



Autocom Unknown Error During Init

Nov 2, 2012
[Solved] Autocom – Unknown Error During Init
The package does not contain the autocomp automation client component.
Step 1: Run the Setup and install the component manually.
Step 2: Restart.


If you have a single-instance Autocom Delphi CDP (or have setup a single-instance CDP) then either of the following will cause “Unknown Error During Init” problem:

The install left the autocom process running (if it’s not Stopped or Disabled) when you try to run Autocom.
The install left the Autocom registry key pointing to the CDP and not the Default or Single-instance registry keys.
The install left some files from a previous version of Autocom in the Delphi folder.

1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a fluid-operated cylinder with continuous relative movement between a piston and a rod of the cylinder which can be applied in, for example, a plurality of different ways, to, for example, an air, hydraulic, or mechanical pressure-producing cylinder. The present invention also relates to an apparatus for producing a pressing force, particularly for toner-developing photoconductive elements or photoconductors of electrographic printers.
2. Description of the Prior Art
In a conventional fluid-operated cylinder, the piston is surrounded on both sides by an annular cylinder ring which, in operation, is pressed in against the inner circumference of the cylinder. Under certain conditions, the rod is also pressed in against the inner circumference of the cylinder ring. At least one of the rings is deformable. A fluid can be introduced at one of the two rings, and exits the other. When the cylinder is not filled with a fluid, the rings are also not filled with fluid, and do not bear against the interior of the cylinder. At this point, an obstruction occurs in the fluid flow. In order to avoid the above-described situation, it is known to provide in the cylinder chamber a duct in which a correspondingly formed second duct is disposed to allow an additional fluid supply. A disadvantage in this case is that the second fluid supply duct must be long, which results in a fluid-filled cylinder of large overall height.
In the prior art there is also known a fluid-operated cylinder in which a rod made of

Jul 26, 2016
Error unknown error during init. I have removed patch and install again.
Aug 28, 2014
Compatibility with Windows 8. I have XP,7 and 8 installed on the same machine.
Jun 11, 2014
Error unknown error during init. I have removed patch and install again.
Jun 9, 2014
Compatible with Windows XP and Windows 7.
Feb 3, 2013
Please help, i did all the steps you have posted, but i still get the same error.
Jan 27, 2013
Delphi 2007/2008/2009, Autocom 2007/2009 Setup.
Mar 9, 2017
When you install the update(, if you give no answer for the “Install on a new computer” question(because the answer is left blank), then when autocom run the installation, it gives error of “Unknown error during init” after reboot.
Nov 19, 2010
Compatibility with Windows 8, I have tested Autocom 2010 setup and I have found a problem. Unfortunately Autocom 2010 setup shows an error after reboot of “Component autocom dll in the application folder is invalid”. I tried to repair the autocom dll and the problem is not solved.
Nov 19, 2010
I think it’s the same as above post.
Mar 7, 2010
Please help, i did all the steps you have posted, but i still get the same error.
Feb 22, 2010
During the installation, in the Log Properties window, i see “Delphi 2010 Installation completion.”, “Patch installation failed”, “Unknown error during init.”, “Installation of Microsoft Autocom occurred”, “Installation of Autocom occurred”, “Installation completed” messages…
Oct 6, 2009
I also tried to reinstall my programming software and it did not help.
Oct 6, 2009
I’ve found that by “manually” repairing autocom dll and autocom nd, and using 2010 repair tool, i can solve my problem. But i still want to find a way to repair the autocom dll and nd with a program instead of “manually”.
Oct 10, 2009
I just found the old setting, it has been changed to the new setting. Reinstall software should delete that.
Aug 27, 2009
I always run the application setup of Delphi

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