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LARA, also known as Lightweight Architecture for boundedly Rational Agents is a reliable framework that helps users to easily handle high numbers of heterogeneous agents.
With the help of LARA you have the possibility to fill the gap between the frameworks because of the prefabricated components of an agent’s decision such as memory or perception.







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– A framework for reliable multi-agent systems.
– A ready-to-use agent framework with a unique heterogeneous decision module
– Module for heterogeneous agent generation
– Spatial agents, multi-agent systems and their handling with good and bad agents
– An agent manager for agent-based tasks
– Extensions for different decision domains: reasoning, reactive or imperative programming, communication, and mobility

Special Offer! You get your license to use Lara FREE for life, because Lara is open source.

Version 2.0 of LARA is available now.Version 2.0 improves a lot in comparison with version 1.9. It includes some new features such as:
– A Framework for a good and bad decision in case of bad decisions.
– New Components
– Distributed Skills
– New Components
– Reactive Programming
– Activity Dependent Life Cycle
– New Open Source Components
– Distributable
– Distributed Learning
– New Components
– Distributed Intersubjective Coordination
– New Components
– Distributed Object Serialization
– Distributed Memory
– Reactive Programming
– Communication and Solving Conflicts
– Decision Domain in the Base Module
– Mobility
– Memory


LARA version 2.0 supports multithreading. Therefore you can assign multiple threads to an agent. You can call the default mode that is task oriented (that means each agent executes an task) or the reactive mode that is a more random (or waiting for a decision) way of working. The mode will be chosen automatically according to the configuration of the agent. Therefore the distributed agent runs more often than task oriented agents. The component “Task Manager” helps to call the task manager with a new thread if you use the “random” mode.

LARA 2.0 is completely re-coded from the bottom up to be ready for Java version 8.

LARA is now optimized for Java 8. Version 2.0 is designed as one big library and does not depend on any JRE.

An interface abstraction has been added to simplify the module for the agent. This abstraction was previously available in the LARA base module. The interface abstracts the process of process the module and the way it interacts with its environment. The abstract interface allows you to change the behavior of the module independently.

LARA 2.0 supports C/C++ development. The module is now also usable as dynamic library.

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LARA Torrent Download is divided into two main macro-components: the Logical Agent, LARA_Agent, which has the necessity to encapsulate all the agent’s individual decision making process and the Controller that represents the interaction between the agent and the environment.
The Logical Agent or just LARA_Agent is able to execute a task for an agent in order to make it behave in a specified way. It has the ability to encapsulate all the complex logic that a decision making agent needs for a given task, such as the logic of deciding if a situation is safe, deciding which action to take, or deciding which action to adopt in a specified situation.
The Controller or the Environment Simulator, LARA_Controller, is responsible for simulating and controlling the environment and its interaction with an agent.
The Controller is able to control all the possible actions an agent can take. For example, it simulates the agents actions in a game or a robot.
LARA_Controller is able to provide the Logical Agent with information from a specific environment or task. The Controller is also able to provide a Logical Agent with the possible actions the agent can take. This way the Logical Agent can combine these two ideas and make an intelligent decision.
LARA_Controller is able to execute different environments or tasks with the same and multiple Logical Agents at the same time.
Furthermore, the environment is abstracted, allowing the implementation of different environments with the same Controller.
LARA_Agent is able to manage several Logical Agents (eg. a team of agents). The Logical Agent has the possibility to set them up before executing the task. LARA_Agent is able to manage multiple environments and the interactions with them, making LARA_Agent the perfect framework for agents that work in a group.
Why Use LARA Framework?
LARA is implemented in such a way that it can be used for many different agents such as a robot, a game character or a driver that manages a crowd of people. In case the task is too complex and needs to be split into several logical agents the framework can help.
LARA’s use of components allows a user to easily add logic to the agent without having to be an expert programmer. For instance, the Logical Agent can be programmed to distinguish if the situation is dangerous or not by analysing the perception.
LARA is built on the following ideas:
The agent can make decisions in a way that is intuitive and easy to understand.

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LARA uses a single global pool where agents can retrieve whatever they need for an agent’s decision.
You can add agents in the LARA.Agent class and give them their own set of characteristics such as memory size, perceptual filters, number of requests, and so on.
If you don’t know how to create an agent or if you want to go a bit deeper into what LARA offers, you can read the comprehensive description of the framework.

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What’s New in the?

LARA is a modular and extendible framework for the simulation of boundedly rational agents. LARA provides data types for the simulation of real-world or artificial agents. By using the LARA framework, it is possible to model arbitrarily complex agent behavior such as the ability to learn, to communicate, to change individual parameters, to move, to make decisions or to act in groups. An agent can be virtually divided into several classes, making it possible to provide an agent with appropriate modules. For example, an agent may be able to remember information. In such a case, it will only be able to store information in memory that it considers relevant. This is possible by using a memory manager and defining the characteristics of the agents individual memory. Furthermore, memory managers can be combined with LARA to create a memory that contains every possible combination of stored information and memory size. A successful implementation is crucial for the simulation of a large number of agents.

LARA is developed in Java and is available in the public domain. It can be used to model a variety of agent-based simulations. The framework is able to simulate agents of different kinds, including more complex behaviors such as learning. LARA is written in a C++ style and its development is based on open source components. The source code for all components is provided in the public domain.

LARA is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, and is available on the web at

Questions and feedback are welcome. The development of the framework and the agent’s examples is supported by the P-P-D foundation (

Thomas Vander Quelle

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