CachedBuffers PC/Windows

CachedBuffers is a lightweight and simple object library for Delphi that enables you to test the reading and writing speed.
CachedBuffers  works with Delphi6-XE3 and comes with two benchmark tools that you can use to view the reading and writing performance.









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CachedBuffers is a lightweight and simple object library for Delphi  that enables you to test the reading and writing speed.
CachedBuffers  offers an easy way to  initialize and return large  object  buffers  while using the  FT_MemMapServer  or  FT_SyncPointServer  TCP/IP  servers.
You can use the standard feature for performance testing, even when using 32-bit application with  Indy’s LargeSend  and  LargeRecv  methods.
CachedBuffers  uses  on-line  object  caching  and  buffer  pooling. The library uses TCriticalSection  (with  Reader/WriterLock,  ReaderLock  and  WriterLock  types)  to protect the inner object  layers.
You can  choose  the  number of  threads  for  accessing  the  buffers. To avoid  swapping  the  buffers  between  threads,  you can  use  “CachedBuffers”  with  “CachedBuffers_Separate  Threads”  option.
You can  initialize  the  number of  buffers  with  the  same  number  of  threads  and  different  workloads.
The  number of  threads  can  be  different  from  the  number  of  servers  you  are  using.
You can  directly  connect  to  the  TMonitor  server.
CachedBuffers  includes  built-in  server  implementations:   FT_MemMapServer_Default,  FT_MemMapServer_IIS_Pools,  FT_SyncPointServer_Default,  FT_SyncPointServer_IIS_Pools.
Even,  you  can  use  the  network  services  to  initialize  the  servers.
The  server  implementation  offers  a  wide  support  of  parameters  and  features.
CachedBuffers  is  a  very  thin  network  client  layer.
In  fact,  you  can  pass  buffers  data  to  and  from  the  server  directly.
CachedBuffers  handles  also  integer64  data.
You can  test  all  new  events  and  types  created by  Indy  2009.   And  you  can  use  it

CachedBuffers Crack Free

CachedBuffers is designed to enhance the performance of your applications, especially with large amounts of data.
The system stores a variety of buffered data in an array, which is accessed directly without the need to the OS to allocate and deallocate memory.
With CachedBuffers, memory allocations and accesses occur with significantly lower overhead and substantially improved performance.


A MultiMemory (or something similar) is what you are after:

MultiMemory is based on the light weight technique called
Bitmaps. The Bitmap techniques come from Small Talk’s
brick memory implementation and is used in most Smalltalk systems.
This is one implementation of “Transactional Memory” (TM). It is not
as advanced as most TM implementations and is fully procedural in
nature. The programmer manages a small amount of memory in various
ways which is called an Area. This serves as a memory unit which is
made as small as possible while having features like locking. A
programmer writes code that can handle memory allocation,
deallocation and freeing.

MultiMemory provides a mechanism to store persistent data in contiguous areas (i.e. “blocks”) of memory. The most important aspect of MultiMemory is the ability to suspend portions of the program in memory, to act as if they were RAM. In practice, the operating system controls memory allocation and release, leaving us to develop code that interacts with the rest of the memory management system.


Try this Component,

[unreadable] [unreadable] The study of protein-protein interactions is key to understanding the function of many cell signaling pathways. While recent advances in [unreadable] protein sequencing have greatly increased the number of novel proteins identified, the identification of their interacting partners is [unreadable] critical. The PI has developed a novel protein interaction discovery system that combines synthetic [unreadable] peptide arrays and mass spectrometry to identify the interacting proteins that bind to the surface of synthetic peptides [unreadable] displayed on the surface of yeast. The first version of this technology was used to discover a number

CachedBuffers Product Key X64

CachedBuffers is a lightweight and simple object library that you can use to read and write to memory.
By default it stores the data on  the heap, but you can modify the TMemoryComponent to use a memory only  allocator, which is faster and you can set  the  class  to store the data to a memory only pointer that  allows you to use a memory only allocator  to instantiate the class.
CachedBuffers Features:
·  High Performance
·  Heap-Only Allocator
·  Memory only instance
·  Excessive allocates and frees
·  Partial (using TMemo)
·  Simple interface
·  Look and feel default, so you can customize your way to get the best performance

I need this to work for when a function calling a procedure wants to know how fast it is, or knows that it can be lengthy.


I write a whole project for you. Called TBenchmark.
I use the features of the TBenchmarker in it, like “Start Benchmarking”, “Stop Benchmarking”, “Measure” and so on.
Start and Stop Benchmarking by pressing a button and setting an Event.
If you press Start Benchmarking it will create and start a thread called TBenchmarkThread. This thread creates an event and calls the function Benchmark “onTimer” every millisecond.
If you press Stop Benchmarking, the thread (TBenchmarkThread) stops and stops the Event as well.
The function Benchmark will do some busywork in the function Benchmarking.
In Benchmark you can set the parameters, that you want to benchmark for, like: benchmark time, time left, error for stop, error for Continue and so on.
To set up the parameter, you can choose between “You can Set it by yourself” and “Set it by way of the XML Output”.
When you press the button “Start benchmarking”, the TBenchmarkThread starts. (The button starts the Event as well)
You have to use the “StartBenchmark” function, so the parameters can be set right. “Do not use the ‘Start Benchmarking’ button and the.bmp file”.
When the thread is running, the event is set once per second.
When you

What’s New In?

CachedBuffers implements the Reading and Writing functions. You can easily measure the time that is needed to read or write data from a certain memory area. This time is called Timer and is returned as a TTime.
CachedBuffers also supports low level functionality, allowing for custom code generation.

CachedBuffers Features:

The library comes with two benchmark tool implementations:

Basic: Read and Write functions. Generates and uses random data.
Advanced: Low level functions (FFinalized, FFailed, TFileSize, TIntfRead…). Generates and uses several files and filesizes.

You can use the library as following:

Load the library.

Call Buffers.FillBuffer to fill a memory area with random data.

Call Buffers.WriteBuffer to write random data from a memory area to another area.

While using Buffers.WriteBuffer/ReadBuffer it is possible to update the Timer value in the Process properties, so you can compare the reading/writing performance in different situations.

Pre-release versions:

Version Fixed a bug in the buffers reading.
Version Updated library version to be compatible with Delphi 6. It also replaced the FFailed tool (used for reading) with a simpler implementation.


Linq to excel using custom ‘fieldname’ instead of ‘name’?

i have a field called “name” in my excel file, where my data looks like this:
name date
foo 20100101
bar 20100105
baz 20100107
bang 20100108

the date is not a date

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i3, AMD Phenom II X4, or better
Memory: 4GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with 1GB of memory
Storage: 500MB available space
Other: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with 1GB of memory
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Additional Notes:
If running DXUT, you will need to remove the executable from the CD and run it directly from

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