AutoCAD 24.1 Crack Product Key X64







AutoCAD Crack+ Download

AutoCAD is also used in the manufacturing industry and software industry in general. AutoCAD is compatible with many other file formats such as DXF, DWG, DXF, SVG, PDF and many more.

The Standard’s AutoCAD’s products are also used by U.S. defense agencies, including the Air Force, Navy, and several state defense agencies.


AutoCAD was introduced in the summer of 1982 by Autodesk, Inc., after a decade of research. In 1979, Autodesk introduced the first of its logo products, AutoCAD Jr., which was a simplified version of AutoCAD. In the mid-1980s, Autodesk was acquired by the Burroughs Corporation, and the AutoCAD family continued under Burroughs.

AutoCAD is now used on a variety of platforms, and by various industries in order to create and edit 2D and 3D drawings. The company has a range of products in areas such as architecture, civil engineering, engineering (civil, mechanical, electrical, etc.), construction, power distribution, mining and more. AutoCAD has also been used in many industry sectors including aerospace, automotive, defense, education, entertainment, finance, government, and transportation.

Since 1983, the current version of AutoCAD is AutoCAD 2014, released on August 15, 2013.

AutoCAD has been a commercial success in the computer industry, selling over 17 million units and was the first non-Macintosh CAD system available for Macintosh-compatible computers.

Key developments

1982: AutoCAD launched as the first graphical CAD system for the Mac platform. It was introduced to show the company’s graphic capabilities.
1983: Release of AutoCAD 2, the first true client-server system which allows multiple users to simultaneously view the same design at the same time.
1983: Release of AutoCAD Extension Language (AEL), the first tool for extending the drawing capabilities of AutoCAD.
1984: Release of AutoCAD Works for Windows, the first version of AutoCAD to work on the Windows operating system.
1985: Release of AutoCAD for Macintosh, the first AutoCAD version to run on the Macintosh operating system.
1985: Release of AutoCAD for DOS, the first version of AutoCAD to run on Microsoft DOS.
1985: Release of AutoCAD Extension Language (AEL), version 2.

AutoCAD Crack+

Data management
AutoCAD supports a number of data management applications:

TableManager for automatic handling of table-formatted documents, including the manipulation of tables
Libraries for managing drawings by drawing set and application type
On-the-fly, real-time, and scheduled automation via macro
Set and macro enhancements
Data conversion
Unit conversion: ability to convert measurements from one unit system to another
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.png file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.pdf file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.txt file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.cdr file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.obj file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.stl file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.rfa file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.xfm file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.xrc file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.wrl file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.xml file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.bmp file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.cxd file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.ttf file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.txt file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.dwg file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.vsd file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.xsd file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.txt file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.xlw file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into a.xap file.
Data conversion: ability to convert a.dwg file into


Load the files from this directory on the desktop using AutoCAD.

Open a new file, it will be the first drawing, and call it Drawing1.dwg.

Draw a rectangle on the paper (it will create the drawing surface).

Save the drawing and quit AutoCAD.

Open a new file, it will be the second drawing, and call it Drawing2.dwg.

Change the first three lines of Drawing1.dwg and draw a rectangle at the same location as Drawing2.dwg.

Save Drawing1.dwg.

From here, I can’t see what I can do to make my command work. I’ve tried turning off and on compatibility mode. I’ve tried changing AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD LT and everything else. I’ve tried changing spaces to tabs and back to spaces. I’m not sure what else to do. Any help is appreciated.


To make the command work, I had to delete the key’s registry entry. I did this by pressing Windows Key + R and typing regedit. Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD, I deleted the key I was using. After doing so, the command worked fine.


How to send data from one activity to another in android?

I have a Splash screen, activity1 and activity2.I want to send data from Splash Screen to activity1 and from activity1 to activity2.
For this i have a question,

What should i do, in what sequence.
I have done it by using startActivityForResult(new Intent(SplashScreen.this,activity1.class),1) and in the onActivityResult(int requestCode,int resultCode,Intent data) method i am passing the results.
Is this a correct way?


What should i do, in what sequence.

If you want to start your activity, you must start your activity:
startActivity(new Intent(this, ActivityToLaunch.class));

In this case, you might want to use an intent to send data from the splash activity to the launcher activity.

I have done it by using startActivityForResult(new Intent(SplashScreen.this,activity1.class),1) and in the onActivityResult(int request

What’s New In AutoCAD?

New Placed Point feature in the Placement Utility. Create commands to place objects to specific points in the drawing. (video: 1:28 min.)


Creating hierarchical AutoLists from the Quick Access Toolbar is now supported. (video: 1:31 min.)

Link AutoLists between multiple drawings. (video: 1:16 min.)

New feature to quickly associate a model with a drawing. The property sheet allows you to identify features and dimensions of a model and assign them to a drawing. (video: 1:34 min.)

Extended reporting capabilities, improved ability to identify drawing errors and better performance. The number of drawing errors reported for each drawing is now displayed.

Improved the ability to extract text from drawings.



Create routes that are as flexible as your mind. They connect points and line segments that automatically adjust to fit variations in the terrain. (video: 1:26 min.)

Automatic detection of road networks in your drawing and report them in your drawing.

New tools to better handle road and other non-orthogonal topology, including automatic detection of complex interlocking road networks and crossing angles. (video: 1:25 min.)

New routing tools to quickly construct complex road networks. Choose from multiple scenarios and scenarios that use the topology of your drawing.

Proportion & Align:

New tools for constructing even-sized regions. Use proportional snapping for any object of a given size.

New snapping features for aligning parallel lines.

Track Changes:

Track changes between your version and others. Easily review changes in a drawing and identify objects that have changed.

Clone a drawing: Now you can copy a drawing to make changes to it.

Object creation and relocation:

Remove duplicate objects from your drawing and in the Entity List.

Use multiple Entity Sets to quickly remove duplicate objects from your drawings.

Object list for object placement:

Remove, hide or show objects in the object list for better organization and selection.

View and edit functions for Entity Sets:

Show, hide, and delete objects in the object list for easier referencing and selection.


Automatic adjustment of text and dimensions based on a selected alignment.

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti (NVIDIA reference, or a higher performance GPU is recommended)
AMD Radeon HD 6570 or higher (AMD reference, or a higher performance GPU is recommended)
800 MB Free HDD Space
Minimum OS:
Windows XP SP3 or higher (32-bit only)
Windows Vista SP1 or higher (32-bit only)
Windows 7 SP1 or higher (32-bit only)
Recommended OS:
Windows 8/8.1
Windows 10

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