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We’re not the internet police, so if you don’t want to be nude, just exit your browser now. If you think we’ve abused our power, let us know.Q: How to explain the difference between the number of MLE and maximum likelihood? I often see in some of the texts or articles that many authors use the following expression: If $P(X=x)=P(Y=y)$, then the maximum likelihood estimate, MLE of $\theta$ is $\hat{\theta}=x/y$ and the maximum likelihood ratio is $\Lambda=y$ I wonder why we say that maximum likelihood estimate is the same as the ratio of the expected value? A: For a random sample $X_1,\dots,X_n$ from $N(\theta,\sigma^2)$, the expected value of the likelihood function is $$L(\theta)=N\left(\theta,\frac{\sigma^2}{n}\right).$$ The ratio $\Lambda=y$ is just the MLE minus the value $y$ of the likelihood function evaluated at $\theta$ $$\Lambda=\hat{\theta}-y.$$ Regarding that $\Lambda$ is the likelihood function minus $y$, the author of the text is dealing with the likelihood function and in that case, the ratio $\Lambda$ is the definition of the MLE and is not needed to describe it. Japanese TV series feature same-sex couple TOKYO, Japan — Japanese television is getting its first same-sex romance with a drama starring a shaggy-haired comedian as an older woman and her gay best friend. Why not? There’s a 30-year age difference between this couple and the gay friend’s dating partner. And why shouldn’t someone in their 30s be interested in a gay friend? But first, the show has to be allowed on Japanese airwaves. In this country, it seems unthinkable that people could be friends with their sexual orientation. “Porno Star Love” premiered on Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) and other stations Tuesday. It’s the same year as the 2016 Oscar-winning film “La La Land,” which deals with the same issue in Hollywood.

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