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This article provides a thorough step-by-step tutorial on how to master Photoshop. Photoshop: The Basics Photoshop is offered in several editions, with the most basic version being Photoshop CS6 ($799), which includes Lightroom. The next version, Photoshop CS6 Extended ($1199), adds the same features as Photoshop CS6, but it has more plug-ins. In addition, it adds an enhanced version of the CCleaner, an application for “cleaning up” files by removing unused photos, unneeded “hunks of data,” and other items that slow down the computer. The CS6 Extended is the number one selling version of Photoshop, because of the added features and cleaner software. The next version is Photoshop CC ($1,199), which has more features and updates to the program, but also adds costs for updates to the plug-ins. The highest-end edition is Photoshop CS6 Extended and Adobe Lightroom 4 ($1799), which has everything found in the CS6 Extended, plus the Lightroom collection of photography software. Most users get an additional benefit by purchasing a subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud ($49.95 per month for the CS6 Extended or Lightroom 4). It allows users to download a full, updated version of the software and the plug-ins that are constantly being updated. To get started on Photoshop, follow the instructions below. You can find more information about Photoshop, including answers to common questions, at the following sites: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Adobe Photoshop: The Step-By-Step Beginner Tutorial Adobe’s Photoshop CS6 Tutorial The Photoshop CS6 Handbook has the following features: Eight Photoshop Power User Courses 100% Exam Prep Photoshop CS6 Channels Lightroom: Introduction Lightroom (and Adobe Camera Raw) is the most powerful photo-editing software for photographers. It offers advantages in the editing of RAW images, as well as importing and creating images. The Lightroom 4 software comes in one of two editions. The Standard ($599) edition is the most user-friendly edition, and offers less functionality than the Advanced ($699) edition. The Advanced edition features more functions than the Standard edition, but it’s more complex. It also has more options and is slower to open than the Standard edition. The most valuable additions in the Basic version of Lightroom are the tools for editing and correcting

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With the incredibly easy to use layout and editing tools of Adobe Photoshop Elements, it really is the perfect tool for anyone, no matter what type of image editing they use. Watch: How to open and edit a Photoshop Elements file This video will show you how easy Adobe Photoshop Elements is to use and how quick you can make edits. Buy the software The full version of Photoshop Elements cost around $100. Save money by buying Photoshop Elements 18 online at a heavily discounted price. The subscription is great because of the 30 day free trial and the free upgrade to the full version after one year. There are many other websites which sell Photoshop Elements. The software also comes on a DVD. How to start Photoshop Elements Save your documents to the hard drive and launch Photoshop Elements from the main menu. Photoshop Elements will open with the main window of Photoshop Elements displayed. Most of the tools you will find in the professional version of Photoshop are in Photoshop Elements. There are a few tools that are only in the professional version of Photoshop, such as the Filter Gallery, the Lens Correction feature and the Denoise tool. The program also has a few tools not found in the professional version, for example the Ethereal tool which lets you manipulate images with a new 3D camera. Photoshop Elements main window The main window of Photoshop Elements allows you to edit your images from the inside out. Most of the tools you will use when editing your images are found on the main menu. You can choose to open your documents in Photoshop Elements or Adobe Photoshop. The option to open documents in Photoshop Elements comes as a standard option in Photoshop Elements. You can open and edit multiple documents in Photoshop Elements at the same time. Photoshop Elements main toolbox The main toolbox contains most of the tools that you will need to edit your images. You can use these tools to retouch, crop, and resize your images. The main tools include the Spot Healing Brush, Photo Filter, Shadows & Highlights, Color Correction, Sharpen, Tone, Color Balance, Hue & Saturation, Black & White, Poster, Levels, Gradient, Dodge & Burn, Blur, and Puppet Warp. Photoshop Elements main menu The main menu contains most of the tools available in the main toolbox. The main menu is in the top left corner of the 05a79cecff

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Q: Probability of drawing three points from a sphere What is the probability of drawing three points from a sphere where the radius is 1.5 and those three points are on a circle? Any calculations or explanations will be appreciated. A: The spheres in question are the vertices of the tetrahedron described by the points $(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)$ and $(1,1,1).$ You need to find the area of the tetrahedron divided by the area of the unit sphere. The equation of the sphere is $x^2+y^2+z^2=1.$ Since the tetrahedron has 4 faces, we want to find its area. Let the faces of the tetrahedron be numbered $ABCD$ with edges $AB, BC,CD,DA$. Their areas are then given by the four areas of the triangles $ABC, BCD, ACD, DBA.$ First a calculation. Since the lengths of the edges are the same, the area of the triangle $ABC$ is equal to the sum of the areas of the triangles $ABD, BCD$ and $CBA.$ Similarly, the area of the triangle $ADC$ is equal to the sum of the areas of the triangles $CBD, ADB$ and $CBA.$ Hence the total area is $A=(2/3)B+(2/3)C+(2/3)D+D/(2/3)C=\sqrt{3}/6.$ The volume of a sphere is $\frac{4}{3} \pi R^3=\frac{4 \pi}{3}(1.5)^3=\frac{8}{9} \pi.$ Hence the volume of the tetrahedron is $V=\frac{4}{3} \pi R^3=\frac{16 \pi}{9}.$ Finally, the area of a unit sphere is $\pi.$ Therefore the volume of the tetrahedron is $\frac{16 \pi}{9}/ \pi =\frac{16}{9}$ and the area of the tetrahedron is $\frac{16}{9} \times (\sqrt{3})^2.$ The ratio of the volume

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Q: Which one of the following options is best suited? Which of the following is a wrong way to do something? And why? 1. I just want to express the reason behind my post. 2. I don’t know whether to ask for the question to be deleted, or to reopen it. 3. I don’t know whether to ask for a reformulation of the question, or to ask for the question to be closed. 4. I don’t know whether to ask for the question to be deleted, or to ask for its moderation. 5. I don’t know whether to ask for the question to be closed, or to ask for it to be reopened. If you see the language used is appropriate to the situation, please react accordingly. A: The “best” choice is I don’t know whether to ask for a reformulation of the question, or to ask for its moderation. Q: Preventing page jumping between pages I am building a system which displays sets of data stored in an XML file. I am having difficulty preventing the page from jumping between pages. I am using jQuery Cycle, as I find it highly effective. The XML is built inside a containing all the entries. The is placed at the end of the file in the “entries” section. The jQuery displays each in a on the page. Each contains a which is hidden when the cycle starts. The issue is that when the browser loads the page, it appears that the first is on the left hand side of the browser. Each subsequent is then positioned to the right. This makes scrolling rather unpleasent. I would like the page to be positioned on the left hand side of the browser. Each subsequent should be shifted to the right so that the scroll bar will have to be reduced. The code for page display is: var myJQ = $(“#myJQ”); $(‘#myJQ’).cycle({ fx: ‘fade’, speed: ‘fast’, timeout: 1000, fit:

System Requirements:

Recommended PC System OS: Windows 7 or later CPU: Intel Core i3 or AMD equivalent (with SSE2) RAM: 8 GB HDD: 15 GB free space (Virtual Machine Drive) Display: 800 x 600 minimum resolution (not recommended for VR) Input: One Xbox 360 controller at least. VR: Oculus Rift VR: HTC Vive NOTE: You are responsible for your own PC usage policy and any resulting laws. Thanks for playing.Q: Val

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