And Now for Something Interesting

Read on to learn everything you need to know about dating in 2013. The basics Dating is a chance to meet new people and see where it goes. As long as it’s done right, dating can be fun and rewarding. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips for the modern dating scene: If he wants to kiss you, he’ll ask, and you can say yes or no Dating apps are being more and more prevalent, but they’re not a requirement for dating. If a guy likes you and wants to date you, he’ll ask you out—or he’ll just ask you for a drink, or he’ll start a conversation with you, or he’ll try to kiss you. Any of these things—even if the guy is far away and you’ve only met him once or twice—are a dating invitation. Whether you answer or not is totally up to you—but if you feel like he’s a good match, then by all means, start kissing. If you don’t date, then you don’t ask out a guy No, no, no—don’t miss out on a guy just because you don’t want to. Just because you don’t feel interested in a guy doesn’t mean he won’t love and respect you for a year or two or ten years. So if you don’t feel like pursuing a guy, ask your best friend or roommate to ask him out on your behalf. That way, you can just concentrate on your other priorities. Everyone has busy days A lot of people have a hard time meeting people, but if they’re busy, they could be on the lookout for someone new. No one is perfect, so don’t assume that they should be. If you want to, say that you’re looking for someone who’s available to meet you for a date, but don’t put so much pressure on yourself if a guy is busy. Sure, if he claims he’s completely taken by a football game, keep smiling—but don’t wait for him to commit to you if he doesn’t. Dating sites are great for meeting people, but only when it’s appropriate Dating sites like can be a great way to meet people. Just remember that there are various rules that need to be followed—and that you must be careful about what you post on your profile. This is because even if you think that a guy is totally cute, he probably isn’t
Using your smartphone to connect with the people you like has all kinds of benefits, some of which you might be surprised to learn about. From the convenience of checking out who liked your profile on a dating app or who’s around on Instagram to how it can help break out of boring bedroom doldrums, here are 8 reasons you should be dating with an iPhone. 1. You Can Text While You Wait (And Still Binge Later) G/O Media may get a commission Subscribe and Get Your First Bag Free Promo Code AtlasCoffeeDay20 If you can leave your smartphone safely at home, and you want to avoid coming off as a weirdo, then start a new conversation every time you step out of your house. This way, you don’t have to ask where your friend went or what her name is, you can just let your phone serve as your intermediary. And if you’re using dating apps, they’ll let you know who just liked you or who commented on your picture when you get home. From there, you can browse profiles and snap pictures to your heart’s content until you can make a more serious move. You can also use your smartphone for non-dating purposes: If you’re having a bad day, a quick text can go a long way. It’s very hard to get sucked in to a bad situation when you’re not talking to anyone, and spending time on your phone can be a source of anxiety. Having your phone with you at all times can serve as a reminder of this fact. 2. You Don’t Have to Be on the Same Time Zone G/O Media may get a commission Subscribe and Get Your First Bag Free Promo Code AtlasCoffeeDay20 For the first few months that you’re dating someone, it can be a little confusing. While you’re home in your old school, they’re on their way to your high school. They’re either three hours ahead, or they’re in bed. This can cause some logistical headaches, and it’s especially hard to do long distance dates when you’re not seeing the same person all the time. In fact, your phone can actually save you money if you want to be in different cities at the same time. When you first start dating a new person, meet in town to go out for a night or two, but when you move in together, you only need to do this once, and then you can save money and time by meeting once a

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