How to Create Rainbow Gradient in Photoshop







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The “Brush” and the “Pen” tools found in Photoshop are not completely different and are not limited to just drawing and painting. The term “Brush” refers to the “Rubber Band” tool — you can see and hear the brief “R” sound in the tool name. The “Pen” tool refers to the “Line” tool.

You can manipulate items on the various layers in your composition, such as the background layer and the selected object, as well as cut and paste areas from one layer to another. By carefully manipulating objects in any layer in your photo, you can modify the entire image.

In the following sections, I introduce Photoshop’s tools and explain how to use each tool, including a brief instructional on how to layering works so you can see how Photoshop layers are constructed. You can see examples of many different editing tools in the following “Touring the Edit Menu” section. And if you wish, you can layer many of the various tools found here.

The menus in Photoshop are organized according to layers. If you’re not experienced with this system, you may find it easier to use a graphic tablet in combination with Photoshop. (See Chapter 3 for details on using graphic tablets.) I give you tips on how to manipulate and move layers in the “Selecting Layers” section.

The various tools in Photoshop are equally important. Each tool covers a specific purpose. You use the right tool for the job. I briefly outline the tools available in Photoshop in the “A Tour of the Photoshop Tools” section.

Touring the Edit Menu

Photoshop’s Edit Menu (see Figure 2-1) comes in two parts:

View: Here you find the tools you can use to view and arrange the pixels in your image.

Edit: Here’s the stuff you can use to reshape and move the pixels in your image.

To find a specific tool, head to View⇒Panels⇒Arrange⇒Window. If you’re looking for help using a tool, you can read a tip from the help file.

See the upcoming section “Rolling Back the Lens (Anterior): Deleting (Erasing) Areas in an Image” for an explanation of the tools found in the Edit menu.

**Figure 2-1:** Use the Edit menu to apply tools to your image.

Photoshop has a well-organized arrangement of tools and menus. The

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This page includes a general list of tutorials that cover a variety of Photoshop and Photoshop Elements actions and filters. It also includes a list of tutorials specifically related to Elements.

General Photoshop and Photoshop Elements tutorials

Photoshop tutorial: Photoshop tutorial on the SitePoint Forums

Learn Photoshop with

Photoshop Elements:

There are many useful tools for individual use in Photoshop Elements and Photoshop.

Common Photoshop Elements actions

GIMP tutorials:

There are many useful actions in GIMP.

This list includes tutorials to get you started using various GIMP actions.

Forum: |

Information on most actions can be found on the action guide.

If you are interested in the development of GIMP there is also a GIMP developers mailing list.

The Gimp wiki has a list of actions and user scripts that are available for GIMP.

General Photoshop tutorials

Creating text effects in Photoshop: Creating text effects in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop tutorial: Creating text effects in Photoshop

Creating text effects in Photoshop: Tutorial 1 – Creating text effects in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop tutorial: Creating text effects in Photoshop

This tutorial introduces the effects in Photoshop Elements 11 that allow you to create text effects using different techniques.

Creating compound paths: Creating compound paths

The main uses of a compound path in Photoshop are: Paths: Convert a rectangular path into a compound path with the Pathfinder Panel (the ‘Utility Paths’ panel on the Paths panel in Photoshop).

Selection: Select an object, group or linked group of objects and convert it into a compound path (the technique used to create a compound path, described here).

Shape layer: Convert a shape layer into a compound path (the technique used to create a compound path, described here).

Adobe Photoshop tutorial: Create compound paths

This tutorial introduces the new ways to create and edit compound paths.

Creating text effects in Photoshop: Creating text effects in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop tutorial: Creating text effects in Photoshop

This tutorial introduces the new ways to create and edit compound paths.

Creating a path mask: Creating a path mask

An example of creating a path mask:

Adobe Photoshop tutorial: Creating path masks

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Linq Group By Multiple Columns

I have a simple Group By Linq statement that works fine:
var query = from c1 in dbContext.Customers
group c1 by new { c1.CityID, c1.CountryID } into g
select new { CustomerID = g.Key.CustomerID, FirstName = g.Key.FirstName,
LastName = g.Key.LastName, City = g.Key.City, Country = g.Key.Country };

In this example, I am getting the result set as expected, Grouping Customers based on City and Country.
Now, I want to group by another field. I have a column in the Customers table, DeptID.
How do I modify my statement so that Group By results are grouped by DeptID?


You can’t do it using regular GroupBy. You can use subqueries though:
.Where(c => c.CityID == g.Key.CityID)
.Where(c => c.CountryID == g.Key.CountryID)
.GroupBy(c => new { c.DeptID, c.CustomerID });

That will get you a sequence of Customer and City and Country, where a Customer can only belong to one city, and one city only has one department (or none at all).
If you want a collection of City, Country and Department, you can project them in a projection:
.Where(c => c.CityID == g.Key.CityID)
.Where(c => c.CountryID == g.Key.CountryID)
.GroupBy(c => new { c.City, c.Country, c.DeptID });


How to return a file that is of dynamic type?

I am working on a project where I return a file as a response and it has to be

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Transfer the weight of a bike from axles to the wheels

I have been using this geometry calculator because I understand that it only gives the approximate location of the rear hub, but I am about to order a new wheel set from a bike shop. I have noticed that they have a different style rear wheel. It’s thick, has a nice disc and, honestly, looks better than my current ones.
I am wondering, if I shift the axle closer to the front wheel, will that change the overall weight distribution? I am assuming that the new style wheel will weigh more than the current model, even though it’s obviously newer technology.
Is there a way to figure out how much weight is being redistributed, so I can decide whether I want to order that wheel style?


The geometry is only for static measurements. If you move the wheel center a few mm forward, you’ll not be able to measure that unless you drill down into the frame… see this answer to see how to determine the effective centre of the wheel.
Realistically, unless the wheel is mounted in an unusual way (like using a flipped bottom bracket), the axle hub distance should be fine and changing the geometry will cause the seatpost to move from it’s current position. Shifting the axle forward to the front of the bike will redistribute weight to the front, which is fine if you’re after that, but will probably cause the rear end to be longer than usual, so you should consider that as a possibility when ordering to suit your weight distribution…


Yes, moving the axle forward (closer to the front wheel) will cause the center of gravity of the bike to move farther forward. Some bicycles have the rear axle a bit closer than others (e.g. in the tandem that my daughter bikes), but typically the distance between axle and front wheel is set so that the center of gravity is in the middle of the rear dropout and front wheel.
The difference in weight (and the resulting center of gravity of your bicycle) depends on how much weight you’re carrying, what kind of riding you’re doing, and other factors. You should talk to the people at the bike shop to get an idea of what kind of weight distribution you’re looking for.


I know it sounds like I’m a spammer, but all I did was redo my center of gravity as I wanted to change the position of where I

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7, 8, 10;
Windows 7, 8, 10; CPU: 1.4 GHz;
1.4 GHz; RAM: 4GB (8GB is recommended);
4GB (8GB is recommended); GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460;
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460; HDD: 60GB (and at least 8GB of free space for installation).
Windows 7, 8, 10; CPU: 2 GHz or faster

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