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This article provides an overview of AutoCAD and its history.

AutoCAD and Its History

AutoCAD is a desktop computer-aided design (CAD) application with a history of several decades. The first CAD applications were 2D vector graphics editors, such as CADCAM and FACAD. CADCAM was created by a team at the University of Edinburgh in 1981. At the same time, FAO (later CADCAM) was being developed by a team at the University of Washington, which added a variety of design features for the first desktop CAD applications. One of the main differences between FAO and CADCAM was that CADCAM did not require the development of a separate operating system (OS) for the computer, as FAO did. CADCAM was released in 1984, while FAO was released in 1985.

AutoCAD was originally developed at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) as CAD-1 by Gerry McMichael. It was first released in December 1982.

While CAD-1 was a 2D vector graphics editor, the next iteration of CAD, CAD-2, was released in 1986 and added a 2D coordinate drafting capability to the editor. CAD-2 also added 3D modeling and part management capabilities. In 1988, a newly formed company called Autodesk was created to market the CAD programs. CAD-3 was first released in 1987, followed by the release of CAD-4 in 1990.

CAD-4 also introduced a new GUI and object management capability. In 1994, CAD-4 was released with an enhanced object management system, a new GUI, and the ability to work with compressed file formats. In 1995, CAD-4 was released with one of the world’s first memory-resident applications, enabling users to save the state of their project between sessions, as well as a file compression capability. Also in 1995, CAD-4.5 was released. This release supported WATO (Write Ahead Technology Object) and WRS (Write Ahead Technology Reflection) technology. This technology enabled users to create drawings that they could save and load as files without restarting the application.

In 1997, CAD-5 was released, featuring a new 3D engine that supported the usage of “modeling spaces”, such as spaces for different parts. This also introduced the first version of the AutoCAD.DWG file format, the native file format for AutoCAD. Also

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AutoCAD LT software and AutoCAD Architecture are licensed to manufacture, by the user, parts of structures and assemblies. In the licensing scheme for AutoCAD LT, the design activity is done in a drawing called a detail. The detail is an entity with a reference number, a description of its content, and a license number. The license is the basis for production.

The software features three modes of operation: (a) creation of an assembly of components, (b) single component design and (c) construction of the assembly
AutoCAD’s first-person mode (titled “AutoCAD Landscape Viewer”) is a “virtual reality environment” which allows users to “walk through” a CAD drawing.
Most recent versions of AutoCAD (2008 onwards) use custom rendering. This allows the users to quickly generate 2D or 3D drawings from standard 2D or 3D design data.

See also

Autodesk Vault


External links

AutoCAD software downloads
Autodesk Exchange Apps: a searchable catalog of pre-installed applications for AutoCAD
AutoCAD LT User Manual
Free CAD tools for architects
AutoCAD online tutorial videos

Category:Computer-aided design software
Category:Computer-aided engineering software for WindowsQ:

How do I get a list of IPs from a MS SQL Server connection?

I am running a SQL Server 2005 database for a custom CMS. I need to capture the client IP addresses and log them as they access the site. I am currently using the standard SQL Server authentication, so I would have access to a table called sys.tables.
I am having trouble finding where I can look up the IPs of connected clients. I need to capture the IPs that connect to the database, not the IPs of the users of the database.
What I want is an IPs table that can be queried like this:

Any suggestions?


you can use this table
in this table you have all the information you need (logged on user, db connections, dns requests and more).
you can run this query to get all connection ip addresses
select i.ip_address as ip
from information

AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Keygen

Open the program.
From the main menu select “File” then “Open” and select the file \Program\Autodesk\Autocad
In the file Autocad.ico you can find the registry entries required for Autocad 2017 to run

Go to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2017\Precomponents\Active
Paste the Autocad.ico into it.
Close Autocad.
Now start Autocad.

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Rams and St. Louis Rams are playing a game at the Coliseum, but for fans wanting to feel the same old hustle and bustle, their experience may be more like the one they got in 2016 — at least for the Super Bowl.

Fans were asked at the gates how they prefer to be addressed.

By a majority, 80%, they would prefer to be called “Ram fans” over “Rams fans.”

“Ram fans” were the common choice for those who are attending the Rams’ regular-season opener and home opener next month.

“Ram fans,” by comparison, are still the most popular at the Coliseum with fans looking for the “real” Rams experience.

The Rams are heading into the 2017 season and one of their expectations is to “ditch the clown car” and work on being a more cohesive team.It seems like January is the time of year where students from your area are starting to focus on their college applications. For some students, their priority is completing their college applications, but others are starting to look at other ways to improve their college applications. While the focus is typically on the SAT and ACT scores, there are other factors that can get in the way of a student receiving a good score. The five major college application essays are critical to a student’s application, but there are some other essays that are often overlooked, and can help a student get a good score.

College Essays Help Determine the Score

The five main essays are:

Personal Statement

The personal statement is a great way to explain who you are as a student and why you should be admitted. In order for your personal statement to stand out and get you a good score, you want to make sure that you have a purpose, and this can be something as simple as “I need to be in the theatre program because

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Drawing Pen:

Draw directly into your drawing using the Drawing Pen tool, and then apply complex drawing transformations to your line. This method also allows you to continue working as a line is drawn, saving you the time of drawing over and over. (video: 1:22 min.)

CAD to Reality 3D:

Plan and document your designs using a range of 3D tools. Optimize your drawings using 3D solid models and analyze various aspects of a building such as construction costs, strength, and accessibility. Use powerful 3D visualization tools to share your ideas with others. (video: 1:10 min.)

Lightweight and more portable AutoCAD:

Simplify and streamline AutoCAD while making it easier to use and more convenient to handle. AutoCAD can now be operated without the aid of a mouse or keyboard. Now you can click, drag, and tap to operate without restriction. (video: 1:11 min.)

Online Autodesk Network:

Work with multiple AutoCAD users simultaneously. Share and collaborate directly with your team from anywhere using the Autodesk network. (video: 1:05 min.)

Autodesk 360:

Work, collaborate, and create right on your phone. Use Autodesk 360 to create, modify, and share designs anywhere. View the latest versions of designs, and get quick access to all your projects and files. (video: 2:15 min.)

Related articles

Watch AutoCAD videos on Autodesk YouTube

AutoCAD Tips and Tricks

If you are new to AutoCAD, these tips will help you get started with a new or existing drawing. For more AutoCAD tips, see the Autodesk Academy.

Use the UCS, Draw and Reference, and the Recycle Bin

The UCS is a tool that lets you designate a coordinate system in a drawing so that commands can be more easily executed. For example, if you enter a command that requires a specific coordinate system, you can choose to start a drawing in a particular coordinate system by selecting UCS from the drawing menu bar.

Draw and Reference is an easy way to insert drawing objects into the drawing window. You can use this tool to easily insert doors, windows, equipment, and more.

The Recycle Bin is a quick way to remove a drawing from the drawing window.

Enter your drawing into a PDF

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

*Windows® XP, Vista®, Windows 7 or Windows 8
*1.8GHz Processor or faster
*2 GB RAM or more
*256 MB of Video RAM
*12 MB of available hard disk space (in install directory)
*Internet connection required
*DVD-ROM drive required (to install the software)
*DVD-RW drive required for Installation
*Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer® or Mozilla Firefox®
*Internet connection required to download software and files
*Microsoft.NET Framework 3.0

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