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coalescent is a handy, easy to use, Java based library specially designed for research in theoretical population biology, centered around coalescent analysis.







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coalescent is a handy, easy to use, Java based library specially designed for research in theoretical population biology, centered around coalescent analysis.


DNA.fasta is a simple to use wrapper around the FASTAClass DNA Sequences. What is meant by DNA.fasta is that you only have to specify the fasta file name, and the program will do the rest (and can do much more). Usage example: DNA.fasta somaticDNA.fasta > out.fasta


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JFreeChart is a Java 2D-based statistical charting library. It allows you to produce publication quality bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and scatter charts. It supports any valid Java 2D chart type, including all of the standard Java 2D chart types, as well as new chart types developed by JFreeChart authors.


JSyntaxpane is a Java version of Peter Bruce’s excellent syntax editor JSyntaxTextArea, which is the most complete syntax-highlighted editor available on the Internet. It includes a powerful search and replace feature and is fully compatible with all major Java IDEs.


JReference is a Java version of reference. It is a small, very fast, pure Java library containing a set of utility classes that have a specific focus on efficient and correct usage of the Java Collections API.


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Specially designed for research in theoretical population biology, centered around coalescent analysis.

This release (3.1) includes support for inferring gene tree topologies using a nucleotide alignment (using the (substitution model).

The new package org.coalescent includes the following classes:

DefaultStableCoalescent : Represents a stable population with constant sizes, useful when simulating a population.
StochasticCoalescent : Represents a stable population with variable sizes, useful when simulating a population with population size histories.
IsolationWithMigration : Represents a population with population size changes, population splits and migrations.
StochasticIsolationWithMigration : A filtered version of the IsolationWithMigration package, that does not allow population size changes.

The class DefaultStableCoalescent has been split into two classes, one for each of the subroutines (receive a sample from time t, etc.). Both of these classes can be specified as functions that take in a matrix of pairwise distances (not required) and either a substitution model, a flat prior for the TMRCA (typically New World monkeys), or a prior on population sizes (if ln N is given).

You must set the population size before using the coalescent:

DefaultStableCoalescent stable = new DefaultStableCoalescent(123);

The way to specify the population size N is

N = 123;


N = 123; or N = 123; or N = 123.


N = 123; or N = 123. or N = 123.


N = 123 or N = 123 or N = 123 or N = 123.

The population size is an integer.

Alternatively, you can use the FlatPrior object:

FlatPrior prior = new FlatPrior(1E3);


FlatPrior prior = new FlatPrior(1E3); or FlatPrior prior = new FlatPrior(1E3); or FlatPrior prior = new FlatPrior(1E3); or FlatPrior prior = new FlatPrior(1E3); or FlatPrior prior = new FlatPrior(1E3); or FlatPrior prior = new FlatPrior(1E3);

The FlatPrior object takes two arguments:

the upper limit of the prior, the integer

Coalescent [2022-Latest]

A module for population-genetic analyses.

MAFS is a system of functions and classes for statistical
analyses and MCMC simulation based on the multivariate normal
mixture model of gene frequencies. It includes functions for
inference of probabilities and cumulative likelihood, as well
as functions for repeated measures and generalized linear models.

The NetBeans IDE

The NetBeans IDE is a free and open source cross platform
application development platform. It makes development of
nearly any kind of software easy and it supports lots of
additional features. It is full featured and highly integrated
but retains a slim and clean design (partly even resembling
the NetBeans/Apache open source project organization). The
NetBeans IDE also has the NetBeans project framework
integrated, that can be used to host, build and test your

The NetBeans IDE is a part of the NetBeans
6.0 platform.

GALA is an open-source library for developing
open-source user interfaces for statistical computing in
Java. It implements both of the typical interfaces for GUI
programs, namely the Event-Driven and Look-and-Feel-Driven
interfaces, and it has a lightweight layout manager that can be
used to create windows with curved and non-rectangular layouts.
GALA is still under active development, and it is a work in
progress to improve the extensibility of the core classes.

jPISA is a Java application that performs a statistical
evaluation based on an inferential statistic (t test or Fisher
test) for each gene, computed on the multivariate data. jPISA
is part of JBoss Tools (Tomcat
Toolkit), and it is a Java application, running on
Sun’s JVM and
based on Tomcat.
It is cross platform, and it can be run in any operating
system that supports either a JVM or a Java runtime.

Matrix Profile 2.0 is a Java library for
multivariate statistics. It contains 4 basic algorithms: multidimensional
scaling, principal component analysis, canonical correlation analysis,
and factor analysis. Matrix Profile 2.0 has a multithreaded implementation
with a message passing style, and it is in harmony with the Java language
and the Java platform

java.util.concurrent is a set of classes

What’s New In Coalescent?

A compendium of coalescent analyses.
Extremely easy to use for general coalescent analysis
Simple and flexible interface, few classes
Methods for generating coalescence trees from extant data
And most importantly, it is open source!
Recently developed:
Some additional methods for calculating age distributions
A few additional statistics, e.g. relative homozygosity and absolute homozygosity
Execution and quality of some analyses (e.g., the gene tree vs. the species tree problem) are controlled in a RAS-like fashion

An initial user’s manual was developed for the package by Christopher Fox, and revised by Ian Baldwin

Updated R-forge source and documentation can be browsed


(submitted by [email protected])
A really nice new manual in R
Journal club about the package
Supporting packages:

MIT license
[email protected]
(c) 2010
Jeppe Karlsson
Version number:
The latest version of the software and all updates can be downloaded from

Coalescent can be downloaded and installed with the easy_install command,
$ easy_install coalescent
You should now be able to run coalescent from the shell prompt without using
“easy_install”. The package will be installed to the directory “coalescent”
under your system’s Python installation, e.g.
$ python -c ‘

System Requirements For Coalescent:

CPU: Intel Core i3 2.7GHz or higher
RAM: 3GB or more (4GB recommended)
GPU: NVIDIA GT 610 recommended
HDD: 100 GB or more
Controller: Keyboard and mouse. You can use a gamepad like PS4 and Xbox controllers as well.
Legal Notice:
You are allowed to use this mod and make an icon for yourself (with credit to this

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