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Obstetricia De Schwarcz 6ta Edicion Pdf 34

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Category:Obstetric surgeryQ:

What is a Dictionary’s runtime overhead?

I’m looking into using a dictionary for a cache for some objects, and I’m trying to understand how hard this is going to be in terms of having it manage the memory for my objects. I’m looking to see what the ‘purely’ runtime overhead is with just using a dictionary.

Will the dictionary cause an GC every time the value is retrieved, or does it just ‘cover’ the space?
Is it difficult for the compiler to ensure that the value gets initialized properly?
Is there more code generation that needs to happen than normal?

It appears that a dictionary uses the same amount of memory as an object with a reference variable pointing to a dictionary. Which makes sense to me, as they are both a type that has the data stored in a block of memory.


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