Robert Pattinson’s girlfriend Suki Waterhouse

Note: The majority of my recommendations are gender-agnostic, but I do find dating women very different from dating men. Some of these tips may be interesting/helpful/whatever for men, too, and some of them may just be applicable to dating a specific gender.

Dating 101

1) Don’t start things.

I have one rule that I make sure to follow before starting anything with a new person: Don’t start things.

Doing so will make you have to defend yourself against that start-it-all-myself-and-then-lose-my-power-at-the-end impulse (and this is a good thing; it means you have good boundaries).

So, before any new guy emails you back or starts talking to you, make sure that you’ve told him this one rule: don’t start things.

Even when you tell him this, he may still think he has a say in the matter and that you should start things with him. That’s fine. Just, like with the rule, don’t. Just be sure to set the boundaries and tell him where he stands. If he doesn’t understand, point him to this article for more tips on how to communicate his boundaries.

2) Be specific.

I know this isn’t a dating tip, but I’m adding it in because it’s really important. This is super important.

Describing your situation in general terms, such as “I’m looking for a relationship,” or, “I’m looking for someone to date,” is not enough. Describing your situation in specific terms will make it easier for you to find people who are the same and suitable.

3) Focus on interests.

Whether you’re talking to someone over the phone or via online dating sites, it’s incredibly important to focus on their interests—what they like, what they do for fun, etc. It’s true that you do have to be open to others’ interests, but you also have to be just as open and honest with yourself and others about your own.

You don’t want to have to be specific and tell your potential matches all the things that you like, so if you don’t, you can still find someone who is a good fit with you because you are being honest with yourself and everyone else about your own interests.

4) Show up.

You have to show up. Even if you are interested
Here are 25 tips to get you (or your date) to the altar (or your bed). If you need some other dating advice, see previous dating advice articles.

No matter how much you’re ready for a relationship, it’s never too late to become better at dating. Pick up a copy of 1,001 Ways to Get a Man and get started on this dating self-improvement.

1. Understand that dating is a numbers game—and you are the odds. According to Leda Schepartz, Ph.D., a psychologist at DePaul University in Chicago, singles are attracted to a relatively small percentage of potential partners—something she has dubbed the “attractive-odds bias.” The odds are that not every male or female on the planet is going to show up at your door (or, rather, book a date with you). So, instead of feeling like you are the only prize in the dating pool, realize that people are seeking partners just like you and there are a lot of other eligible bachelors and bachelorettes out there.

2. The hot girls are already taken. Unfortunately for you, if you’re the object of desire in the female population, you’re unlikely to score on the first date—especially since there are a LOT of hot women out there. She’s almost certainly already committed. Or with a boyfriend. Or with a gaggle of stoner gents. Of course, a night out with her friends isn’t always a one-way street—you might have a good time too (or not). But the odds are good that you’ll be the odd man out.

3.Don’t buy into the sex fast/sex right away marketing ploy. A good way to quickly become a victim of this lie is to get involved with a woman you meet online. Chances are, you’ll be rarin’ to go within a couple weeks of meeting her. Then, since you don’t have the time or energy to actually develop a relationship, you’ll jump in head first. Some men have told me that they cheated on their first or second dates because they were so quickly swept off their feet. This is a foolish choice that will almost certainly cost you your romantic life. If you do want to have sex right away, pick someone with whom you’re both comfortable and enjoy spending time together in a relationship.

4. Lose the “I’m a loner and don’t even like people” attitude. Like many

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