VK-Z 0.1.1 Crack Free PC/Windows ☝🏿







VK-Z Crack+ Serial Number Full Torrent [Win/Mac] (Updated 2022)

– Displays information about all Vulkan-capable graphics devices.
– Includes the header and footer data for each device.
– Displays the instance extensions, driver, API version, device type, memory heap count, and status of the Vulkan entrypoints (if supported).
– The XML output displays all these details, as well as the information for each entry.
– Displays all the details in text mode, or as an XML file.
– ‘-h’ or ‘-?’ displays all the available commands.
– ‘-p’ excludes the header and footer data when the output is displayed in text mode.
– ‘-w’ excludes the entrypoints from the output.
– ‘-i’ or ‘-n’ changes the output into text mode or XML mode, respectively.
– ‘-r’ changes the number of entries per page when displaying the tables.
– ‘-v’ or ‘-?’ shows the application version.
– ‘-?’ or ‘-help’ displays the help menu, containing instructions and examples.
NOTE: VK-Z Crack Free Download can be used as a command-line application, as well as a set of tools called SharpenWare. The official program is written in Delphi, while the CLI uses C#. Additionally, some of the tools can be used by launching them via the command console.


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It can be installed via sudo apt-get install lspci.

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VK-Z Crack + Keygen Full Version

VK-Z is a console application that can be used to obtain a detailed report about all the Vulkan-capable devices on a computer. In other words, it enables you to check out information concerning hardware limits, as well as the functions of the Vulkan API (entry points), and device extensions.
Created by Khronos, Vulkan is a next-generation 3D graphics and computing API mostly designed for video games or other applications with high graphical requirements. To put it another way, it can render complex realtime 3D graphics and other demanding content, but without putting a strain on the CPU. It can be used with high-end graphics cards and has been adopted by all the major manufacturers, such as nVIDIA, AMD, Imagination, Intel, or VeriSilicon, which included it in their graphic drivers.
Obviously, VK-Z will not be able to work properly without having the Vulkan drivers installed on your machine. Please be careful to install the drivers for your GPU type.
As previously mentioned, VK-Z only runs via the command console. Using the usual help option (‘-h’), you can see a list of all the available commands. VK-Z can display all the instance extensions, along with their version number, along with detailed information regarding all the Vulkan-capable devices. You should be able to get a report about the device name, ID, driver and API version, the device type, and the memory heap count. Optionally, you can instruct VK-Z to display its Vulkan entrypoints and their status.
By default, all these details are displayed in text mode. Nevertheless, VK-Z also comes with an option to show the data as an XML file.
Other commands allow you to exclude the header and footer data when the information is shown in text mode. Exporting the report can be done by selecting all the text in the console and copying it to the clipboard.

As pointed out by Andrei Barreto, I should have included:
The VK-Z documentation is available here:

The documentation site is password protected, so I’ll be adding a note there for the future.
Also, you can get the dll file for

VK-Z Full Product Key

VK-Z is a console application that can be used to obtain a detailed report about all the Vulkan-capable devices on a computer. In other words, it enables you to check out information concerning hardware limits, as well as the functions of the Vulkan API (entry points), and device extensions. Created by Khronos, Vulkan is a next-generation 3D graphics and computing API mostly designed for video games or other applications with high graphical requirements. To put it another way, it can render complex realtime 3D graphics and other demanding content, but without putting a strain on the CPU. It can be used with high-end graphics cards and has been adopted by all the major manufacturers, such as nVIDIA, AMD, Imagination, Intel, or VeriSilicon, which included it in their graphic drivers.
Obviously, VK-Z will not be able to work properly without having the Vulkan drivers installed on your machine. Please be careful to install the drivers for your GPU type.
As previously mentioned, VK-Z only runs via the command console. Using the usual help option (‘-h’), you can see a list of all the available commands. VK-Z can display all the instance extensions, along with their version number, along with detailed information regarding all the Vulkan-capable devices. You should be able to get a report about the device name, ID, driver and API version, the device type, and the memory heap count. Optionally, you can instruct VK-Z to display its Vulkan entrypoints and their status.
By default, all these details are displayed in text mode. Nevertheless, VK-Z also comes with an option to show the data as an XML file.
Other commands allow you to exclude the header and footer data when the information is shown in text mode. Exporting the report can be done by selecting all the text in the console and copying it to the clipboard.
VK-Z is free software, distributed under the GNU Public License.


You can view your installed Vulkan drivers in the Control Panel.


There are a lot of great answers, but I would like to add this one too.
The result of this command is just what I was looking for and now I can finally say, that Vulkan does support my GeForce GTX 970.
Thanks to everybody for their ideas and advice, specially n1kZ, where I discovered the precise command, and also the answers by Jordan and awick, showing me,

What’s New In VK-Z?

VK-Z Console Utility:
VK-Z comes with Linux, Windows and macOS versions. The Windows version is only compatible with 64-bit Windows operating systems.
In this article, I am going to briefly discuss the Linux version of VK-Z. To get started, you need to have git (distributed version control system) installed on your computer. For new Linux users, I recommend you to install Git via apt-get, or more specifically, the package git-all. It is a more or less complete set of tools for git, including a web server, and client applications.
I installed the latest stable version of the package, which happens to be After it installed, I created a new project and entered the Git Bash shell.
$ git clone
$ cd VK-Z
$ mkdir vk-z-app
$ cd vk-z-app
$ python3 setup.py develop
This command will install the package in the root folder of the project. For the purposes of this article, it is fine to skip this step, but you should remember to clone the repository when you want to update the package.
By default, VK-Z runs on Python 3.5.4. While the initial instructions for VK-Z only mention Python 2.7, you can find out on the Github project that a Python 3 version is already available.
If you want to install the package for both Python versions, the only option I had was to run the Python scripts in an individual environment. I did this as follows.
$ mkdir python_2.7 && cd python_2.7
$ python3.5 setup.py install
$ mkdir python_3.5 && cd python_3.5
$ python3.5 setup.py install
You will then need to create the needed environment variables before running vk-z.py.
$ export PYTHONPATH=”/path/to/vk-z/lib/python_3.5/site-packages”
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/vk-z/lib
$ export PYTHONPATH=”/path/to/vk-z/lib/python_3.5/site-packages”
$ export LD_LIBRARY

System Requirements For VK-Z:

Windows 7 / Vista / XP
Intel Pentium 4 1.0 GHz
512 MB RAM
3GB Hard Drive
Graphics Card – 256 MB
Supported OS – Windows 7 / Vista / XP
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