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Using Canon’s Live View

If you’re using the more common Digital Rebel, you can use Canon’s Live View feature to view an image directly on your

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This article will walk you through the editing and illustration workflow on Elements. The focus will be on the workflow from importing an image to exporting the final product. Other articles will cover specific editing topics, such as color correction, Photo Matching, and text animation.

How to use the tutorials

From the How to Use the Tutorials page in the Help menu,

Jump to the tutorial you need by clicking on the title. The title is in blue. There are links to each tutorial below the title. To learn new techniques or learn to use a tool, click the blue button to the left of the title.

Each tutorial contains useful tips, shortcuts and keyboard shortcuts.

Tools in Photoshop Elements

This section of the article covers the basic tools, commands and keyboard shortcuts for various Photoshop Elements features.

Basic tools

Photoshop Elements has some good tools:

Lasso tool The Lasso tool is the fastest way to select objects. Click once on a row of pixels to select it. Release the mouse button to select the entire object. The Tool Options are set to Pencil – Lasso

Refine Edge – Lasso The Edge Refinement Tool helps you to select areas that are not fully visible. The default settings have a radius of 4 pixels. The Tool Options are set to Pencil – Refine Edge – Lasso

The Edge Refinement Tool helps you to select areas that are not fully visible. The default settings have a radius of 4 pixels. The Brush – Paint Brush You use a brush to paint on your image. The Tool Options are set to Scatter – Brush

You use a brush to paint on your image. The Layer – Pencil The Pencil Tool is a fast way to draw lines. The Tool Options are set to Pencil

The Pencil Tool is a fast way to draw lines. The Quick Selection Tool – Wheel You can use the Quick Selection Tool to select pixels on an image. The default settings has a radius of 3 pixels. The Tool Options are set to Pencil – Wheel

You can use the Quick Selection Tool to select pixels on an image. The Layer – Pen Tool You can use a Pencil Tool to paint on your image. The Tool Options are set to Pencil

You can use a Pencil Tool to paint on your image. The Lasso Tool You can use the Lasso Tool to select an area. You can use the Option/Ctrl key to make the selection area

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Why The iPad Is The Perfect Tablet – mikecarlton

That’s an interesting read, thanks. I don’t agree with most of it, though.

Most importantly, there is no reason why any tablet must include a full QWERTY
keyboard. A stylus is all that’s needed.


The number of solutions of $f(f(x))=x$ is in $\{1,3\}$

$f(x)$ is the smallest positive integer that divides $x$ i.e. $f(x)=\gcd(x,1)$.
I thought I had a proof for this problem but then it did not work. I would like to know if my proof is correct and if not where I am going wrong.
Theorem: Let $f(x)$ be the smallest positive integer that divides $x$. Then
$$\bigg\lfloor \frac{x}{f(x)} \bigg\rfloor+\bigg\lfloor \frac{x}{f(f(x))} \bigg\rfloor =1$$
We note that $f(x)f(f(x))\equiv 0 (mod~ x)$ by the Bezout identity.
Therefore, we have
$$f(f(x))=x\implies \bigg(\frac{x}{f(f(x))}\bigg) \bigg(\frac{f(f(x))}{x}\bigg)=1$$
$$\bigg\lfloor \frac{x}{f(x)} \bigg\rfloor+\bigg\lfloor \frac{f(f(x))}{x} \bigg\rfloor =1$$
$$\bigg\lfloor \frac{x}{f(x)} \bigg\rfloor=\bigg\lfloor \frac{f(f(x))}{x} \bigg\rfloor =1$$


Your theorem is correct. The way you use it is not. You cannot use the Bezout identity, as you

What’s New in the Photoshop?


Understanding the position of a bond and the calculation of bond energy in $\ce{CH2CH2O}$

I’m having a hard time understanding how the Wikipedia article on $\ce{CH2CH2O}$ works and I need help.
How does the position of the a and b bond work here, i.e. why is the c bond more electronegative than the a and b bonds?
Also, why is the energy of the c bond -15 kcal/mol and a and b bonds -78 kcal/mol?


The effect of electronegativity differences is the same as in any carbon-carbon bond. The carbon in CH2CCH2O is more electronegative than carbon in CCO by the factor of 4. That’s what the Wikipedia article indicates.
The difference in energy is due to changes of electron density around the C=C bond. The bond energy of the ethylene C=C bond can be described as a sum of two terms
$$\Delta E = \Delta E_{(sp^3 \to sp^2)} + \Delta E_{(sp^2 \to sp^3)}$$
The first term, a $\sigma$-bond change, is due to the electron spillover from carbon atom. The second term is a $\sigma$-bond change due to the change of electron distribution in the bonding system.
The C=C bond in $\ce{C3H4}$ has a bond energy of 182 kcal/mol, C=C bond in $\ce{C3H3}$ have 138 kcal/mol and C=C bond in $\ce{C2H4}$ have a bond energy of 193 kcal/mol. The energy difference between C=C bond in ethylene $\ce{C3H4}$ and ethylene $\ce{C2H4}$ is 36 kcal/mol.
The bond energy of double C=C bond is similar to that of a single C=C bond, but without the spillover electron.

When it comes to clothing, your tastes are likely to be pretty clear-cut. If you fancy yourself a bit of a fashion plate, you might even dream of dressing just a little differently at every day, and it can feel like a pretty tall order. After all, if you wake up

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 or later
Processor: 2 GHz or faster
Memory: 3 GB
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 or better
DirectX: Version 9.0 or later
Storage: 8 GB available space
Additional Notes:
To install the new version of Houdini, it is recommended to uninstall previous versions.
Supported 3D printers:
Hazekran LaserJet 1320C
Hazekran LaserJet C1330c
Hazekran LaserJet 13

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