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Adobe Photoshop is the most common tool used for image editing. This page will cover its features, menu system, and the basic editing tools needed to get you started. Then we’ll go on to discuss the basics of Photoshop’s features and functionality.

Learning Photoshop’s Many Features

Photoshop offers many features for image editing, including layer support, raster image manipulation, the ability to add special effects, and a large selection of filters, among others.

So, how does one use all of Photoshop’s features? The answer is to use many different tools to manipulate images in different ways, ultimately creating a final product.

Here are just a few of Photoshop’s features to help get you started:

An Important Note on Permissions, Compatibility, and Copyright

The following is NOT legal advice. This is provided for informational purposes only. Consult a competent attorney before using Photoshop, or any other software for that matter.

Permissions and Future Compatibility

When one uses Photoshop, whether it’s for personal or commercial uses, one must be careful.

There are several ways that permission may be granted to use one’s images in the first place, and one must be careful of these permissions.

The most common way to use an image for commercial purposes is by providing it to the company or person for use. However, there is no contract or permission if an image is provided for free.

Another way is if a company grants permission to use a particular image. This permission is often called a “use license.” One must request a use license for each image they would like to use. The use license may even state that a particular person or company is the sole owner of the image, or even that the user is allowed to use the image in any number of ways.

Other companies allow some kinds of use, but stipulate that the final product MUST stay within certain bounds. For instance, a company might say that an image can be used only on the company’s website, or can’t be altered. In addition, many companies ask that the image stay out of print or unpublished.

One must be careful not to infringe on anyone’s copyright. A copyright is an image or work that one owns that legally allows for the image’s use. One can own copyright for a creative work, whether it is art, a photograph, or some other creative work.

One is usually the author of the work and the owner of the copyright.

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However, despite the fact that Elements doesn’t have all the professional features, it still has many features that your basic users will benefit from.

If you’re interested in taking an advanced photo class then my free guide on Photoshop is full of inspiring tips and strategies from me. I cover what each tool in Photoshop does, how to get the most out of your software, and more!

The topic of this article is:

Precision – for both current (Paint) and future (Photomerge) work. All of these techniques involve using the tools in a precision workflow to produce sharp and smooth images.

10 Essential Tips and Tricks for Photoshop Elements

1. Work with Layers

This is probably the most important concept to understand for all photographers. It’s the one thing that makes Photoshop work any differently to other graphic software. This is discussed in greater detail in the photo editing guide.

2. Locking and Unlocking Layers

If you understand the layers concept, you can control the complete work process and safeguard your hard work from these two key functions. These tools allow you to control the position, size, blending mode, transparency and other settings for a layer.

Locking the layers is like creating a print out (or save file), with the right to amend the content. If you lock it, nothing can be changed on that layer.

To unlock a layer, it needs to be changed from the locked or print out state to the usual editing state. This will ensure all its settings are changed and other layers can be changed below.

3. Adjust Layers with Blend Modes

Adjusting layers using blend modes is much more intuitive.

You can either right click the layer and choose from a dropdown menu or use the Options Bar. Some blend modes are great for creating specific effects, while others are best for certain areas of your image.

For instance, if you’re using a bright, vivid or plain colored image, and you want to create a pale, muted version of the same image, you can use the Multiply blend mode to “Multiply” the amount of color and tone in the original image. Then just adjust the layer using the opacity and opacity settings to adjust the balance of the layers.

4. Layers – A Digital Puzzle

If you lock and edit a layer, this simply lock that layer and changes all the settings (besides its own opacity

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We suggest that beginners first learn about some basic things, such as drawing shapes or using the tools in the tools palette. Over time, the learning curve in Photoshop will get lower and you will find your own ways of using the most powerful features.

Tool Palette

Photoshop comes with a large selection of tools in the Tool Palette. Even if you have no idea what a particular tool does, it’s worth exploring the tool palette to familiarize yourself with its contents.
Selecting a tool will bring it up in your toolbox, where it can be accessed again at any time.


The Toolbox is where Photoshop keeps the most used tools, such as Lasso, Pen, and Brush tools. To activate the toolbox, either press the **Ctrl** (Windows) or **Cmd** (Mac) key and click on the Tool Palette, or right-click on the toolbox and select “Show Toolbox”.

The Toolbox is also where you can activate the keyboard shortcuts for your tools. For example, to make a selection with the Lasso tool, press and hold the **Ctrl** (Windows) or **Cmd** (Mac) key.

See more about keyboard shortcuts.


The Lasso tool is a popular tool for making selections. With it, you can make circular or rectangular selections.

The pen tool, which is used by default with the Pen tool, is similar to the Lasso tool. In fact, the pen tool can be used to make selections. However, it works with paths, rather than with just pixels.

The Rubber Stamp tool allows you to copy and paste pixels in the image. It’s useful for retouching, adjusting, and editing an image.


The Pen tool can be used to make selections, pen paths, and freehand drawings. This tool is used by default with the Brush tool.

Clone Stamp

The Clone Stamp tool allows you to copy and paste pixels from one area of an image and paste them into another area. This is useful for repairing damaged or corrupt images.


The Eraser tool allows you to delete pixels from an image.

Magic Wand

The Magic Wand tool selects similar areas based on the colors they contain. This is helpful for quickly selecting one or multiple colors, such as blues.


The Gradient tool allows you to change colors for

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How to manage sbt 0.13.x and sbt 0.12.x

My company has a sbt 0.12.x and we use 0.13.x, and I am using Windows 7 64-bit.
I need to setup my company sbt 0.12.x but I can’t find a way.
It looks like it is still in beta for windows, I can’t find any specific information.
All my company sbt projects have.sbt files, not.ivy2 files.
I am trying to figure out how to setup sbt 0.12.x (and sbt 0.13.x). I have added my company’s sbt 0.12.x sources into the sbt 0.13.x sources. But I can’t find a way to set sbt 0.13.x as the default sbt version.
I can’t find an online document describing how to change the project-sources.sbt for a project.
I am not sure if I can change the.sbt file for a project to use 0.12.x.
Anybody has idea on how to set sbt 0.13.x as the default sbt. Is it even possible to have sbt 0.12.x and sbt 0.13.x at the same time.


One thing you can do is to add:
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo(“releases”) at “”

in project/plugins.sbt. You should be able to do that in each project, and in the case of a multi-project build, this way you’d end up with both 0.13 and 0.12 versions installed and available.

Solebury Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania

Solebury Township is a township in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 705 at the 2010 census.

Solebury Township is located in southern Bradford County. It is bordered to the south by Potter County, to the west by Perry County, to the north by Clinton County, and to the east by Clearfield County. The borough of Port Allegany is located in the southwest corner of the township.

According to the United States Census Bureau

System Requirements:

The Aion client is a Java application and requires a version of Java 7 or later. For information on installing Java 7 see
The Aion client uses the JInput API which is only available on Windows and OSX. For information on how to run the Java application on a Mac, see Running Aion on Mac.
The minimum Java version used in Aion is 1.7. This version is required for many features including the display of the FPS indicator.
This game is designed for computers with an Intel Core i5-4590 or newer

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