Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM Crack (LifeTime) Activation Code

Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM is a text messaging system that allows visitors to your web site to communicate with sales people and support staff using a web browser in real time. There is no need to install any IM software or Java/Active-X plugins for your customers. The system comes with a built-in load-balancing queue that distributes the support sessions to the operators automatically.
Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM helps you keep in touch with the visitors that access your website, by creating a chat room in your browser.









Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM Full Version

Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM is a free and easy to use
text messaging system that allows visitors to your website to
communicate with sales people and support staff using a web
browser in real time.

This program is simply based on a cross-browser (IE, Firefox, Opera,
Safari) AJAX technology which makes it a very easy to use and
cost-effective solution.

For more details, please visit the website.


Please look at Asterisk and SIP


How to compare a string with a dictionary key?

I have a dictionary:
I have a function:
func getUserInput(input: [String: String]) -> String? {
let userInputDictionary = [“firstName” : “Jonathan”, “lastName” : “Smith”, “phone” : “”, “email” : “[email protected]”]
let userInput = input[“firstName”]!
if (userInput == “jonathan”){
return “it works”
return “it doesn’t work”

But I keep getting a compiler error:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInvalidArgumentException’, reason: ‘-[__NSCFString isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7f8e03d95680’


Instead of checking if the string == Jonathans, you should check if the value is found in the dictionary (which has string as key):
func getUserInput(input: [String: String]) -> String? {
let userInputDictionary = [“firstName” : “Jonathan”, “lastName” : “Smith”, “phone” : “”, “email” : “[email protected]”]
let userInput = input[“firstName”]!
if (userInputDictionary[“firstName”]!= nil){
return “it works”

Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM Crack+ X64


Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM Activator Free For Windows (Latest)

Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM allows web visitors to contact your sales people or your support staff and engage in real-time chat, free from the use of plugins.
Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM Features:

* Enterprise License: 30-days free trial
* Unlimited agents (3 for free)
* Unlimited visitors (3 for free)
* Unlimited sessions (3 for free)
* Unlimited queued sessions (20 for free)
* No installation of plugins required
* No load-balancing queues needed
* Your visitors can have unlimited private chats
* All connections are secured
* No bandwidth limit or other limitations
* Real time text messages

Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM Component:
Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM is a combination of HTML-based website and a web-based Java application. The application allows your customers to access the website via a web browser and have a real-time text-based chat or send an instant message.
Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM Component Features:
* HTML-based website
* Java Application
* Operating System independent
* Fully Open Source:
* Compatible with AnyBrowsers
* No Client Required
* No Plugins Required
* No Installation of Plugins Required
* Unlimited Agents, Visitors, Sessions and Queued Sessions
* Free & Open Source
* Uses HTML5 WebSocket (Version: 6.1)
* No need to enable or install any plugins
* No extra bandwidth limit or other limitations
* No downtime
* Your visitors can have unlimited private chats
* All connections are secured
* No load-balancing queues needed
* Real time text messages
* Secure
* Chat rooms are based on an external service (Jabber). It allows your visitors to enter the chat room and engage in chat sessions and chats. You can manage your chat rooms easily in the admin panel.

Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM Component Features:
* HTML-based website
* Java Application
* Operating System independent
* Fully Open Source:
* Compatible with AnyBrowsers
* No Client Required
* No Plugins Required

What’s New In Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM?

* Operates in real time and within the Web browser * Just open any browser and your web-site will appear in real time * When a visitor sends a message, the received messages are relayed back to your Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM server, where they are stored and displayed in the chat room * Operator is not required to have any special software or installed on the computer * Administrators can view chat room data at any time using the control panel * Operators can use the chat room for handling calls, and participate in real time within the chat room * Operators can use the built-in load-balancing queue and assign contacts to operators with minimum delay, and route customers to the best available operator * Relay messages back to the operator’s e-mail inbox * Built-in chat room archiving and deleting capability * Relay messages back to the operator’s e-mail inbox * Scheduled messages can be automatically delivered to operators at specific intervals or while the operator is away from the computer * Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM can be used for all types of businesses and supports all types of visitors that access your web site * Built-in control panel allows you to view and manage all of the chat room’s parameters

* Online computer sales business * Small business owners, sales reps, and salespeople * Real estate agents, insurance agents, financial agents, health care providers, attorneys, realtors, web designers, web developers, and consultants * Consultants, contractors, and professionals * Jewelers, restaurants, and other types of businesses that provide services * Schools, businesses, government, and any other business that requires a 24/7 help desk * Computers owners that want to sell their used equipment and services * Various online services, including web hosting, website building, SEO, social media marketing, and more * Product dealerships, and business-to-business services * Many other types of businesses that need to answer questions and/or provide assistance to visitors to their websites, using web pages within a web browser.

Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM Features:

* Unlimited operators * Unlimited contacts * 10,000 messages per chat room * Unlimited daily messages per operator * Messages are saved for 7 days * Automatic recipient selection by the sender * Automatic message expiration * Scheduled messages * Archiving and deleting * Built-in queuing system * Contact management * Contact invitation and subscription * Fax, e-mail, and IM integration * Automatic contact qualification * Built-in load-balancing queue * Event driven handling of contacts * Online chat room * Unified IM protocol * Send a message directly from the address bar of your web browser * Send a message directly from your mobile phone, tablet, or computer with Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM * Supports multiple languages: English, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Korean, Russian, Romanian, Italian, Dutch, and Swedish * Operators can add and edit

System Requirements:

Manufacturer: CD Projekt RED
Manufacturer Part Number: PHLY3D
Platform: PC (Windows 10 and Windows 8.1)
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-4790K 3.5 GHz or higher
DX11 compatible video card with Shader Model 5.1 support
20 GB free hard disk space
DirectX: Version 11.0
Screen Resolution:
Screen resolution for both monitors: 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz
Supported HDMI input


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