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Kawasaki Ohlins Tires 2006

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Kawasaki Werkstatthandbuch Zzr 600 Deutsch

Category:Engine fuel system technology
Category:Automotive fuels
Category:Automotive technology tradenames
Category:Clean, green and efficient power
Category:Environmental technology
Category:Green engineeringTwo years ago, I wrote this post about some of the changes that Microsoft has been rolling out to mobile search in its search engine Bing.

One of the biggest changes Microsoft introduced is the ability to search your entire set of data in your search apps, right from the home page. In theory, this is nothing new. With Windows Phone 8, the move to Bing was supported with the introduction of the tile and also the Search Center, which allowed you to search your entire phone for relevant results.

Bing already had the ability to search for content from your email, as well as apps that were installed. However, with WP 8, Microsoft introduced some major changes in terms of the search apps. With WP 8.1, all of those apps have been brought out to the main search area of the app, giving you a more consistent experience.

For Bing, search apps now include:

Bing News

Bing Sports

Bing Finance

Bing Weather

Bing Images

But, if you’re wondering if all that data will ever turn up in your main search page – you will need to wait for an update. According to the official documentation, only the beta of the search page has been rolled out so far. However, if you are a Microsoft Insider, you can see and test the new search page on your Windows 10 PC.

Need to search your apps? You can do that right on the main search box too.

In addition, with Bing, you can also now search for your emails, as well as your emails from the web. You can also search your mail in any of the apps installed on your phone.

Also, for non-Bing search apps, Microsoft is also planning to allow them to add a new option to make them available to be searched and integrated in the search page.

I’m personally not sure if I’m too excited or worried about this new set of changes. I have issues with the apps being exclusive to the search area of the phone. At the same time, I’m very sure that I’m not too bothered about the apps that include your emails.

You can see which apps are being updated here.

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