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To make an image more professional, use Photoshop to achieve consistent edge-sharpening, dodge, and burn effects.

Composition, Controlling Viewing Planes

When you’re working with images, you need to have a clue about composition. This means to make sure that the subject of the photo is in the right place and that the image is composed in the way you want it to look.

Fortunately, Photoshop makes it easy to manipulate and reshape image composition. You can move, enlarge, shrink, and rotate the image around its original spot. In addition, you can add or subtract elements that you want to the image. The following sections explain how to use the basic image-editing tools and the compositional techniques that you can use with the tools to alter the placement of objects within the image and to change its overall perspective.

Understanding the way that you can control the viewing plane

When an image is composed, the visual illusion of the way that you control the viewing plane usually makes the scene look as though it’s floating in front of you, or inside you. This focusing effect tends to make your eye move to areas of the image that are the most interesting and exciting, but when you zoom in to an image with a display of a high-resolution monitor, your viewing plane goes through your monitor’s small screen. In a word, the effect of zooming in with a high-resolution monitor is that the image appears to come closer to you.

However, you don’t want your image to seem to be floating in front of you. So, do the opposite. You want to use Photoshop to expand the image so that your eye moves away from the area that should be closest to you, and toward the areas that are interesting.

Think about the way your eyes work when you view a high-resolution digital image on a typical screen. In this case, the image seems to come closer to you. To make the image seem to be farther away from you, zoom in the image to 100 percent.

Manipulating images with the Move tool

The best way to move an image around is with the `Move` tool. You also have a number of other selection tools, such as the Zoom tool, the Rectangle tool, and the Magnetic Lasso tool, that enable you to select areas of an image that you want to work with. These tools allow you to control the area that you’re working with.

When it comes to moving images

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This tutorial is also free to download!

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I’m going to be covering three ways to make money from the amazing work you do. But first, I have to teach you how to use Photoshop, since I have spent years learning from the best.


If you’ve been reading on Internet Archive for years, you’ve probably spotted that I always seem to have a “Make Money Online” post next to the pages about photography! But this isn’t just any “Make Money Online” post, it’s actually a tutorial on how to make money with Photoshop, in the thousands of ‘Make Money Online’ tutorials that have been written by myself and my colleagues.

If you want to put more tutorials like this on Internet Archive, feel free to either:

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How to make money with Photoshop

Create free Photoshop brushes

To make a Photoshop brush, you start by open the brushes panel. If you’re not sure where that is, you can find it by typing “panel” into the search box.

I’ve created two Photoshop brushes, NinoPixel.png and NinoPixelRGB.png.

See NinoPixel.png for a few examples of the type of brushes I tend to make.

See NinoPixelRGB.png for a version with all the colours all mixed together.

These brushes are free to download and use, but you will need a paid subscription to download from Photoshop’s brush library.

One of the best ways to make a living from Photoshop is to create your own amazing brushes. So if you don’t want to have to pay for them, you can always make them free. All you need is a subscription to Photoshop and a Photoshop brush. I do all of my Photoshop brushes on a Mac using the Photoshop Creative Cloud.

These are the brushes I use. I recommend that you use one of these too!

Nino Pixel 1.0

Useful links

Buy a subscription to Photoshop CC

A subscription is usually priced at about $10 a month. You can pay on a yearly basis to save money.

Browse the Photoshop Creative Cloud page and choose the one you want. In my case, I picked the subscription called “Creative Cloud monthly pass”

Be sure

Adobe Photoshop CS5

Strength and depth: reorienting disability.
Acquired Disability has long been a topic of interest, especially in the field of Psychology, Disability Studies, and Philosophy. Disability Theory has emerged in response to a need to understand the role of society in shaping disability; and Disability Studies expands the analysis by focusing on the processes and problems people face with living with this label. The field also attempts to discuss the concept of disability in a way that is inclusive of all disabled people, including the most disabled among us. As the growing emphasis on diversity and the related work on disability currently being carried out by philosophers demonstrate, the study of Disability is a burgeoning field with much theoretical potential. In this chapter we apply the notion of depth to the study of disability to illustrate the in-depth nature of the concept of disability. We consider the existence of depth among persons with disabilities, and provide some reasons for why understanding how disability is structured into the world–as a social phenomenon–is a useful way to begin thinking about how the concept of disability as a whole is structured and operated. We note that depth cannot be understood in abstraction of disability, but only by reference to how disability exists in the world.Q:

Can we get moderator access (but no privileges) to review Travel/Triage on Ask Different?

I have a question that I would like to know if it is a duplicate. The system said it might be, so my question was originally on Travel and Triage.
I have a general question on asking a good question:

How would I check whether it is a duplicate, so I don’t spend time on a post that isn’t a duplicate?
How does the system know when a question is not a good fit?

This question on travel and Triage asked the following question: How to determine if it’s a duplicate, and where? (note: the title may not look like this as the syntax wasn’t yet updated).
I am not sure this question is duplicate as the duplicate question was about what to do if a question is already closed, and mine is about why are we not reviewing questions that are bad.

If the question has been closed, I would like to understand why.
Are there any moderators who can review these questions, and could give me a hand and help me improve my questions?


Generally, those queues are for people that don’t have any network privileges yet. If you can be trusted to edit your own posts, you

What’s New In?


How to make a task run with a shell script

I am using a shell script to run a Java application. I used a
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”);

to get the current date and time. Then I tried to run the application with
command = (“java…”);
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, null, someWorkingDir);

It does not work. I also tried to pass it with
“java…” | Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, null, someWorkingDir);

But this also does not work.
How do I run a shell script to pass parameters to an executable?


If you just want to pass parameters to a Java process through a shell script, you should be able to do this:
exec $command “$@”

1914 in architecture

The year 1914 in architecture involved some significant events.

May 1 – The London County Council sets a limit on the height of the city’s ‘Brick Gothic’ buildings.
Unilever Building in Helston, Cornwall designed by William Arrol is completed.
New York Public Library Building in the Beaux-Arts style designed by Cass Gilbert is completed.
The Beaux-Arts style closes in the United States; major buildings such as the Library of Congress and the United States Post Office (Main) Building are completed in the last decades of the century.

Buildings and structures

Buildings opened
February 25 – Rio San Fernando Bridge in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
May 1 – The London County Council sets a limit on the height of the city’s ‘Brick Gothic’ buildings.
June 10 – Luebeck Castle in Lübeck, Germany, is opened to the public.
June 25 – The National Palace in Warsaw, Poland, is opened.
August 22 – Nantes Atlantique Airport in Nantes, France, designed by Ernest Parand, is opened.
September 18 – Olympic Stadium in Antwerp, Belgium, designed by Jacques Plante, is opened.
December 1 – Ordnance Survey Building in London, designed by Henry Holland.
Completion of the Rauch family’s palatial factory-housing complex in Munich, designed in collaboration with Richard Riemerschmid

System Requirements For Adobe Photoshop CS5:

All-New Xbox One S includes one Xbox One S and one wireless controller. (1) All Xbox One S bundles and accessories sold separately.
(1) To play Call of Duty: WWII on Xbox One S, you’ll need an Xbox Live Gold membership with more than one active Xbox Live account. (2) Xbox One S games can be played on the TV with compatible high-definition HDMI cable and a supported HDMI source. For information on HDMI cable and TV requirements, visit

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