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Designing Websites

After you have created images and downloaded them to your computer, they must be converted into websites. In recent years, the popularity of websites has increased significantly. People use websites instead of only visiting them. Websites are accessed through the Internet. They have become so prevalent that they are now the majority means by which information is conveyed.

Elements can be used to create professional websites. There are many books and online tutorials for designing websites with various creative elements. The following websites are just a few:

* _Webdesign.net_ ( A comprehensive site that provides many resources for designing and testing websites.
* A site for online marketing, marketing ideas, and creating your own website.
* An online tutorial site that offers step-by-step tutorials for creating a website with tools such as Dreamweaver or Photoshop.
* Excellent site for learning how to create websites from scratch.

Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Version 17

In this post, we will cover everything you need to know about what editing tools are available in Photoshop Elements 11, and how you can edit your images.

Here’s a quick video guide to help you get started with Photoshop Elements 11:


For an in-depth review, here’s an article on everything about Photoshop Elements 11:


Let’s get started with the basics. In your Elements workspace, you will see a white background, and the icons of your preferred applications. For your convenience, you can organize them in folders.

This is how it looks like:

You can access all of your workspaces and move between them with CTRL + F6.

The tools and folders and the task panel are, as expected, tools and resources to edit the files you have in the Elements workspace.

Icons in Photoshop Elements 11

Photoshop Elements 11 comes with a lot of different icons and features.

Figure 1: The icons from the Elements workspace

The Menu, Select tools, Filters and Shapes are the most used features.

The following are all the tools and features that you’ll find in the Elements workspace.


You can open the menu by pressing CTRL + M.

The menu has basically two sections.

The first section is File, Edit, Quick Access, Help, and Window. You can access these with the icons at the top of the menu as follows:

Figure 2: The File menu

The second section is Zoom, Image, Image Browser, Image, Edit, Help, and Window. You can access these with the icons at the bottom of the menu.

The section of Zoom, Image, Image Browser, Image, Edit, Help, and Window contains all the tools to view and edit your images. To access the rest of the menu items, you’ll have to go to the next section.

Figure 3: Zoom, Image, Image Browser, Image, Edit, Help, and Window

Select tools

You can access the select tools by pressing CTRL + T.

Figure 4: The Select tools section

The toolbox comes in two sections. The section on the top is Edit and the section on the bottom is Select. Both sections contain the same tools, but in a different way.

Closing the toolbox reveals these buttons:


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Nautilus doesn’t show Trash when unmounting

The trash icon isn’t appearing when unmounting my hard drive in gnome-panel.
Using Ubuntu 13.04.


In order to see the Trash icon, mount your device in “drive” mode.
# mount /dev/sda1 /media/trash


You need to install the package “Indicator Applet” or “Indicator Plugin” depending on your ubuntu version. You can run the following command in terminal to install the package.
sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-complete

To see the trash icon, type the following command in the terminal.
sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal

(This package can be found in the “to-be-installed” section when you run the command ‘apt-cache policy nautilus’ from the terminal)
That’s it 🙂

The height of the Arc

How does one explain the mystery of the arc in a nutshell? The arcing is the arc of a bow. In the archer’s case, it is the trajectory of the arrow.

At the simplest level, the arc of a bow is the angle that the arrow leaves the bow when firing an arrow. On a traditional bow, the angle is measured at the very tip of the bow. With modern bows, the tip is carefully braced, with the result that the actual arc is, in fact, at the center of the bow.

The arc: a geometric problem

Let’s begin with a look at the arc of a circle. First, the arcs of a circle are measured from the center of the circle. The side of the circle that is measured from the center is called the arc’s radius. The center of the circle is called the center. For a circle, there are 360 degrees around the center; a degree is the arc of the circumference of the circle.

In a triangle, however, the radius is the hypotenuse. This is why in triangles, the angle opposite the hypotenuse is called the angle of the arc. To find the arc of a triangle, divide the angle by 180.

How does a math trick let us measure the arc?

This illustration of the red arc inside the triangle is helpful because, by drawing the arc as a circle, we can trace the

What’s New in the Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Version 17?

Show HN: Data Visualization in Progress – coloredpace

This is a neat, easy to use demo. For any large data set you will need to
define an API. If you are ready for that then you are ready for big data.

The demo shows very clearly where the real power comes from in these

Is the source code available? I’d love to play with it.

The cost of Bitcoin just broke through $1,000 for the first time ever.

The world’s most valuable cryptocurrency hit $1,000 Monday morning, its highest level since peaking at $1,111.09 on April 19. It lost ground as the week went on, but ended the week up nearly 2% — that’s up from this time last week.

That’s not bad for a coin that’s been in the doldrums since touching a high of $19,843.67 on the last day of 2017.

Related: Bitcoin and blockchain are the future of technology — but the hype isn’t supported by reality

Bitcoin’s market cap now sits at $103 billion, compared to $81 billion last week.

The surge in Bitcoin’s price over the last week can be partly blamed on news that Bitcoin’s growth in China has slowed down.

China has been by far the largest market for digital currencies. Officials there are looking to clamp down on what they see as illegal transactions made in the digital cash.

“We have seen a stalling of interest from investors and traders since the third quarter of 2017, as well as the lowest liquidity of 2018,” Gabor Gurbacs, director of digital assets at digital currency exchange platform, VanEck, told CNN last week.

“Overall, the ‘Chinese effect’ has been a major factor in the price of Bitcoin. It reduced the total market cap of Bitcoin and may have made it more attractive for institutional investors to enter the space.”

Bitcoin was in the doldrums last week, losing 16% of its value.

All that changed when North Korea launched a missile over Japan, defying warnings from the U.S. and its allies to stop. This prompted the Federal Reserve to say it could start to ease its ultra-loose monetary policy.

“The argument for tapering is that it has become

System Requirements:

Supported systems
Graphics Card:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850
Windows 7
Intel Core i3
2 GB
16 GB
Sound Card:
Mouse, Keyboard or gamepad
Free to play
Steam review
Currently supports Mac
Steam Achievements
currently has 57 Steam achievements but it is a work in progress.

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