AutoCAD 21.0 Civil 3D Full Version Free Download [April-2022]







AutoCAD 21.0 Crack + Free Download (Final 2022)

The initial AutoCAD Full Crack release was a consumer product for small businesses. Originally, all the tools were integrated into a single program, and menus and windows were centered on a single monitor. However, over time, Autodesk developed two versions of AutoCAD Activation Code:


The first version of AutoCAD was initially named AutoCAD 1.0 and then 2.0, and was released on December 11, 1982. AutoCAD 1.0 was not released with the “AutoCAD” name on the cover of the box or on the box itself. It was initially distributed as a standalone program or as a ROM-based version. It was a simple drafting program, not a full-featured CAD program.

AutoCAD 2.0 was not originally released with the “AutoCAD” name on the cover of the box or on the box itself. AutoCAD 2.0 was a full-featured CAD system that was introduced in December 1983, with a user interface that consisted of a single text-based window. AutoCAD 2.0 was later renamed to AutoCAD 2000.

The first five major versions (18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0, and 22.0) were numbered with Roman numerals. From AutoCAD 2012 and forward, versioning is expressed in the form of Arabic numerals.

Product line

AutoCAD is available for PCs running Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows RT, Xbox, and PlayStation. In addition, AutoCAD LT is available for a smaller number of operating systems and device types, and AutoCAD Web and mobile apps are available for web browsers and mobile phones.


Most often used by designers, architects, and engineers, AutoCAD is available for desktop computers and as a cloud-based application. AutoCAD can also be installed on tablets or used on a mobile device. For example, many universities have their own mobile applications that integrate with AutoCAD.

The company has made efforts to make AutoCAD usable by those without a technical background, such as in the introduction of the “Draw” command, which allows non-technical users to create basic drawings. For example, AutoCAD 2003 had a “Draw” command called “AutoCAD Graphic” that allowed users to generate basic 2D or 3D images. Although AutoCAD

AutoCAD 21.0

Release history

AutoCAD drawings contain the current date and time. AutoCAD is normally used with standard Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000 operating systems. AutoCAD’s installation includes a graphical user interface, which starts when the program is first launched. To use AutoCAD in non-graphical mode, AutoCAD must be installed using a command line. AutoCAD 2007 does not require installation in order to work. In AutoCAD, the full functionality is within the program itself and no special external software is required.

AutoCAD Classic can open DXF files. AutoCAD LT cannot open DXF files.

Key features

AutoCAD can be used on a network, to share drawing objects. AutoCAD LT cannot use a network.

File format
DXF (AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format) is the native AutoCAD file format. It is used to store 2D and 3D drawings. DXF can be read and written by any AutoCAD program.

DXF can contain engineering information, such as mass, length, height, and others. DXF files can be created in several different views: orthographic (overhead or ground), perspective (front), section (profile), and detail (cross-section or sheet).

Engineers can also use these drawings for engineering reports, such as 3D computer-aided design (CAD) documentation.

DXF is AutoCAD’s native file format. In AutoCAD Classic and in AutoCAD LT the drawing can be opened and saved in a wide variety of formats. The user can choose the file format from a dialog box in the Options/File menu or from the command line.

AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD Mechanical can be used on Windows, Macintosh, Linux, AIX, and others. AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT can also be used on mobile devices.

Mobile devices
Since 2010, AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT are natively available on all mobile operating systems (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Symbian).

File types
Most files in AutoCAD are designed to be opened and saved in a non-collaborative environment (single user). When the file is opened by another user, the file is locked so it can’t be changed. Any file that the user doesn’t own cannot be

AutoCAD 21.0 Crack With Full Keygen


Select the language in which Autocad 2017 will be installed.

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

In addition, you can use Markup Assist to learn and understand what a CAD symbol or text is, and quickly recognize what needs to be done to your drawings to make it more accurate and understandable.

Easily assign parts of the drawings to each other and keep a clear overview.

Accurate points and arcs automatically created

With the new Incremental Pointing feature, points and curves are calculated automatically, and you don’t have to type them in.

Multiple direct editing tools for right-click and features

Simplified user interface for the right-click menu and more accessible editing tools. A graphical tool bar provides a quick reference to tools and options, and you can quickly assign a tool to specific actions using the Tool Palette.

Improved contextual reference images

Using the second dimension tool now includes a number of reference images in the tooltip, which can help you better visualize the 3D geometry.

Multi-layer editing

You can now edit multiple layers simultaneously, including working on a locked layer.

Access to content in PDF files

You can now access content in PDF files and make changes directly in your drawing.

A new join dialog simplifies the creation of complex multi-spline fillet joints.

New hidden blocks

You can add hidden blocks to your drawings to make work easier and keep your drawing clean.

New tools

Automatic leveling

Level your drawing to the current elevation by automatically generating geometrical constraints to match the elevation of your drawing.

More convenient measurement tools

Direct measurement tools, including the new Compass tool, have been simplified and updated. In addition, you can measure work based on the layout and select an exact location to measure directly from the Measurement Toolbar or the Measure Object feature.

Improved Windows support

Use the new Windows key, plus to maximize the window or open a sub-window, and win + left or win + right to minimize or close a sub-window.

Improved grayscale rendering

Grayscale rendering in AutoCAD has been improved to use less memory and make drawing faster.

New features

Improved the tifl/winprint family of software products to support on-demand printing.

Added new file filters, such as OLE2, SVG, or PPTX.

Added new sample data files.

Added new erasing and drawing methods, including

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7/8/10.
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or later
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or ATI HD 4870
Processor: Intel Core i5 or later
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD 7900
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