Udp-Invoker Free Download

Java RMI can be troublesome and tedious, and requires both configuration and use of external utilities. Udp-Invoker offers easy, zero-configuration Java remoting between Java applications.
Udp-Invoker additionally offers easy-to-use publish/subscribe-functionality, allowing asynchronous message delivery based on topic-subscription and ”push”-communication. It also offers service discovery, enabling applications to dynamically discover each other and their available services at runtime.
Give Udp-Invoker a try to see what it’s all about!







Udp-Invoker Crack + (LifeTime) Activation Code Download 2022

Udp-Invoker is a Java Remoting Framework that leverages Java’s standard networking stack for fast, zero-configuration communication between Java applications.
Udp-Invoker supports both Java’s lightweight binary protocol (MIDP) as well as Java’s RMI protocol. Udp-Invoker supports both implementations on the same port and is thus ”port-transparent”.
Udp-Invoker is a plugin for Javolution:
Udp-Invoker Features:
Zero-configuration, hence 0 lines of code
Security by default. You don’t need to do anything, and can even get full credit for Udp-Invoker, if you choose to.
Multiple destinations.
Automatic registration of discovered services at runtime.
Automatic detection of network changes.
Support for UDP and TCP.
No external dependencies
Small size, because of the use of Java’s networking stack
Messages are serialized using Java’s lightweight binary protocol. The Java version of this protocol is MIDP, version 2.0, which can be found here.
Messages are signed and encrypted in TCP, which can be enabled by passing an appropriate TCP client certificate to the server. It is recommended that you have a self-signed certificate for this purpose. The Java version of this protocol is RMI, which can be found here.
The communication can use a plain Java implementation of the usual streaming architecture.
Using the Java networking stack, Udp-Invoker can either be implemented in-process or it can be hosted by an application server, such as the Java Application Server (Apache Tomcat) or Glassfish.
Udp-Invoker is also based on the Javolution project. Javolution is a project for providing a distributed, service-oriented architecture, enabling high-speed, client/server and client/server/server applications based on Java technology. Javolution’s services can be requested, either synchronously or asynchronously.
Service invocation can be direct, or can be mediated by a message broker.
Service discovery is also available, using XML or JSON for the service-to-service and client-to-service communication.
Depending on the client and the platform it is running on, the communication protocol can be UDP or TCP.
The communication can be synchronous or asynchronous, and can use binary or text messages.

Udp-Invoker Crack [2022-Latest]

Udp-Invoker is a lightweight, Java RMI-compatible service-discovery application.
Udp-Invoker provides a service-discovery mechanism for Java RMI-enabled applications. When you publish or subscribe to a topic, you can use the service-discovery mechanism to automatically discover other applications and their services.
Udp-Invoker offers a set of Java RMI-compatible Remote methods to allow remote invokation of services within a J2EE environment.
Udp-Invoker has a built-in ability to publish services and remotely invoke methods.
Udp-Invoker makes use of a topic-subscription and “push” model. With topics you can send and receive messages without having to explicitly publish or subscribe to a specific topic. It also supports the use of a “pull” model as well. In this model, services are pushed to interested clients on request.
Udp-Invoker provides a simple topic-subscription model. You can listen to a topic for messages, or send messages to a topic.
Udp-Invoker offers several security features, such as setting permissions, credentials and identity maps. The security models are based on a permissioned environment.
Udp-Invoker includes a full-featured client-server messaging application, as well as a method of client authentication and authorization.
Udp-Invoker is a Java RMI service-discovery application that is lightweight, easy to use and not configurable.
Udp-Invoker provides an easy-to-use RMI server that implements the most common interfaces, such as Remote and RemoteObject.
Udp-Invoker provides transparent support for all Java RMI-enabled remote services.
Udp-Invoker provides JNDI- and IOR-based remoting.
Udp-Invoker provides support for client-side and server-side authentication mechanisms.
Udp-Invoker provides a high-level set of interfaces that permit the implementation of any service or service-subscriber in Java.
Udp-Invoker uses Java Plug-in technology and is thus platform-independent. It does not require the use of the Java RMI API.
The Udp-Invoker client application and service server are available for download at no charge.
Udp-Invoker is distributed as a Java RMI-compatible jar-file. This means that it is not an API or package/plugin that

Udp-Invoker Crack + Activation Code

Udp-Invoker is a dynamic Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation) based Java remoting library. Its main focus is offering a nice RPC (Remote Procedure Call) interface for Java applications, independent of Java RMI, SOAP and the like. As such, Udp-Invoker can be used to build non-RMI Java-RPC libraries and provide an additional interface on top of it. It can also be used as a bridge to existing non-RMI Java-RPC implementations, such as Java Remote Method Invocation.
Udp-Invoker is designed to be fast, easy to use and well documented. It supports HTTP, HTTPS and SOAP web services. The library also offers a simple API to do RPCs over TCP/IP sockets and to dynamically discover services and remotes at runtime.
This package includes the following components:
* udp-invoker-core:
* udp-invoker-client:
* udp-invoker-client-samples:
* udp-invoker-server:
* udp-invoker-server-samples:
* udp-invoker-server-javadoc:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5-applet:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5-applet-samples:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5-applet-samples-maven:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5-applet-samples-jar:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5-applet-samples-jar-md5:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5-applet-samples-jar-md5-applet:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5-applet-samples-md5:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5-applet-samples-md5-applet:
* udp-invoker-server-tutorial-md5-applet-samples-md5-md5:
* udp-inv

What’s New In Udp-Invoker?

Udp-Invoker is an easy-to-use Java remoting library that can be used as a client or server to communicate with Java services. Udp-Invoker supports remote procedure calls and allows for transparent network transport between Java clients and servers, and transparent remoting between Java objects residing on the same or on different computers.
The Java remoting library automatically uses Java 5 or Java 6 features and does not require any configuration. Udp-Invoker is written entirely in Java, and thus is completely independent of network protocols and protocols for message encapsulation and transport.

Why write Java RMI instead of using Udp-Invoker?
There are at least three good reasons to use Udp-Invoker instead of Java RMI.
First, Udp-Invoker is easy-to-use, requiring no configuration or setup, just a few lines of code to send or receive messages.
Second, Udp-Invoker is easy-to-develop. Udp-Invoker is implemented as a thin wrapper around the Invoker protocol (see RFC 2812), so it does not contain any Java remoting-specific code.
And third, Udp-Invoker is part of the Java Standard Edition, which means that it will be supported for a long time to come.

About this Udp-Invoker download

Udp-Invoker is a Java RMI implementation, allowing transparent remoting between Java objects residing on the same or on different computers.
It is not an RMI-specific library, but uses the Invoker protocol (see RFC 2812) for sending and receiving messages.

All updates to the existing Udp-Invoker (V1.2) libraries are cumulative. Therefore, if you already have an installation of the previous Udp-Invoker library, you can easily upgrade to the latest version without having to uninstall your current version first.

I agree that the installation instructions are really bad and no one should ever install a software using the 1-click installer.

I have used all RMI/RPC products before, and they all have similar problems and are not user friendly at all.

Udp-Invoker solves the problems, as in my experience it just works. I tried to install it using the 1-click installer but that was also a failure.

The documentation is so bad, that I could not even find how to set the necessary properties for a service to be published/subscribed on a topic. I couldn’t find how to subscribe/unsubscribe and I could not find how to set the IP/port/protocol, but only how to set the name, binary name, and interface.

Anyway, I tried to fix some parts of the documentation, but it will never be enough as the developers are really lazy and don’t want to change anything, and also they are not responding to

System Requirements For Udp-Invoker:

Minimum Requirements:
CPU: 2 GHz or faster
Memory: 16 GB RAM (32-bit OS)
Graphics: DirectX 9.0 compatible graphics card with 1 GB of dedicated VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0 (Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, or XP with Service Pack 3)
Disc: DVD drive or Blu-ray drive (DVD/Blu-ray playtimes may vary based on the game)
Additional Requirements:
HDD: 5 GB available space (30 GB minimum)


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