
ReadingRater is a .NET application that gets the reading level of a piece of text. It uses multiple formulas for calculating reading level and averages the result.
The most text that I have ran through it was the entire text of the king james bible, and a couple of other versions. (Note that this was for testing and it is not really necessary to have that much text to get an accurate reading level). It is recommended that about 30 sentences be used to get a truly accurate level.
The way the program works is that it counts the sentences, the word counts in the sentences, and the syllable counts in the words and then plugs this data into the various formulas to get the results.







ReadingRater With Full Keygen Download Latest

Cracked ReadingRater With Keygen is a free, easy-to-use.NET application that gets the reading level of a piece of text. It uses multiple formulas for calculating reading level and averages the result.
The most text that I have ran through it was the entire text of the king james bible, and a couple of other versions. (Note that this was for testing and it is not really necessary to have that much text to get an accurate reading level). It is recommended that about 30 sentences be used to get a truly accurate level.
The way the program works is that it counts the sentences, the word counts in the sentences, and the syllable counts in the words and then plugs this data into the various formulas to get the results.
There is a version for Windows and also a Mac version. It is not tied to Windows computers and can be used on Mac computers too.
On the Mac it can be opened from the Applications folder or from the dock.
On the Windows PC you can find it in the.NET folder.
If you are interested to give it a try, please feel free to download it:

Version 3.1

This is the latest version of the.NET version.

Version 3.0

This is the latest version of the.NET version.

Version 2.0

This is the latest version of the original non.NET version.

Version 1.0

This is the first version of the software. I have released it on the internet in 2000. The latest version of the non.NET version is available here:

You can also find some other articles on the topic here:

JavaScript Reading Level Checker
This site offers a JavaScript (and PHP, VB, etc.) reading level checker.

JavaScript Book-Scanner
This is a JavaScript version of the ReadingRater Free Download developed by Sarah Corboy (at the time of writing).

Java Reading Level Checker
This website offers a Java version of the ReadingRater Crack Mac developed by Sarah Corboy.

JavaScript Reading Level Checker – a more simplified version.

Reading Level Checker Java
This is a java version of the ReadingRater 2022 Crack developed by Sarah Corboy.

JavaScript: Text-to-Speech Reading Level
Another javascript reading level checker.

Android App: Easy reader for the blind and dyslexic

Android Apps for students and

ReadingRater Crack+ X64

This is the main class. The main functions are LoadFile() and ScoreFile(). LoadFile() reads the file, and ScoreFile() computes a reading level.
* This is the main class. The main functions are LoadFile() and ScoreFile(). LoadFile() reads the file, and ScoreFile() computes a reading level.
public class Sockso
// These are the three methods that are used to calculate reading level.
private void ScoreLines(string filename)
// Loads the file into memory and turns it into a string.
string content = File.ReadAllText(filename);

// Reads the string and splits it into sentences.
string[] lines = content.Split(new char[] { ‘.’ }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

// Counts the sentences.
int sentences = lines.Length – 1;

// Counts the words in each sentence.
int wordsInSentence = lines.Length – 1;

// Counts the syllables in each word.
int syllablesPerWord = lines.Length – 1;

// Counts the words.
int words = lines.Length – 1;

// Average the syllables per word.
int averageSyllablesPerWord = (int)Math.Round((double)sentences / (double)wordsInSentence, 3);

// Average the syllables.
int averageSyllables = (int)Math.Round((double)sentences / (double)words, 3);

// Average the words.
int averageWords = (int)Math.Round((double)sentences / (double)words, 3);

// Calculates the reading level.

ReadingRater Crack For PC

ReadingRater is a.NET application that gets the reading level of a piece of text.
It uses multiple formulas for calculating reading level and averages the result.
The most text that I have ran through it was the entire text of the king james bible, and a couple of other versions.
It is recommended that about 30 sentences be used to get a truly accurate level.
The way the program works is that it counts the sentences, the word counts in the sentences, and the syllable counts in the words and then plugs this data into the various formulas to get the results.
The program can also be used to calculate the syllables in a text and it will provide a syllable reading level. This syllable level will be higher than the word level.
For example, if a text contains 4,000 words and 1,000 syllables, the text is considered to be at a syllable reading level of 3.2.
1. Place the text in a RichTextBox
2. Run the program
3. The application will calculate the reading level. The results will be displayed in a TextBox





A simplified format of the code is provided below, along with the actual procedure which is used.


This is a pseudo-code of the usage of the program.

usage: ReadingRater.exe textfilename [textboxname]

textfilename: Name of the file that contains the text to calculate the reading level of.

textboxname: The name of the TextBox where the results are to be displayed.


ReadingRater.exe book01.rtf textbox1


The text that is used to determine the reading level of.


Revision History

1.0 – Initial Release

2.0 – Added support for displaying word and syllable counts in the results. Also removed the Word, Char and Length Fields. Added a button to clear the TextBox and a button to reset the results.

“This isn’t a blog, it’s a weapon of mass destruction.”

He’s taken what I thought was only a clever moniker and turned it into

What’s New In?

The program requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher.

The.NET Framework includes various classes, methods, and data types that can be used to add functionality to your applications.

To obtain the.NET Framework, download it from the Microsoft .NET Web site.

System Requirements:

Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7.

4GB or more of RAM.

.NET Framework 3.5 or higher

If you do not have.NET Framework 3.5 or higher, Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1 or higher will be used.

More information on.NET Framework can be found at


This sample code is distributed under the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 License terms.

You may not use this code except in a Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 compiled application.

You may have the code that you distribute under different terms.

You may copy and distribute the code freely.

You may modify the code and distribute the modified code.

You must include a copy of the original code in any distribution.

The code is provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.

To get the latest version of this sample, visit

Code developed by

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel i3 2.6GHz / AMD A8-3870 3.10GHz
Memory: 4GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 660
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet Connection
Storage: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Gamepad: 2 buttons, 4 analog sticks
Video: 1024×768 (or higher)
For Linux or MacOS users, please see the Steam page.

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