Pidgin-Cmds Crack With Full Keygen For PC







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Purple-Shout: instead of having to type “brb” on all of your conversation windows, you type “/shout brb” in one conversation window and the message is broadcasted to all active conversation windows.
Purple-Grep: all you have to do is type /grep and all conversation lines with the matching word will show up in your conversation window.
Purple-Charping: /ping works and you get a pop-up that says the someone you pinged is online. /charping helps you contact offline buddies that are online. /pinging offline buddies is where the name of the plugin comes from, that’s why its called ‘ping’.
Purple-Ignore: /ignore is a good way to ignore specific nicknames.
Purple-Emoticons: /emoticons works and you get a pop-up that displays a cute image and its meaning.
Purple-Watch: /watch displays a little clock that displays your online status with a colored background. When you’re online, your background will turn green. The popup that comes with it is silent, so you won’t know that you’re online.
Purple-Red: Purple-Red’s special feature is that it works for a lot of protocols besides AIM. It will send a message to another protocol whenever it would have sent it to AIM.
Purple-Red-Command: with this command, you can press any key to launch purple-red’s commands. This is useful because you can just press [R] to launch purple-red and it’ll recognize that you want to launch purple-red’s commands.
Purple-Red-Help: When you type /help, you’ll get this info. The purple-red wiki is at
Purple-Expert: this plugin is for advanced users. One of the most useful features it has is the ability to modify the messages you send to Buddy List using tags. /add tagname message


I’m using xchat on some or other Ubuntu-based distro. It can do like you described in this answer.

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Pidgin-Cmds Crack +

Purple-Shout: Useful when you want to quickly transmit a message to another buddy but you don’t want to type it every time. In addition, you can choose whether or not the message is displayed in the conversation window, or will only be broadcasted to all the active conversation windows.
Purple-Grep: allows you to search through a conversation to find specific lines that you want to filter out.
Purple-Webserver: allows you to send the current chat window URL to another buddy’s chat window so they can start viewing your chat immediately.
Purple-Importers: allows you to share pictures using Pidgin.
Share: in a conversation window, all you have to do is type the share button and the other party (if they have Pidgin installed) will immediately become visible on their screen and their chat window.
Rest: if you want to shorten a conversation line, you may want to type /rest. If you want to turn it into a silent message, you may want to type /rest in one conversation window and press enter.
Mark: similar to the Silent button, but for people who really like to be able to tell when they are being talked to.
Quiet: allows you to choose whether others should be able to see the message being sent or not. If they have the command, all their chat windows will be muted until the message is sent.
Stop: allows you to stop any conversations while you are typing. Just type /stop. If your chat window doesn’t have the button, all your conversations will stop while you are typing.
Prefix: allows you to text your buddy without typing the / prefix. For example, if you want to text “Hello” and send it to your buddy, just type /gH. If that doesn’t work, you can try /sH.
@: when using the prefix mode, you may not want to specify the entire /g (for “Hello”) or /s (for “Hi”) message. You can use the @ prefix to send the @user@text string. Example: “/g @buddy@ Hello” will text “Hello” to the person named “buddy” (if they are online). This is the same as typing “Hello @buddy@”.

Pidgin-Cmds Crack Free

This command shows the current window and pushes an interrupt message to all windows in the conversation. For example: /shout brb, sends the current window to the background and then sends an “Interrupted” message to the other windows in the conversation.
Pressing the “Search” key in Pidgin will list all the currently active windows in the conversation. This is useful when searching for a specific conversation line that you’ve typed into a window or want to see all the conversation lines related to a topic.
This command compares two conversations and highlights any differences. For example, pressing “/cmp” in a conversation with more than one window will start showing the difference between the two conversations. When you’ve found the difference, you can type “/cc” to save the differences or start a new conversation.
This command automatically indexes your conversations by words in your conversation window. So if you’ve typed “/li” in a conversation window, the next time you start typing a word into that window Pidgin will check your conversation history and if it’s possible show any conversation lines in which your current word is mentioned.
Pressing the “Relate” key in Pidgin will find and highlight all the words you type that match the words in a conversation.
Pressing the “Replace” key in Pidgin will search through your current conversation. When a matching line is found, Pidgin will highlight it and replace it with your input.
Pressing the “Search” key in Pidgin will list all the currently active windows in the conversation. This is useful when searching for a specific conversation line that you’ve typed into a window or want to see all the conversation lines related to a topic.
This command will cause your conversations to start with a certain ID. For example, typing “/gid 2” into a conversation window will have your conversations start with the ID of “2” and when you send and receive messages, Pidgin will automatically mark them as “2”.
This command allows you to change your preferences.
This command displays the configuration editor

What’s New In?

Purple-Shout: The /shout command is designed to enable you to broadcast your status to a group of people. Basically, you just type /shout to your friends, and they can instantly receive your new status.
Purple-Grep: The /grep command is designed to search for a word in any Pidgin conversation you have open. All conversation lines that have the matching word will be listed for you to view in your conversation window.
Purple-Team: The Purple-Team feature was designed to be used in instant messaging applications to allow you to create a purple team. It will then place you in a group chat with users who have the same purple team and you can interact with those people in a private conversation. This feature works with both text and voice conversations.
More detailed information about Pidgin-Cmds can be found at:
Support Pidgin-Cmds 1.2.2!
Download link:

I also need help for adding “purple-team” in Pidgin 2.10. I found a guide in Google but I can’t find it. Is there anyone who has experience on adding Pidgin-Cmds? Thanks.


This is actually fairly simple, but I’ll do a step by step:

Download the Purple-Team plugin from the link that the OP gave (in the OP’s post)
Open it in the plugins dialog and click “Enable”
Open up Pidgin in your tray and select “Purple-Team” from the plugins list
Log in with your account and voila: the plugin enabled


It’s a good idea to search for ‘purple team’ or ‘team purple’ in google and see what comes up.
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System Requirements:

Windows 7/8/8.1/10
Processor: Intel i5-6200, Intel i7-6500/AMD Phenom II X4 955
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450/AMD Radeon HD 6470/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 1 GB available space
Additional Notes:
1. The client operates with low latency that makes the players feel more and more immersed in the game

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