant messaging and file sharing with groups, used all over the world. ZIM-Pro Crack includes a lot of unique features that are lacking in other IM clients. These include, but are not limited to:
* An optimized E-mail system
* Better group management options with fast and secure file sharing
* Blocking users with their own black list
* In-app posting of status messages
* Zero configuration required
* Flash-free design and an array of themes to choose from
* Minimalistic, but very user friendly user interface (GUI) and a quick start guide is provided with installation
* Offline users can be listed by other users with a single click in the new Guest Login feature
* Unlimited group options
* User roles to administer the group
* Quality of Service (QoS) enabled for speedy users
* Location services for users can be added easily in the new location menu
* Automatic background activity timer to auto-mute conversations
* VoIP could be disabled while doing other task
* Set a time and date limit for E-mail messages to be sent for every user
* A strong and flexible configuration framework to customize the configuration of your IM client
* An easy-to-use conferencing framework
* An in-built presence status mechanism
* In-built support for Global Chat, which is available to all users
* Group image sharing
* XEP-0353 XML-RPC Extension Protocol support for high availability
A special and free full package for ZIM Pro are available for “ZIM-Pro Crack For Windows Pro “. This version is FULL featured and takes into account the various issues reported by users, by adding additional functionality features. Most of these features could not be included in the free version, as they require a lot of resources that would’ve made it impossible to keep the project free.
For further information please refer to the readme file in the download package or contact the ZIM Pro developer team.
“ZIM-Pro Pro ” is now available in a free from of ZIM-Pro Pro ” (Contains a minimum for 2K running memory and a commercial license for the ZIM Pro Pro platform).
View the documentation and do the configuration at:


ZIM-Pro was a Polish instant messaging program for Zope.
This program was most popular in 1999 and 2000.
■ Presence Status for other contacts
■ Secure Messaging & file sharing
■ Control and access outside users
■ Mobile messengers logoff
■ Schedule meeting in Zope
■ Act as moderator during the conferencing
■ Invite offline users through e-mail
■ Archived conference messages
■ Increased privacy options for users
■ 8 themes to choose from
■ Offline contacts
■ Guest access logon on ZIM Pro
■ More advanced search options
■ Share files
■ Compatible with Firewall and Proxy
Installing ZIM Pro on your systems:
■ Windows
1. Download the latest version of ZIM-Pro from the ZIM-Pro SourceForge page.
3. Unzip the downloaded zip file, place the extracted
files into the same directory.
■ Linux
1. Download the latest version of ZIM-Pro from the ZIM-Pro SourceForge page.
2. Browse to the file you downloaded in step 1, double click
on it, and the Extract here icon will extract the contents of
the downloaded zip.
■ Mac
1. Download the latest version of ZIM-Pro from the ZIM-Pro SourceForge page.
2. Unzip the downloaded zip file, and drag the ZIM-Pro
folder into the Applications folder.
■ CMake
1. Download the latest version of ZIM-Pro from the ZIM-Pro SourceForge page.
2. Download the CMake version with you are using to compile
the ZIM-Pro source file. Then, install the CMake under the
appropriate directory.
■ iOS
1. Download the latest version of ZIM-Pro from the ZIM-Pro SourceForge page.
2. Open the Zip file extracted to your desktop, drag ZIM-Pro
folder to theApplications folder.

Webrtc has allowed us to send video, voice and data over the internet. Recently, we have seen the emergence of WebRTC. WebRTC allows us to achieve peer-to-peer (P2P) communications. WebRTC allows us to use off-the-she

ZIM-Pro Crack With Serial Key Download

ZIM-Pro is an Instant Messenger application for Windows. ZIM-Pro client can be accessed from computers that run Windows operating systems. ZIM-Pro is a free and Open Source product, but there is no advertising or other solicitation.
Advantages of ZIM-Pro
1. ZIM-Pro allows the user to maintain multiple “ZIMs” on a single computer.
2. ZIM-Pro uses your instant messenger account, so that you do not have to create a new one when you use ZIM-Pro.
3. ZIM-Pro supports image, audio, and video chats.
4. ZIM-Pro supports a group chat option.
5. ZIM-Pro supports a file upload and download feature.
6. ZIM-Pro features IRC channels and chat room for instant conferencing.
7. ZIM-Pro allows you to read user profile information and add yourself as a contact.
8. ZIM-Pro contains advanced search options to identify users who have particular interests or interests in the same field.
9. ZIM-Pro uses your instant messenger account instead of setting up a new user.
10. ZIM-Pro contains advanced search options to identify users who have particular interests or interests in the same field.
11. ZIM-Pro can be used as an instant conferencing tool.
12. ZIM-Pro can be used as a mobile router.
13. ZIM-Pro does not perform ActiveX or Plug-in type connections.
14. ZIM-Pro is easy to set up and use.
15. ZIM-Pro hides the conferencing window and puts the Instant Message window on top when you are communicating with other users.
16. ZIM-Pro allows the user to talk to individual members in a group without everyone knowing what is being communicated.
17. ZIM-Pro is fast and free.
18. ZIM-Pro has themes to choose from.
19. ZIM-Pro has advanced search options.
20. ZIM-Pro allows you to have multiple instant messengers on a single machine.
21. ZIM-Pro does not require a server to run.
To add ZIM-Pro (Installed On your Computer):
* Download and unzip the zip file
* Browse to the directory that contains the file(s)
* Double-click on the file ZIM-Pro.

What’s New in the?

This Program allows you to set up a secure private room to chat with others. It also offers the ability to invite others to join you. The chat history can be saved, as can the member list.
You can also choose to give the program access to the speakers screen as a mini ZIM-Pro router and use the mini ZIM-Pro to communicate with distant users, when available, through a plugin called sms-router.
ZIM-Pro is based on ZIM instant messenger from www.zim-project.org (www.zim-project.org) which is a freeware distributed under the GPL (GNU General Public License).
This program is an alternative to the Sylpheed mail client that brings a free Instant Messaging client.
ZIM-Pro Features:
Secure communication
Ability to invite friends from outside the ZIM-Pro
Safe communication
Good choice of encryption algorithms
Encryption of data sent over network
Server security
Decentralized peer reporting of presence status
Refuse participants at your conference if needed
Ability to set optional presence (online/offline)
Fair and simple access control to outside users
Optional password protection of room by default
Guest login feature to invite other users to join your room
Provision of `mini ZIM-Pro router’ feature to remote users
Ability to search for users through key words and location
Support for plugins
Debian packaging that allows easy setup and maintenance
Can be run as a normal desktop program
Can be run with the ZIM control panel
It can be set up as a service to be run automatically at boot
Minimum System Requirements:
The program must be run under a Linux operating system. (Debian or Fedora is preferred)
For more information see:

ZIM-Pro (ZIM: Instant Messaging) is a free and Open Source P2P Instant Messenger, written for Linux, Unix and Windows operating systems using GTK+ tools. This software is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), the same license that applies to the GNU/Linux operating system itself, and therefore, it can be redistributed freely, with or without modifications.
The package includes a comprehensive list of features including secure messaging, file sharing, conferencing and users’ browser-based monitoring. In addition, ZIM-Pro offers advanced search options for users to search and be searched by key words and locations. The latest

System Requirements For ZIM-Pro:

DOS compatible graphic adapter (FPU; video mode 3 or higher); 128 KB or more of memory (RAM or video RAM); Mac OS 9 or later with PowerPC System Software Update (currently Mac OS X v10.4.11 or later); Pentium with MMX, MMX2, or 3DNow technology with Multimedia Extensions (SSE) or better; Pentium with SSE technology and Radeon 9250 graphics adapter;
CPUs: Intel Pentium, Celeron, AMD K6, or newer;
Additional Notes:


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