These Are the Best Dating Sites of 2020 👽

At its core, this is more than a guide to getting dates; it’s about learning about yourself and improving your chances of finding a happy, healthy relationship. I picked out the best tips (and a few that just really speak to my personal experience) for you to try out, but don’t worry—this list is pretty comprehensive and should help you get out there and meet people.

1. Get Over The Fear Of Failure

While this might sound pretty obvious, if you are afraid to try something that you are sure you won’t like, you’re already failing. (You might get lucky and try something you really, really, really like—but hey, that’s a bonus.) And while sometimes dates do fail, you can still learn a lot from both the good and the bad dates. As someone who has been on both the receiving and the giving ends of a date, I can tell you, we all make mistakes. But I can also tell you that the real lesson is learning from the good and bad in life. Plus, what’s bad in dating is often great in life.

For me, I was at a house party where I met a guy who was there with his friend. I was talking to him and—take a guess—they both laughed at my jokes, and I was happy to see them have fun. I made eye contact with his friend when I said my goodbyes. I assumed he and I were going to have a good date, but my date was completely disinterested. I didn’t understand why, so I just shrugged it off and put it out of my mind. He turned out to be a wonderful guy, and we have an awesome relationship today.

But I was, and still am, scared of the possibility of not being as good of a date as his friend. Perhaps this is something that you or someone else has been afraid of—you’re afraid to fail and feel bad about it. But there’s no reason to stress about it. If you can laugh at the bad dates, then you can learn from them and use that knowledge to better your dates.

2. Be Yourself—Embrace Your Weirdness

I’ve been on plenty of dates where I try to pull off something new—or try to be something that I’m not—but I will always be myself. No one will ever want to date me if they don’t like me. And no one will ever love me if they don’t like me either.
If you’re looking to have a more sophisticated, polished first date, skip the pub and take a mature approach to the practice of dating. There are two ways that you can get out there and date. First, you can “date your friends,” which involves chatting with friends about what you’re looking for in a mate. Second, you can actually go out, meet potential mates on your own, and then once you’ve had some success, you can introduce them to friends—or just keep chatting with them over drinks.

This method isn’t new, but it’s better than going to bars alone (which is one way to find yourself a date). When you go out, first make a plan. Know what you want, and then go for it. Of course, in reality, you’re only likely to get half of your plan fulfilled—but that’s alright. It’s never a bad idea to see where things go, and once you’ve discovered what you’re looking for, you can plan your next move.

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Let’s face it: Dating can be a little intimidating, and it has nothing to do with confidence. Even if you are completely comfortable with yourself and are a good conversationalist, the idea of putting your best self forward and being vulnerable with a stranger who may become the love of your life is, well, daunting. If you’re in the market for a relationship—whether it’s a casual fling or something long-term—consider this your guide to modern dating.

If you’re looking to have a more sophisticated, polished first date, skip the pub and take a mature approach to the practice of dating. There are two ways that you can get out there and date. First, you can “date your friends,” which involves chatting with friends about what you’re looking for in a mate. Second, you can actually go out, meet potential mates on your own, and then once you’ve had some success, you can introduce them to friends—or just keep chatting with them over drinks.

This method isn’t new, but it’s better than going to bars alone (which is one way to find yourself a date). When you go out, first make a plan. Know what you want, and then go for it. Of course, in reality, you’re only likely to get half of your plan fulfilled—but that’s alright. It

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