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AutoCAD Overview

AutoCAD is the most commonly used commercial CAD software on the market today. The tool can be used to design everything from a car to a building, it can be used for 2D drafting, 3D modeling, and 2D/3D printing. AutoCAD comes as a desktop application and as a cloud service. The desktop version is supported on Windows operating systems, while the web and mobile versions are supported on a number of different platforms.

AutoCAD’s user interface has evolved over the years as it has added new features. The current version (2019) has a user interface that is reminiscent of the 1998-2002 interface. Most users and technicians would recognize it as the interface introduced with version 2014. This version is still in use today, and most users may not be aware that the interface has changed.

The release of AutoCAD in 1998 ushered in the era of the tablet, and since then the tablet has been the preferred device for drafting and other aspects of CAD. This is especially true for the corporate market, where AutoCAD is used in conjunction with other enterprise software.

AutoCAD used to be installed on a separate computer from a user’s computer. It was necessary to connect two computers and transfer files back and forth. With AutoCAD’s move to a cloud-based service, it became necessary for a user to have the cloud version of the software. The web version is cloud-based, so it does not require an external server. Instead, it uses your personal computer’s internet connection and hardware.

The desktop version can be installed on a computer, but if you intend to use this version on more than one computer, you need to purchase a perpetual license. The desktop version can be used offline, so you can use the software without internet access. Offline use is different from when the software was installed on a separate computer. If the desktop version was installed on a computer, it could only be used on that computer. If you installed it on your desktop, it could be used on any computer with a display connected to that computer. If you move the desktop version to a different computer, it is still possible to use it offline, but it will no longer function unless you connect to the internet.

AutoCAD is mainly used to create 2D drawings. However, AutoCAD was designed to be used in a 3D environment. The actual functionality of AutoCAD is not limited to

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Software development
AutoCAD was originally a standalone application for 2D CAD drawings but now has some support for 3D modeling. AutoCAD’s programming environment is called “Visual LISP”, which is a visual programming environment based on a combination of Lisp programming language and object-oriented programming. Its core component is the ObjectARX programming library. AutoCAD’s ability to store procedures, or macros, within a drawing makes it extremely extensible, allowing for a large number of custom procedures and scripts. Scripting also includes “plugins” which extend the behavior of AutoCAD. These are typically either written in Visual LISP or VBA, Microsoft’s Visual Basic for Applications scripting language, and can be used to automate tasks. AutoCAD has an ObjectARX C++ class library and.NET API that allows AutoCAD users to write applications for Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. AutoCAD can also be controlled via Visual Basic for Applications and Visual LISP or Visual C++. AutoCAD’s application development programming environment is similar to Delphi.

All these features lead to a large and active online community of professional and amateur programmers, Autodesk Exchange Apps, that create AutoCAD plugins or add-on applications. AutoCAD Exchange App plugins allow developers to extend the functionality of AutoCAD software or add new functionality. A software development environment is included in AutoCAD. Developers can write their code in any text editor and then save it as a.hlp file which is then executed in AutoCAD. Some programming environments require a separate editor for editing their files. A development environment is not included with AutoCAD..hlp files cannot be opened in Microsoft Word, Excel, or other Microsoft products.

Image processing
AutoCAD 2009 introduced a plugin called the Image Processing Plugin, which allows users to create and edit digital images. This plugin contains a large number of commands for adding and editing color images, creating and editing grayscale images, adding text to images, and adding special effects.

Reception and reviews

AutoCAD is the most widely used 3D software in the world, accounting for a majority of 3D CAD market share in the year 2007.

Autodesk’s 2007 Software industry report concluded that:

According to the November 2008 issue of CAD Magazine: “We’ve never met a computer-aided-design (CAD) package that we didn’t like. The philosophy seems to be

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First, you need to connect to the Autocad Online service.
The Autocad Online service does not require a Windows-only client, but this step will provide further instruction on connecting to the service.

Open up the Program menu (Windows) or Applications menu (Mac), select Autodesk Autocad, and choose Launch.

When Autocad launches, click on the Autodesk Autocad Online Connect button.

Autocad Online Connect opens in a browser.

Enter your Autocad Online login info and click on Connect.

Once connected, your Autocad license is active.

If you need to make an offline activation, it’s the same process.

If you don’t have Autocad already, you need to download the most current Autodesk Autocad release and then activate it from Autocad Online.

Authorized users

In Autocad 2018 and Autocad 2019, the latest Autocad release, you have the option to download a client to enable authorization on your PC.

There is no online version of Autocad. The client is for Windows only. You must have a valid email and password to authorize the license for the Autocad 2018 or Autocad 2019 version you want to install.

The authorization code is valid for 60 days. You will not be able to access the software if you do not renew your license within the authorized time period.

Windows-only licenses

If you have Autocad 2018 or Autocad 2019, you can install a Windows-only license on a PC that is not connected to the Autocad Online service.

The Windows-only license is only valid if your computer is connected to the Autocad Online service.

When installing a Windows-only license, it is not possible to make the license valid for 60 days.

Before installing Windows-only licenses, make sure to read the Autocad Installation and Licensing page.



The Windows-only license is only valid for Windows computers. It is not possible to make the license valid for 60 days.

If you are running Autodesk Autocad in a virtual machine, you will not be able to connect to the Autocad Online service.

If you are running Autodesk Autocad in a browser-based virtual machine, the license will be valid for

What’s New in the?

Simplify your drawing creation workflow with AutoCAD’s new Markup Assist tool. This tool easily turns drawing objects into a simple markup, such as text, arrows, rectangles, or lines, ready for further editing and/or printing. (video: 1:24 min.)

3D Printing:

Import graphics directly from Autodesk’s Cloud Design Community, which includes popular CAD and CAM files. (video: 3:52 min.)

Model-centric commands:

Create parametric 3D models, such as stairs or chairs, by manipulating existing shapes in 3D. (video: 1:17 min.)

Command line utilities:

Add layer metadata to existing drawings. (video: 1:54 min.)

As-you-type commands:

Automatically generate command and property names as you type. (video: 1:18 min.)

Simplify and speed up your drawing creation workflow with Autodesk’s new command line utilities. This toolbox includes a set of command-line utilities that automate tasks and make you more productive. As you type, it generates complete command-line instructions, helping you create and save commands quickly. (video: 1:23 min.)

Command-line utilities are available in AutoCAD LT 2023. To access command-line utilities in AutoCAD LT, select Windows ➜ Utilities ➜ Command-line Utilities. (video: 0:43 min.)

AutoCAD 2D Extensions:

Plane (or Sheet Set) Move commands:

Generate a single-use set of planes or sheets to move around your drawing in seconds. This tool saves you the time of manually generating planes or sheet sets. It’s easy to use—simply drag-and-drop the object you want to move and select the planes or sheet sets you want to move. (video: 1:40 min.)

Plane Grid:

Create and show guides and alignments on your drawings for improved accuracy. (video: 0:44 min.)


Simplify P-grid maintenance. The P-Glide tool simplifies the way you draw your grids and P-grids by removing redundant control points. (video: 1:12 min.)


Use Autodesk’s boundary-fitting

System Requirements:

Minimum Specifications:
Windows 7 64-bit OS
CPU: Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X4
GPU: Nvidia GTX 460
Memory: 8GB RAM
Laptop: PENTIUM 1.8GHz or ATHLON II x2
Hard Drive: 8GB
Webcam: Toshiba HD camcorder
Internet: Broadband connection
Additional Information:

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