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* Basic workspace

* Image adjustment controls

* Rotating, flipping, resizing, cropping, and masking

* Smart objects

* Applying special effects

* Making color adjustments

* Text and type insertion and manipulation

* Retouching and restoration

* Image capture, publication, and management

You can see just how powerful Photoshop can be when you apply the many visual effects available to you. You can also use this powerful program to create images that are based on templates, as well as create effects that you can use in other programs.

This book takes you through each of Photoshop’s features, step-by-step.

# Contents

**1 The Basics**



**1.1 The Edit Menu**

Previewing Images

Hiding and Shrinking Images

Making Corrections

Saving Images

Restoring Images

Saving Images in Different File Formats

**1.2 Creating New Images**

Creating a New File

Creating a New Layer

Creating a New Selection

**1.3 The Layers Panel**

Adding Layers

Creating and Using a New Layer

Merging Layers

Using the Fill and Stroke Options

Rotating, Resizing, and Cropping Layers

Cropping a Layer

Moving and Flipping Layers

Creating a New Canvas

**1.4 The Quick Mask**

Using the Quick Mask

**1.5 The History Panel**

Restoring to an Earlier Version of an Image

Creating a History Panel

Using the History Panel

**1.6 The Adjustments Panel**

Adjustment Layers

The Image Adjustment Tool

Color, Brightness/Contrast, and Exposure

Using the Custom Amounts Palette

Using the Hue/Saturation/Color Balance Controls


Sat Color

Shadows and Highlights


HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography

Exposure, Gamma, and Color

**1.7 The Layers Panel Options**

The Layers Panel Options

**1.8 Special Effects**


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Adobe Photoshop Elements is available for free and has been available since 1992. It is easy to use and very powerful, but it has some limitations. It can only edit the files that Photoshop, Photoshop Elements or the Windows operating system supports.

This article is about editing images from within Photoshop Elements.

Colors and special effects

Step 1

1. If you are using Elements to edit photos or edit an existing file created with another program, click Open, select an existing image file, and then click OK. 2. If you are using Elements to create a new image file, click the New button to open the New File dialog box. 3. Click the folder where the file should be saved and then select a location to save the file. 4. Click the file and then click Create New Project (or, on earlier Elements versions, click Load), navigate to the location where the file is saved, and then close the New File dialog box.

5. Elements creates a new file and opens the File window. 6. Choose the desired settings for the file from the upper-left menu and then close the File window.

Step 2

7. After you close the File window, click on the file in the Projects window.

Step 3

8. Click the tools menu and then choose File, Open, New from the menu. 9. Select the type of file (Image, Graphics, Web, Text, or Speech), click Browse, and navigate to the location of the new file. Choose a location for the new file and then click Open.

10. The new file opens in Photoshop Elements.

Step 4

11. Click the tools menu and then select Edit, [cmd] + [ctrl] + [shift] + [H] to open the Adjustment Panel. 12. Choose Black & White, click OK, and then click Done on the Adjustments panel. 13. In the Layers panel, click the button to the right of the first layer to make the image visible. 14. Edit the image as needed.

Other editing tools

Step 1

1. In the Layers panel, click the button to the right of the first layer to make the image visible. 2. To reduce the image size, choose Edit, Image, Image Size from the tools menu, and then select a size from the list.

Step 2

3. To add an image layer, click

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Beeld anp

Sommige redacties hebben een ontmoeting gevonden en hun volgen de pas, de anderen zien het liever stil. In plaats van de marechaussee en de politiek in het geding te zijn door het herinneren van hun vermeende onwetendheid, zijn er nieuwe commerciële ontwerpen geschreven om burgers te verleiden om hun eigen schade aan bewijzen.

‘Schadeverzekering voor letterkunde’, moet het er volgens dat Nederlandse schoonmaker en visuologist emeritus met zijn werk in het zonlicht is omstreeks 2100 ‘die schoonheid van letterkunde schadeverzekering’ op de avond nog steeds te krijgen. ‘Schadeverzekering voor letterkunde’ is een concept van de Amsterdamse schoonmaker Gregor Ewens (1910-1981).

Ewens verwees naar hun filosofische stoffen en de ‘ongeschaalde gedachte des kleinen beeldschone gestalte’, in dit geval zowel de letter als de stijl op zijn zwijnde tegen het licht. De schoonmaker schilderde de kleine letter, letterkunde en -onderwijs als ‘de ongierige, vermoeide en blijvende vader van een bewuste en bezorgde volkscultuur, die van alles krijgt wat als een vermoeid insect uit het blad zwijgzaam diep in zijn lijf blijft hangen’.

De schoonmaker voegde eraan toe dat er ‘als sommige denkers allang zouden moeten weten’, het heeft voor schoonmaker een ‘belezen, begeerlijk en bezorgd gemaakt’ ontnomen leven te hebben.

Volgens Ewens zitten digitale schadever

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How to edit Dom before append it in MongoDB?

I want to create something like this but for a mobile app (with React Native) using MongoDB:

The code I tried:
var defaultStrings = “You have @count example”;

for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) {

var newString = defaultStrings.slice(0, defaultStrings.length – 1);
newString += " Hello " + i + "!";

s : newString

When I try to console.log(example.s) in the node.js app, nothing appears in the console. How do I solve this?


You should use the objectId.
var db = require('mongodb');
var url ='mongodb://localhost:27017/test';

var client = db.createClient(url, {w:1, replset:'replset'});, db) {
if (err) {
console.log("error connection", err);
db.example.createIndex( {'_id':1}, {background: true});

var defaultStrings = "You have @count example";

for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) {

var newString = defaultStrings.slice(0, defaultStrings.length – 1);
newString += " Hello " + i + "!";

db.example.insert({_id: ObjectId(ObjectId.createFromHex('5abb7f8e00012783da6ed3d02')),s: newString});

db.example.ensureIndex({'_id' : 1}, {background: true});

Also note that the _

System Requirements:

I think it’s safe to assume that at least 3 people will be playing in this mod at any time, and as a minimum, a decent graphics card is recommended to run on the highest settings. The game will get rather weird looking at best, the polygons are just way too complex to be rendered at that quality level, and many things will be missing for lower spec’ed computers.
Since this is an open world map, there are things that can go wrong. Fortunately, my mod supports automatic backups and so you don’t have

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