ImageAutoCropper Crack For PC







ImageAutoCropper Keygen Full Version (2022)

The program is very easy to use and straight forward.
After you have selected the folder or the file to crop, simply select a custom area.
Different formats are supported; by default files are uploaded in jpeg format, whereas folders contain a single image.
Files with no extensions are left unprocessed.
To crop manually, simply click on the crop icon in the lower left corner.
The program can also be used to crop any number of files at once.
You can find the complete documentation in the README.txt file on the website.

gimp2x2 is a tiny commandline program that runs gimp (the GNU Image Manipulation Program) twice. (So the meaning of the program’s name)
This functionality is achieved by a bash script that runs 2 times the default “gimp” (the gnuimage manipulation program) and if the filename of the first run is different from the filename of the second run, passes the changed parameters to the second run of gimp.
In the end it helps to have only one instance of gimp running and the program does that by its own.
gimp2x2 can output the changes as PNG-files or as SVG.
To use:
Create the second file with the same name and paste the changes of the first one as description.
Copy the output of gimp2x2 to the terminal (or gimp2x2.png to the current directory)
gimp2x2 doesn’t output any output but it’s a good way to see what you changed.

SC_img is a small script that allows you to do automated and fast imagemagick comparison jobs.
It contains various useful commands that might be useful if your are a beginner in imagemagick:
There is a list of commands that you can use for automation tasks.
To use, copy the script to the first folder of your system’s PATH and run it there.
SC_cmds commands are divided into two groups:
foreach command: “export” commands are used to export a single imagemagick command to a file that you can use next time.
For example

ImageAutoCropper Crack+ For PC

ImageAutoCropper Crack Mac – a free tool (shareware) that allows you to edit and crop all or single images inside your favorite folder without fuss.
Simply launch the program, select the destination folder and file you want to crop and start editing!
The program will tell you when there is something wrong, like a bad file or image format, and will ask for a new cropped file, along with the way you want to save it.
Cracked ImageAutoCropper With Keygen allows you to export your edited images in PDF or PNG format, and even lets you rename them with a customized name.
The program supports all standard image formats, such as jpeg, jpg, png, gif, etc.
(i.e.: Naming a file “John-Apples-Img.png” will likely give you an image named “John-Apples-Img.png”).
ImageAutoCropper Crack Keygen is a 100% Free software, and lets you do just about everything you can do with some $$$ software.
Try it yourself and come back with your comments, suggestions and other ideas!


ImageAutoCropper is a free and powerful program that allows you to edit and crop images (jpeg, jpg, png, gif,etc.) in the fastest way.
The program can automatically tell you when there is something wrong, like a bad image or file format, and will ask for a new cropped file.
It also allows you to rename images and export them in PDF or PNG format.
The program is free and easy-to-use, and will never let you down.
Try it yourself and come back with your comments, suggestions and other ideas!

ImageAutoCropper Contents:

ImageAutoCropper is not only a free program, but it also comes with lots of power and features, including:

– Easy Image Files and Folder Selection – Photo Editor and Crop tool.
– Preview your image files with one click.
– Auto-adjust Image Cropping.
– Color Picker to choose the best color.
– Conversion to JPEG/PDF/PNG.
– Supports all standard image file formats.
– Supports all standard image file formats.

ImageAutoCropper License:

The program is free to use and distribute.
But, if you want to help improve the program, and allow to me update it, you can donate a buck (or more) to support the release

ImageAutoCropper Crack + Download

ImageAutoCropper’s main features include:

Auto crop images with the loss of the last visible pixels.

File/Folder based cropping.

Folder based cropping (with or without recursive behaviour).

Folder based cropping allows you to select files in a folder and auto crop all the images in it or just one image if you need only a single cropping.

Generate thumbnails of the current image.

All cropped images are saved in a folder (with auto naming) or to a file in the path specified in the input file.

No graphical user interface, just a few parameters and you are done.

Starting ImageAutoCropper via the Command Line:

1: General Description

Creating a new instance of ImageAutoCropper via the Command Line is made by using the last parameter in the Command line (option -b).
In other words you can start ImageAutoCropper by using the following Command Line:

ImageAutoCropper -b.

If you want to start ImageAutoCropper to crop some images from a folder and/or starting from a single file you can do it by using the following Command Line:

ImageAutoCropper -b. -f [TheFileOrFolderPathToTheFileOrFolderToCrop]


Using ImageAutoCropper to crop one single image, just drag&drop the file you want to crop on the ImageAutoCropper executable in the Command Line.
The image will be automatically cropped if necessary.
If you need to crop more than one image or a folder instead of a single image do like the following:

Just drag&drop a folder or a file on the ImageAutoCropper executable in the Command Line.
ImageAutoCropper will ask you to choose to crop one file or a folder or all the images it contains.

If you choose to crop a file a new file will be created with the name of the original file but with the file extension “.Cropped” added and the cropping information will be in the end of the file.
This is true for the folder based cropping case.

You can also have access to all the properties of the image (exposure, pose, position,…) if you need them.

To generate a thumbnail of the image you can drag&drop the image on ImageAutoCropper if you need it or just type:


What’s New In ImageAutoCropper?

It allows you to do almost everything on a picture you like. It lets you edit the picture (crop, adjust, rotate, color change,…).

ImageAutoCropper Features:

Crop image (and/or folder)

Adjust image (contrast, brightness, color)

Rotate image

Trim image (width/height)

Resize image (according to your specifications)

Resize image (according to your specifications)

Crop the desktop (according to your specifications)

Crop the desktop (according to your specifications)

Save cropped image (JPEG or PNG)

Save cropped image (JPEG or PNG)

Interactive help

The project is under development and it will keep you updated.
Please feel free to contact me in case you have any suggestion or problem.

I have a little request, for these specific features:

— Modify brightness/contrast
— When the current image is clicked, it must open the original image in the same folder or not
— Ability to edit image thumbnail, and not the large file.

With that, I offer the first version of ImageAutoCropper, in hope that you can have it for free.

Project Update:

Here’s the last (and only) updated version of the image auto-cropper:

Version 3.1.1 released (18 February 2011)

New toolbox – With this, you can start image cropper on your desktop.

Support for folder with images (images selected in the folder are cropped).

Actually, now you can crop any folder of images and the auto cropper will select only those images you want and crop them.
I also added a log window.

Version 2.1.1 released (9 April 2010)

Now you can crop one or more (selected) file by clicking them.
You can also crop the entire desktop.

Version 2.0.2 released (28 March 2010)

Now you can crop images automatically on your desktop (if you set a proper image list)

Version 2.0.1 released (11 February 2010)

Fixed bugs:

Fixed a bug where sometimes the auto cropper did not show the selected image (as if the folder was empty).

Fixed a bug where after cropping the images, it was necessary to restart the program to

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7
Processor: 2.6 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Processor: 3.2 GHz Quad Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Resolution: 1024×768
Game Mode: Fullscreen
Video: NVIDIA GTX 560/AMD HD 7870
Sound: Windows 7
Other: 4 GB available space
Keyboard and Mouse: (Optional)
Software Used:

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