NFC WebReport Crack Free Download 🔎







NFC WebReport With Product Key [Mac/Win] 2022 [New]

Applies to:

Netflow Collector for Windows Server (2010, 2012, 2013, 2016)
.NET Framework 4, 4.5, 4.5.1 and 4.5.2

If you are using the OPC DCOM Data Collector with a Windows Server 2008 R2 OPC Server, you will need to register and set credentials for the
read/write permissions with the Operating System.

Click Next.

Accept the default location.

Click Install.

Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

Double-click the Netflow collector icon (netflow.exe).

Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

View the installation log.

Note: For more information, see “Netflow Collector: Installation and Configuration.”

Configure the Netflow collector to collect Netflow data by following the steps provided below:

Netflow collector does not appear as a process in the Processes list in the Task Manager.

Click Start menu and select Task Manager.

In the Processes tab, locate the Netflow collector.

Right-click the Netflow collector process and select Properties.

Click the Security tab.

Click Full control (Advanced) and then click Add.

Type credentials of the user who is authorized to run the Netflow collector, and then click OK.

In the Web Report Configuration section, select Output Directory.

On the Output Directory page, type a directory name where Netflow collector will save the data. To have all Netflow data collected by the Netflow collector saved in this folder, you will need to type the same value that you chose on the Output Directory page in the Full Directory Path box of the Output Directory section. If you selected Network Folder (Default), you will not need to type anything in the Full Directory Path box.

NOTE: You may need to reboot the system if you are using the Windows Server to resolve the following error:

Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access it.

In the List View section, click Default Format.

In the Formatted Fields section, click All Fields.

In the Web Report Preview section, ensure that Enable Graphical Formatting is checked and that no Web Reports are excluded.

Click the Add Report button.

In the Report Name box, type a descriptive name for this report.

NFC WebReport With Full Keygen 2022 [New]

– The module is designed for monitoring and analysis of assets such as web servers, app servers, email servers, anti-virus server, etc. It will consume or store Netflow in a flat file which is named as APPNAME.apnp.
– After the installation process, users will be required to set credentials with write permission to physical Application folder. Open WebReport. typical location is: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\NFC WebReport\.apnp.
– You need to change the Folder of WebReport to the desired folder.
– Log data in database will be listed in order as they are logged by NetFlow Collector.
– Users can view the last collected data in past periods.

Download size: 32.56 MB

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NFC WebReport Crack Download [32|64bit]

This application is used to get a summarized view of Netflow Collector Database, and to help you to collect data from Netflow Collector database.

Available Fields:

Shows you histograms for each of the 5 available NetFlow Collector fields: sFlow Pkts Field, sFlow Pkts/sec Field, lFlow Pkts Field, lFlow Pkts/sec Field and l7sFlow Pkts Field. You can also filter the sFlow Pkts Field, sFlow Pkts/sec Field, lFlow Pkts Field, lFlow Pkts/sec Field and l7sFlow Pkts Field by any of the ten Netflow Collector fields.

Data Sources

NetFlow Collector

This is the default data source for a NetFlow Collector.

Netflow Collector

field| |


| |


The total number of packets measured by NetFlow Collector.

| |


The total number of packets per second measured by NetFlow Collector.

| |

sFlow Pkts

The number of packets that were sent by a single Flow.

| |

sFlow Pkts/sec

The number of packets that were sent by a single Flow per second.

| |

lFlow Pkts

The number of packets that were received by a single Flow.

| |

lFlow Pkts/sec

The number of packets that were received by a single Flow per second.

| |

l7sFlow Pkts

The number of packets that were received by a single Flow in the l7s field.

| |

l7sFlow Pkts/sec

The number of packets that were received by a single Flow in the l7s field per second.

NFC AutoScheduler

This is the default data source for the NetFlow Collector; it is a useful source if Netflow Collector’s Plug-In is not enabled for your analyst(s) and you need to collect data from an existing NetFlow Collector.


field| |


| |


Total number of flows observed by the NetFlow Collector.

| |

What’s New in the NFC WebReport?

The WebReport enables users to create and manage reports on Netflow Collector databases. Users can create predefined reports or create a custom report by selecting the fields.
Based on the user-defined report parameters, WebReport connects to the physical Application folder and fetches the report data from Netflow Collector database.

NFC WebReport can be run directly from Administration menu as described below.

Administration Interface:

Preparing webreport

To prepare the webreport report structure, click on Preparing WebReport link on the left navigation menu.
You will see a blank page where you can fill the required fields.
See step by step screenshot as below:

To create a report, Click on Create Report.
As per your requirement, provide the required fields as in the screenshot below:

To find the latest report. Click on the Find latest Report link on the left navigation menu.

Running the report

After selection of the required fields, click on Start Report.
The report will be generated with appropriate and latest data.

To execute the report

Click on Run Report link.

Data Analysis

Users can analyze the Netflow data by using several advanced reports.
There are two types of reports which can be used- predefined and custom reports

Custom reports

Custom reports will be created by means of selecting the required fields from the view-based predefined report template.
Custom report customization is required to be completed by placing the objects in the Available Objects list and selecting the desired fields.

Pre-defined report templates

Netflow report contains three types of predefined reports –

Basic Report – Basic report contains the summary of data.

Extended Report – This report will contain details of the traffic such as type of traffic, source and destination, and detail of Flow records.

Packet By Packet Report – This report will show the detailed information of a particular flow.

Analysing Netflow data in overview

To analyse the Netflow data in summary report format
Select the relevant database from the Manage Databases links and click on Analyze Report link.

Analysing Netflow data in detail

To analyse the Netflow data in detailed report format
Select the relevant database from the Manage Databases links and click on Analyze Report link.

Analysing Netflow data in packet by packet report

To analyse the Netflow data in detailed

System Requirements:

Windows – Macintosh – Linux
CPU: AMD A10 or above
Web Browser: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer.
System Requirements:
The most exciting part of this giveaway is

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