Autodesk AutoCAD Crack Download [2022-Latest]







AutoCAD Crack+

An illustration of a piece of model geometry created with AutoCAD Cracked Version. © 2010 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

View a timeline of major AutoCAD releases.

AutoCAD history

The AutoCAD product line is distinguished from other CAD programs in the industry in that it supports a single “CAD model” at any time. This allows users to turn all drawings, including vector lines, grids, and text into a single model, which enables them to copy and move this model around, giving users the ability to work on it in a way that would be impossible otherwise. This model, called the “drafting database”, is stored in an internal database, and is accessed through a single user interface called the “Drawing Environment”. Over time, the name of the Drafting Database has changed to Drafting Database.

AutoCAD was originally written in the GPC language, which was a commercial adaptation of PL/I. This language was designed by Mike May and the XDS Group in 1977, and was originally called A-PL/I.

AutoCAD v2 (1978-1981)

AutoCAD v2 was first introduced on April 23, 1978, on the IBM PC. This version of AutoCAD was written in the PL/1 language, which was also written by Mike May and the XDS Group. As opposed to PL/1, GPC is oriented towards debugging. PL/1 was always a bit more flexible in terms of programming, so the creators of AutoCAD preferred GPC.

A screenshot from AutoCAD v2 (1978). © 1978 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

AutoCAD v2 was very basic, containing a few basic commands, not many functions and a very limited number of drawing tools. The following versions of AutoCAD were built on the v2 foundation:

AutoCAD v2.1 (1979)

AutoCAD v2.1 was released on May 16, 1979. This version introduced the ability to scroll to the next and previous document. It also introduced the ability to navigate to a specific level of a folder.

AutoCAD v2.5 (1980)

AutoCAD v2.5 was released on October 17, 1980.

The following versions of AutoCAD were built on the v2.5 foundation:

AutoCAD v2.5.

AutoCAD Incl Product Key Download [2022-Latest]

Changes in version 17
This version is the first since 2006 to not use the new DXF format. For this and other reasons, Autodesk discontinued support for the old format in version 17.

An update for version 17.2 introduced Model Derivative which allows generation of derivative drawings, model from diagram, and model viewing and editing through its browser-based capabilities.

Autodesk has released a new ERDAS Imagine viewer that supports all of Autodesk’s new 2015 DWG 3D data formats, as well as the Model Derivative feature in AutoCAD Crack For Windows. The Imagine viewer features a high-performance, 3D display engine and a feature-rich UI. The software is designed for both Autodesk Revit and AutoCAD customers.

In 2016, Autodesk released the production release of AutoCAD WS and introduced the ability to easily generate 3D and 2D PDF files from within the software itself. This has helped Autodesk to reach new markets in the allied industries such as construction and architecture.

In 2016, Autodesk announced the new release of AutoCAD 2017 bringing better connectivity, updated connectivity tools and more robust software framework. The release of Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 marks the first major release of AutoCAD in over eight years. This release is an update to AutoCAD LT 2017 released in June 2015 with the ability to simultaneously open both AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD 2017 projects.

In 2017, Autodesk announced the second major release of AutoCAD in over seven years with its development, codenamed “AutoCAD 2017 Release 1.1.” This release focuses on enhancing and improving overall productivity through an extensive feature set that includes new functionality to improve efficiency, usability, and customization.

Autodesk developed the new seamless zoom and pan in 2016. This feature greatly improved the viewing experience for users who require high levels of zoom.

The new camera improvements were also introduced in 2016. In addition to zooming, the camera view and visual controls now have a follow the cursor feature, among other new controls. These controls are very intuitive and helpful for users to work more efficiently.

In 2017, Autodesk announced new functionality in AutoCAD 2017 to improve both design and 3D data workflow. The software now supports 3D content creation in AutoCAD 2017, with new 3D modeling features and 3D DGN/DWG data format support.

AutoCAD Crack +

Start Autocad.

Go to File > Options > General Options.

Select “Use driver licence information” and enable it.

Click OK.

Go to File > Options > Additional Drivers.

Choose the “Autocad Civil 3D 2006” and “Autodesk Inventor 2009” drivers.

Click OK.

Click OK again.

Click OK once more.

Go to File > Options > Language.

Choose “English (U.S.)”.

Click OK.

Go to File > Options > User Interface.

Choose “Autodesk DWG 2013” and “Autodesk AutoCAD 2012” interfaces.

Click OK.

Go to File > Options > Import & Export.

Choose “Autodesk DWG 2010” and “Autodesk AutoCAD 2009”.

Click OK.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Go to File > Options > Default Drafting Settings.

Choose “Autodesk DWG 2010”.

Click OK.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Go to File > Options > Language.

Choose “English (U.S.)”.

Click OK.

Click OK.

Go to File > Options > Tools.

Choose “Autodesk DWG 2010” and “Autodesk Inventor 2010”.

Click OK.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Go to File > Options > Language.

Choose “English (U.S.)”.

Click OK.

Click OK.

Go to File > Options > Default Drafting Settings.

Choose “Autodesk DWG 2012”.

Click OK.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Go to File > Options > Sound.

Choose “Autodesk DWG 2013” and “Autodesk Inventor 2009”.

Click OK.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Go to File > Options > Text.

Choose “Autodesk AutoCAD 2012” and “Autodesk AutoCAD 2009”.

Click OK.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

Click OK once more.

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Markup Assist adds a rich, interactive visual feedback and annotation experience to your drawings, using complex tooltips, graphical components, and state-of-the-art deep learning. Draw your designs to the best of your abilities, and don’t worry about the final result: AutoCAD will automatically help you make corrections. (video: 9:35 min.)

Customized Objects:

Save time by using custom object types in your drawing. Create new custom categories of shapes, and apply them to different drafting environments. (video: 1:02 min.)

Create new vector drawing custom object types in a snap, simply by defining a new class and a palette of pre-defined object properties.

Vector Workgroups:

Enjoy drafting in collaborative workgroups, without worrying about disturbing other people. Automatically organize and manage your drawing work, while everyone works in their own drawing view. (video: 2:06 min.)

Keep a clear view of the work while working with a group of people in parallel. Create and assign whole groups of vectors to a workgroup, so your views don’t get cluttered. Keep the group working in parallel, and collaborate easily.

Vector Raster Editing and Conversion:

Boost productivity by creating accurate conversions between different formats. Raster drawing objects are converted to vector or bitmap, and vice versa. (video: 1:35 min.)

Work effectively with the different drawing formats, and convert them quickly and accurately. Create vector drawings from raster images, and vice versa.

Cloud & WebDAV:

Easily share your drawings with others on the web, by connecting to Microsoft Azure and OneDrive. (video: 1:27 min.)

Work with files in remote locations on a local network, such as a partner’s office, or share your files with colleagues who don’t have AutoCAD. Access and edit files on a shared network drive, or on OneDrive or your personal cloud.


Automate your BIM workflows, quickly and efficiently. Use Microsoft Azure to automatically update your Revit models, and share them between you and your team.

Help and Training

We added a new user experience for help and training, with more convenient ways to access the content you need. With this new experience, you can browse the Help Topics quickly, without having to search through them, and

System Requirements:

Win 7, 8, 10 or Mac OS X v10.6 or higher.
1 GHz processor or faster.
512 MB RAM or more.
2 GB available hard disk space or more.
1366 x 768 display or higher
Internet connection is recommended.
DX9.0c or higher required for portrait.
1280×800 or higher recommended for landscape.
DX9.0c or higher required for portrait with TXAA.
DX9.0c or

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