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The following cheat sheet will help you remember the most commonly used Photoshop functions. It may also come in handy when you begin using Photoshop.

When starting a new project, ensure that you take the time to learn about the program. Also make sure that you understand the various workflows you will use and what each feature does. Take the time to understand how to use these tools properly. If you are new to Photoshop, read a good book on the subject; such titles include the following:

Photoshop CS4 The Missing Manual

Steve Greener and Geoffrey Regan

John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

And, of course, read the documentation that is available from the Photoshop web site. Reading the documentation and testing can help you understand the different functions of the program.

# The Photoshop Interface

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, the interface of Photoshop is the same no matter how you use

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Adobe Photoshop Touch allows you to easily create, edit and share your images. It was specially designed for smart devices including tablets, smart phones and portable gaming devices, and works without an Internet connection.

Photo Editing Apps

1. Adobe Photoshop (Full) – 30-day free trial (Windows or Mac), $9.99 monthly

If you are looking for a professional Photoshop (which is also available as a free online subscription), get the full version.

This version contains features for editing images such as colors, exposure, levels, perspective, etc. It comes with an extensive learning curve.

It also comes with features like spot healing, automatic redeye removal, and other advanced camera features. You can remove dust, spots, and other unwanted elements. It has numerous templates for easy image creations.

2. Adobe Photoshop (Elements) – Free

If you are just starting off with image editing, this version is sufficient. You can edit your images by using a basic selection tool to crop, resize, rotate, delete, add text, adjust colors, exposure, brightness, etc. It comes with numerous helpful plug-ins that allow you to edit images such as adding text, image effects, cropping, and other tasks.

It also comes with a selection brush and a touch-up tool for editing and retouching. A brush tool enables you to create your own adjustments and new styles in no time.

3. Adobe Photoshop (Elements) – Free

If you have limited photo editing experience, this is the best app to use. This version of Photoshop comes with a standard selection tool, a brush, a touch-up tool, a type tool, and special effects filters.

Like with the previous version, this app comes with other elements that make up the image editing process such as adjusting colors, brightness, contrast, etc.

4. Aviary Pro – Free

This is a simple photo editor that can be used for basic edits like resizing and cropping. It comes with a brush tool and a variety of design filters.

The templates for social networking use are included and it has a dark mode to make your images look more professional.

There is also a variety of tools that make for quick edits and creative options. You can also make your own edits with an assortment of tools.


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Independence of $P(X \leq x)$ vs $P(X \leq Y)$

Let $X$ and $Y$ be independent continuous random variables.
Show that $P(X \leq x)$ and $P(X \leq Y)$ are independent for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$.
I have thought of using the following lemma, but that didn’t seem to help.
Is it true that $P(X \leq x_1)P(X \leq x_2) = P(X \leq x_1 + x_2)$ for any $x_1, x_2 \in \mathbb{R}$?


You can use the remark that $P(X\leq x)$ and $P(Y\leq y)$ are independent iff for every $x,y$, $P(X\leq x,Y\leq y)=P(X\leq x)P(Y\leq y)$.
So you have to prove that $P(X\leq x_1,Y\leq y_1)=P(X\leq x_1)P(Y\leq y_1)$, $P(X\leq x_2,Y\leq y_2)=P(X\leq x_2)P(Y\leq y_2)$, and $P(X\leq x_1+x_2,Y\leq y_1+y_2)=P(X\leq x_1+x_2)P(Y\leq y_1+y_2)$.
I think you can work this out by looking at the independence properties of copulas.

Manganese deprivation differentially modulates monoamine-receptor expression, N-acetyltransferase activity, and serotonin turnover in rat hypothalamus, brain stem, and cortex.
Manganese (Mn) deprivation has been studied extensively as a model for metallostasis in various experimental paradigms in animals and humans. However, the exact underlying mechanisms of Mn deprivation in a subset of brain regions and its crosstalk with monoamines remain unknown. Mn deprivation in rats leads to variable effects,

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Spotify API with Swift

I’m trying to create a very simple spotify app that listens to any spotify playlist created within my application. I’m trying to stick to the “Query URI” approach. My problem is that when I create the URI, I’m getting HTTP error 500.
Here is my code:
let content = “id=spotify:playlist:46mc6haa5g5e6d0e0hcw3lg”
let query = “”
let url = NSURL(string: query)
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url!, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
if error!= nil {
println(“Error: \(error)”)
if let parse = NSXMLParser(data: data!) {
parse.delegate = self

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?


Spotify recently announced that the HTTP 500 response is no longer an error, but instead the expected response.
The API now returns null for this type of response, but you can still access the data by calling the parsingDidFailWithError delegate callback.
func parserDidFailWithError(parser: NSXMLParser, error: NSError) {
println(“There was an error: \(error.description)”)


MySQL dump into Java object, prepends record separator to each object

I am trying to create a java object from a dump file using the ‘java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection()’ method.
Note that the object dump file is created in a MySQL server by a client that is developed in C++.
When dumping the object into the java dump file, each object gets prepended by the record separator as follows:
“INSERT INTO x (username, password) VALUES (“: :”, “”)”

This is a bit of a problem, since I need each object to be a single

System Requirements For Download Photoshop Setup For Windows:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760/AMD Radeon HD 7870
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980/AMD Radeon R9 290X
AMD Radeon R9 290/NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan X
AMD Radeon R9 390/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
AMD Radeon R9 Fury/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970/AMD Radeon R9 280X
AMD Radeon R9 380/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
AMD Radeon R9 290/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
AMD Radeon R9 Fury/AMD Radeon R9


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