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Windows Vista introduces a Preview pane in folder view, using which you can preview image and text files, and play multimedia files from the Preview pane.
The PreviewConfig application will allow you to add or remove preview handler for a file type. For instance, you can add a plain-text Preview handler for a file type that contains text. Here are some examples:
.REG, .VBS, .CPP, .VB, .CS, .CSS, .BAT, .CMD
PreviewConfig utility registers the handler on the ProgID. If a ProgID does not exist
for the said file type, it registers the hander on the file type itself.







PreviewConfig Crack + Free

* The ProgID can be any GUID in the registry.
* It can be added to the registry only once, for the same file extension type.
* Once added, the ProgID can be used for other file types.
* After the handler is registered, it can be removed by running
View > Toolbars > FileTypes > Options > Preview Handler.
Here is an example for adding the Preview handler for.txt files:
REG QUERY “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt” /v Application /f
Get-ChildItem HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\PreviewHandler |
Where { $_.Key -match “\D*(v2|v3)” } | ForEach { $_.SetValue “URLProgID”, “WIDM:$_” }
This will add the Preview Handler to all txt files. If we do not want to add to any particular file type, we need to use the following command:
REG QUERY “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt” /v Application /f | ForEach { $_.SetValue “URLProgID”, “WIDM:$_” }
Here are some examples for a plain text preview handler:
PreviewHandler “WIDM:PlainText” -Type “.txt”
PreviewHandler “WIDM:PlainText” -Type “.doc”
PreviewHandler “WIDM:PlainText” -Type “.xls”
The handler can also be added to a file type that already has one, but the handler is overridden by the new handler. If you have a plain text preview handler added, you can remove it, but the plain text preview handler for that file type will be overridden by this.
To add a plain text preview handler to a file type that already has one:
REG QUERY “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt” /v Application /f | ForEach { $_.SetValue “URLProgID”, “WIDM:$_” }
PreviewHandler “WIDM:PlainText” -Type “.txt”
To add a plain text preview handler to a file type that already has one and keep the existing handler:
REG QUERY “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt” /v Application /f | ForEach { $_.SetValue “URLPro

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PreviewConfig is a command line tool. It enables you to configure the
handling of Preview file types in Windows Vista.
Run the tool from Windows command line. To use the tool, type previewconfig at the
command prompt.
NOTE: The tool requires the Visual Studio 2003 Command Prompt as well as the MS
Visual Studio SDK 2.0. The SDK is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
2003\SDK\v2.0\ and the Command Prompt is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio 2003\Common7\Tools.
previewconfig [-add] [-del] [-list] [-configure] [ProgID]
previewconfig [-add] [-del] [-list] [-configure] [ProgID] [File extension]
Display preview of specified file type.
Add preview handler for specified file type to this version of Windows Vista.
Delete preview handler for specified file type from this version of Windows Vista.
List preview handlers for specified file type.
Configure preview handler for specified file type.
File Type:
ProgID = Program identifier.
File extension = The file extension of the file to be handled by the Preview handler.
Specify ProgID using -add or -del command line options.
Specify file extension using -add or -del command line options.
Note: The tool has no built-in configuration file, so there is no place to specify the
ProgID and file extension. The tool will prompt you for both information.
WARNING: If you run this tool from a command prompt, it will prompt you for the
information. If you run the tool from Visual Studio Command Prompt, it will open a
dialog box for you to input the information.
-add, -del – Specify the ProgID or file extension to register or delete a Preview
file extension.
-list – List all registered ProgID and file extension.
Configure the Preview handler for the specified file type.
ProgID = Program identifier.
file extension = The file extension of the file to be handled by the Preview handler.
Specify ProgID using -add or -del command line options.
Specify file extension using -add or -del command line options.

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.REG: Register handler for.REG files
.VBS: Register handler for.VBS files
.CPP: Register handler for.CPP files
.VB: Register handler for.VB files
.CS: Register handler for.CS files
.CSS: Register handler for.CSS files
.BAT: Register handler for.BAT files
.CMD: Register handler for.CMD files
.PNG,.JPEG,.JPG,.GIF,.GIF: Register handler for.PNG,.JPEG,.JPG,.GIF,.GIF files
.SCR: Register handler for.SCR files
.MOT: Register handler for.MOT files
.WAV,.WAV: Register handler for.WAV files
.RAW,.MID: Register handler for.RAW,.MID files
.S3M,.MOD: Register handler for.S3M,.MOD files
.MP3: Register handler for.MP3 files
.STP,.SPR: Register handler for.STP,.SPR files
.OBJ: Register handler for.OBJ files
.TXT,.CSV: Register handler for.TXT,.CSV files
.MOV: Register handler for.MOV files
.MP4,.M4V,.M4A,.MP4V,.MP4A,.3GPP: Register handler for.MP4,.M4V,.M4A,.MP4V,.MP4A,.3GPP files
.MP4V: Register handler for.MP4V files
.M4A: Register handler for.M4A files
.3GPP: Register handler for.3GPP files

What’s New in the PreviewConfig?

Provides registry-based extensibility for users to control preview handlers and preview


The registered preview handler control the preview behavior of an application for a specific file

type. This allows preview engines to have a deeper insight in what the user is doing with a specific

type of file.

The registration of the handler is done via the following registry keys:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT << display name of the file type >>ProgId

HKEY_CURRENT_USER << Current user preferences.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE << Global user preferences

HKEY_USERS << User preferences.

To remove a preview handler, do the following:

1. From the Search dialogue, type <<display name of the file type>>ProgId

2. Under the list of values, select the key which you want to remove.

3. Press the Delete button.

To add a preview handler, do the following:

1. From the Search dialogue, type <<display name of the file type>>ProgId

2. Under the list of values, select the key which you want to add.

3. Press the Add button.

To change the registration properties of a preview handler, do the following:

1. In the left-hand pane of the Register dialog, select <<display name of the file type>>ProgId.

2. Under the list of values, select the key which you want to change.

3. Change the type and data of the value.

4. Press the OK button to update the registry key.

To configure the handler for the ProgID, do the following:

1. In the left-hand pane of the Add dialog, select <<display name of the file type>>ProgId.

2. In the right-hand pane, select the handler type

System Requirements:

Running on:
Minimum System Requirements:
There are two primary requirements for running SkyDrive on a system:
You need to be running Windows 7 Home or Windows 7 Professional, Home Premium or Windows 7 Ultimate in 64-bit mode.
You need to have at least 2 GB of RAM.
SkyDrive for Windows 8.1 was not tested on Windows 8.
SkyDrive for Windows 8.1 was tested on a system with 32 GB of RAM and Windows 7 Professional in 32-bit mode.

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