Miley Cyrus Reflects on Her Relationship With Ex Liam. ⏫

Before you say “screw the rules!” and get in a bad situation, read on. We’re going to be covering the dos and don’ts of dating, as well as the dos and don’ts of being a good date. We’ll also be covering how to open a conversation, as well as what to do when you realize you’re in a relationship with a liar. Keep in mind that, with any relationship, a certain amount of compromise is going to have to be involved. If you want to meet the perfect girl in high school, we’ll tell you how to do it, or if you want to be a rake, we’ll give you the best tips for swiping left and continuing your mission.

It’s Not OK to Try to Pick Up a Girl on a Bus

Our world is full of a lot of people who don’t know how to handle themselves socially—you, in particular. But if there’s one thing that guys can’t and shouldn’t do, it’s trying to score with a bunch of girls on a bus. It’s absurd, embarrassing, and nobody really wants to talk to you. If you’re a guy who does this, you have no excuse: you’re being an asshole. If you try to do this, we’ll cut your dick off and hold a press conference.

Photo by Joseph Marzullo / Shutterstock

Don’t Use a Fake Name on An App

If you want to date someone, you have to communicate. You have to connect. Most dating apps and sites allow you to create fake names that appear on profiles—you know, because it’s fun to use your pseudonym for your dating profile. But it’s not OK to use a fake name in your day-to-day life. Say that you’re a guy, or maybe a girl, and you want to work at your dad’s retail store. You post a picture on Instagram, and the next day, someone’s seen a picture of a woman they think is you. But it wasn’t you, because you have another name!

Furthermore, if you’re using a fake name to meet women on a dating site or app, it makes you look bad. You’re probably deceiving a bunch of women to meet them, which means you’re deceiving them by putting them on a dating site that you’re not on, and you’re deceiving them by telling them a lie. It’s not like you’re making the best first impression, because you’re
Real Life: Cheryl Hong does so much more than Instagram!

Cheryl Hong is a graduate of New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study (now Gallatin School of Individualized Studies) and of Columbia Business School. She went on to work as a global marketing manager at PepsiCo, writing-editorial creative director at Gilt, and executive creative director at Nike. She is also the founder of the online dating firm ModernLove.

As a graduate, you’re in a unique position to know the ins and outs of modern dating, right?

Yes, I think so. I think you can definitely know the ins and outs of modern dating.

Let’s start by talking about what it’s like to navigate this huge, digital landscape of online dating. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced?

I think for people my age, we grew up with two different methods of dating. My generation of people grew up with dating through friends, so we had many many friends. Then, I think, my generation, we grew up with dating websites. We saw a lot of our friends or our peers find dates through online dating. So, I think that both were separate for us.

So, for this generation, the way to find people to date is through social media. We use it to communicate with friends, find jobs, and make changes to our lives. It’s for a lot of things, not just dating, so it’s a very different environment. The challenge is, to date in this environment, you have to really know your value.

How do you know how much to value yourself?

I think it’s hard to know your value in this world. We live in a world where—you know—you can get a lot of likes on Instagram.

You really can get a lot of likes on Instagram, and you know, I think we’re not getting as much credit for what we’re doing. And I think the challenge is, you know, we are not just a face that we present online. We are the face, but then we are [also] the people, and we have other faces as well. I think that’s important to know your value—how much value you’re giving to people.

It’s certainly easier to find matches through Instagram than

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